Illuminati notes, Part 3

Posted By on September 10, 2023

Count Alessandro de Cagliostro (also known as Giuseppe Balsamo), a Jew from Sicily, who was said to be one of the greatest occult practitioners of all time, was initiated into the Illuminati at Mitau (near Frankfurt) in 1780, in an underground room. He later said that an iron box filled with papers was opened, and a book taken out. From it, a member read the oath of secrecy, which began: “We, Grand Masters of Templars…” It was written in blood. The book was an outline of their plans, which included an attack on Rome. He discovered that they had money at their disposal in banks at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, London, Genoa, and Venice. He found out that the Illuminati had 20,000 lodges throughout Europe and America and that their members served in every European court. Cagliostro was instructed to go to Strasbourg, France, to make the initial contacts necessary for the instigation of the French Revolution. Identified as a Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion, it is believed that he was the liaison between them and the Illuminati. He was arrested in 1790 in Rome for revolutionary activities.

The French Masons had committed themselves to a plan for overthrowing the government, under the guise of liberty and equality, ending the autocratic regimes in order to have government by and for the people. Jeremy Bentham and William Petty (Earl of Shelburne) planned and directed the French Revolution, then later directed the [Illuminati] plot towards America.

In 1788, at the request of Mirabeau and Talleyrand, Johann Joachim Christoph Bode (1730-1793, ‘Amelius’), a lawyer at Weimar and a Mason, was summoned to France. He had been initiated into the Illuminati at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad and later took over the Order in the absence of Weishaupt. Bode and Baron de Busche (‘Bayard’), a Dutch military officer in the service of the Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt, in order to conceal the purpose of their presence in France, said they were there to investigate the influence of the Jesuits on the secret societies. However, the real reason for them being there was to further the goals of the Illuminati in France. They operated out of the Lodge of the Amis Reunis, changing its name to ‘Philalethes,’ which means ‘searchers after the truth.’ (more…)

News for September 9, 2030

Posted By on September 8, 2023

Anti-Defamation League tries to censor Twitter, leading to a Twitter campaign to ban the ADL. Exposing ADL censorship is high priority if we are going to defeat the jews.

NSA and other government agencies support the ADL attempt to censor Twitter. Israel, Mossad, NSA, ADL are the same thing.

Why does this jew get to censor Twitter?

Who elected Jonathan Greenblatt? Why does he get to be the arbiter of free speech online?#BanTheADL

— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) September 1, 2023

Twitter censors RFK, Jr. on Pfizer vaccine deaths.

Debunking the ADL’s lies:


ADL’s CEO broke his silence on ? and Elon by lying and trapping the host:

1) He claimed that Elon brought and amplified anti-semitism and hate speech back to the platform.

This is NOT TRUE. The ? Safety team shared that…

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) September 6, 2023

ADL has been found guilty of defamation before.

Trump’s jewish policies.

The U.S. plan to turn Ukraine into Israel.

Zelensky asks Europe to return 160,000 migrants for Ukraine war effort. Draft will include women, disabled.

Ukraine minister of defense resigns, should have been prosecuted for corruption.

EU runs out of money to support Ukraine.

Blinken gives Ukraine $500 million for green energy.

Blinken announces that the US is pledging to contribute over $520 million to Ukraine for green energy.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 6, 2023

China will mediate Niger crisis. France negotiating to withdraw troops.

Vibrant diversicrats seize control of Paris city hall.

Southern Poverty Law Center aided Atlanta Antifa terrorists.

Illegal immigrant digital ID system tied to sex abuse.

Pfizer tested its vaccines on 23 people before seeking FDA approval.

$280 billion in covid relief missing. The present administration is a crime syndicate.

Robert Malone comments on Pfizer v. Moderna lawsuit.

Obama lifted U.S. ban on gain of function research just 11 days before Trump took office.

17,000 doctors say not to take the covid vaccine:

BREAKING NEWS: 17,000 Scientists and Physicians warn that the COVID (Vaccines) Experimental Genetic Therapy Injections Must End. They cause far more harm than good. Vaccinated more at risk of disease and death. It damages the heart, brain, reproduction, lungs and immune system.

— Truth Justice ™ (@SpartaJustice) December 28, 2022

Military confirms 5G causes covid:

How they are connecting human bodies to the internet with 5G and covid vaccines:

The UN world depopulation agreement:

A deep dig into Hollywood’s black eye club.

Google will ban independent media from using its search results. More censorship.

Town bans kids from having mobile phones.

Edward Ring argues that the environmentalists are not saving the environment and need to be opposed.

Shell dumps carbon credit scheme.

You might want to join an activist group. Here are a few.

Feminism is a mental illness.

Pearl Davis classifies the whores:

The hierarchy of whoredom

— H. Pearl Davis (@pearlythingz) September 7, 2023

The Illuminati created Communist China and continue to wield control. Chinese nationals crossing the U.S. border give rise to fears of spying, but we believe they are here for street combat.

The CIA used false UFO stories to distract from their operations.

Hunter Wallace has a few remarks on the unsatisfactory state of the Alt Right.

Yourie Roshka argues that the growth of the BRICS will not delay the NWO takeover. Well put. He argues that BRIC support for free trade, the UN, the International Monetary Fund, feminism, the UNFCCC promoting climate change, covid vaccines, etc. represent allegiance to the Rockefeller (Rothschild) agenda. This is very important to understand because we had been hoping that BRIC opposition to the Biden socialists might make a difference. Our hopes are dashed. Similar reporting here.

First red heifer in 2000 years born in Israel, which signifies that Israel can build its third temple and begin sacrificing animals there to its bloodthirsty god YHWH.

The Jews in Weimar Germany used their propaganda levers to ridicule German ideals and culture. They even slandered the memory of the fallen German soldiers of World War I. During the horror days of the great Weimar inflation, Jews remained wealthy and prospered at the losses of the masses. They took expensive vacations while ordinary Germans starved.

Today, Jews control vast areas of wealth in America. Estimates range up to 70%. Whatever the figure, it is huge and immensely out of proportion to their 2% of the population in American society.

Today the U.S. is totally dominated by Jews. Virtually every newspaper or magazine is owned by Jews. Their self-serving propaganda constantly fills the TV screen. The Federal government is totally under Jewish control. US military forces are the pawn of Israel. The banks and the markets are theirs. They systematically denigrate our Founding Fathers and our heritage and our Constitution.

Emma Kok sings:

News for September 2, 2023

Posted By on September 1, 2023

Biden used fake names on over 5,400 emails to lubricate his corruption.

World Economic Forum cancels U.S. elections:

Niger demands France withdraw troops, ambassador. Europe mulls response.

Another military coup in Gabon.

GABON: Another bloodless coup and another round of jubilations by locals. The panic wave has finally arrived in Europe. Please watch to the end.

— J. C. Okechukwu (@jcokechukwu) August 30, 2023

The cover-up in Maui.

U.S. blames failed counteroffensive on poor military tactics by Ukraine.

Zelensky says there will be elections in Ukraine only if U.S. pays for them. Biden doesn’t believe in elections, either.

Statistics on the BRICS expansion. The U.S. is going to get more isolated, but China is holding back the issuance of the rival BRICS currency.

Biden wants to limit Americans to 2 beers per week.

Biden sought control over TikTok.

Democrat governor of Massachusetts calls up National Guard to deal with migrant crisis.

All covid variants were made in a lab.

Military whistleblower says huge spike in heart failure among the vaxxed.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has halted the collection of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events reports through the agency’s V-Safe page.

How the CIA took over the media:

How CIA propaganda works. Every American and non-American should watch this video like 25 times.

Else, you’re just a brainwashed dummy, regurgitating whatever rubbish that’s programmed into your skull.

Operation Mockingbird – John Stockwell, CIA agent explains.

— S.L. Kanthan (@Kanthan2030) August 23, 2023

RFK: CIA conducted over 200 experiments on millions of Americans.

General McChrystal says U.S. blew up Nordstream pipeline.

The WHO takeover of governments:

Is this real?

— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) August 27, 2023

Nurse leaks covid plan:

Bill Gates: Those who refuse the vaccines will be excluded from society:

1,600 scientists say there is no climate emergency.

Stock of world’s largest wind farm maker crashes.

European Digital Service Act will force social media to increase censorship.

Scientist says he has discovered interstellar objects beneath the sea.

Neo-Nazis in Georgia?

Australia bans Nazi symbols. There can be no defense from jewish takeover.

American Library Foundation president is devoted to queer Marxism to destroy the family.

Tranny coffee shop in Philadelphia fails because of queer Marxist dysfunction.

Putin says the West is trying to destroy the family by normalizing pedophilia.

Richard Presser has something on how the jewish elites rewired the world after World War II.

Clintons traffick children out of Haiti. Watch other parts of this series for more child trafficking revelations.

CIA agent says CIA created adrenochrome farms:

Could giants have been this big?

Illuminati notes, Part 2

Posted By on August 28, 2023

“As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come… And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World… We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. We have made it an honor, a great honor, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose.

“One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of the Jews; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World… We have induced some of our children to join the Christian Body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Christian Church, by creating scandals within her. We have thus followed the advice of our Prince of the Jews, who so wisely said: ‘Let some of your children become cannons, so that they may destroy the Church.’ Unfortunately, not all among the ‘convert’ Jews have proved faithful to their mission. Many of them have even betrayed us! But, on the other hand, others have kept their promise and honored their word. Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful.

“We are the Fathers of all Revolutions, even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation (which was to convince Christians it was alright to charge usury and other damnable heresies which are in violation of God’s Laws). (more…)

News for August 26, 2023

Posted By on August 25, 2023

North Korea is demanding unification with South Korea under North Korean rule or it will attack the United States with nuclear weapons.

Niger’s neighbors say they are ready to invade. Russia and China are ready to defend Niger coup. African war could ripple.

Six new members join BRICS. Many more waiting to join. Biden’s foreign policies have turned most the world against him, and the BRICS are dethroning the U.S. dollar. Biden seems like the most incompetent president in U.S. history, and we have had many Illuminati presidents.

Putin says he didn’t kill Wagner. Could have been NATO or the CIA. We will probably never know.

Serbia president says Ukraine war has crushed the European economy. Biden blowing up the Nordstream pipeline didn’t help.

U.S. total aid to Ukraine exceeds $160 billion. We could have done a lot of things with that money besides killing people and blowing stuff up.

Ukrainians blame Zelensky for corruption. Lots of corrupt jewish oligarchs in Ukraine.

More Ukrainians coming to U.S. But males ages 18 to 64 are forbidden to leave Ukraine.

FEMA asks Maui officials to block posting of images on social media. A couple of reports on the ground.

Sex trafficking on Maui. Home of Oprah Winfrey.

Russia issues 2,000 page report blaming Big Pharma and the deep state for causing the covid pandemic.

???? China and Russia have now accused the US of starting engaging in global biological warfare.

— Jackson Hinkle ?? (@jacksonhinklle) August 22, 2023

Biden gives $5 billion to fund next covid pandemic.

Pfizer lied about their mRNA vaccines. They are modRNA, not mRNA, and are designed to change genes. Also here.

Lab tests on mice show covid vaccine causes cancer.

David Martin explains everything covid very well. However, his idea that the Khazarian Mafia is already defeated is a false analogy. No one has put a spear through the brain of the Rothschild rhino. You can always count on the Christians to claim problem solved without actually ever doing anything. Imagine if a Christian leader in Russia had said the threat from bolshevik freemasonry is over before the revolution occurred, then the jews kill 100 million Christians. It takes a special kind of “faith” to ignore these historical realities.

“The immense sadistic crimes of Stalin bore the typical stamp of Judaism. He had whole villages assassinated, more than thirty million Russians, with rabbinic rage and brutality. The way of life he established in Russia was that of the Jewish Kahal.”

“The more power a government has, the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects.” R. J. Rummel, Death by Government: A History of Mass Murder and Genocide Since 1900

One way to avoid your doctor.

Taco Bell to go digital. This is going to be a wave.

Robots now say they want to take over the world. Doesn’t look like anyone can stop them. You can ignore the “Jesus will fix the problem” solution proposed at the end. These Jesus people always say you never have to organize to do anything, miracles solve all problems.

WEF and UN are behind the anal sex perversion push:

WEF – World Economic Forum promoting LGBTQ poisonous ideology.

Why am I not surprised……are they behind it all?

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 18, 2023

Good anti-Marxist lecture by Michael Shellenberger. It’s all just a pack of lies.

14-year-old girl crushes Marxist schoolboard:

MUST WATCH VIDEO As 14 Year Old Girl HUMILIATES WOKE Liberal School Board.

— I Meme Therefore I Am ?? (@ImMeme0) August 22, 2023

“Wuhan’s other epidemic,” Christopher F. Rufo: “…many don’t know that Wuhan is also the source of another deadly epidemic: America’s fentanyl overdoses… Over the past decade, Wuhan has emerged as the global headquarters for fentanyl production. The city’s chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers hide production of the drug within their larger, licit manufacturing operations, and then ship it abroad using deliberately mislabeled packaging, concealment techniques, and a complex network of forwarding addresses. According to a recent ABC News report, ‘huge amounts of these mail-order [fentanyl] components can be traced to a single, state-subsidized company [Yuancheng] in Wuhan.’”, May 12, 2020

26 states involved in corruption and racketeering. We would like to know more about this as we suspect state-level “deep states” at work almost everywhere.

14 cities to ban meat, dairy, and cars by 2030. Well, they are telling you in advance what they are going to do. Conspiracy is not a theory.

British feminists achieve record for murder of babies.

Big Tech deleting stories about Hunter Biden from social media and web pages.

How Joe and Hunter Biden sold oil to China.

Joe Biden used email aliases to communicate with Hunter to avoid government scrutiny.

Professor fired for faking data to show systemic racism.

Why we think Trump is controlled opposition:

John Stonestreet, What’s Behind America’s “Great Dechurching?” We agree with Stonestreet that Christian faith is a force for good in society as high moral standards create trust. But we think he misses the point by blaming Christianity’s decline on too much individualism and churches trying to entertain. The decline of Christianity can be directly traced to the Scofield Bible translation, which altered passages to make restoration of the hebrews to Palestine seem like God’s will. This shifted Christian allegiance to Israel at a time when Christians needed to know the truth about jewish hatred for Christianity. Scofield was an Illuminati agent. Widespread Catholic sex abuse of children gave Christianity a black eye, and Marxist infiltration of the school system meant that Christians were sending their children to school with the enemy. Feminism seduced Christian women, and of course the media was dominated by jews. In retrospect it seems that Christians were completely unprepared to deal with the threats directed at them by the jewish conspiracy of the New World Order.

Claude Monet:

Illuminati notes, Part 1

Posted By on August 19, 2023

These notes are from our reading about the Illuminati after publication of The Hidden Masters. They supplement our posts The Jews Around Weishaupt, The Shabbatean Frankist Illuminati, The Wilhelmsbad Convention of 1782, and Trail of the Serpent.


When the Illuminati was formed on Walpurgisnacht (eve of May 1st), 1776, five men gathered in a cavern deep beneath Ingolstadt in Bavaria and made contact with what they said were “unknown superiors.” One of these five men was Dr. Adam Weishaupt. The name Adam Weishaupt is profound in the sense that his name means “first man to know the superiors.” Here let it be noted that the five founders of the Illuminati used witchcraft rituals known as “The greater and lesser keys of Solomon,” which involved the “Pentacle of Invocation.” The pentacle is a three-dimensional, five-pointed star, and the number five became sacred to the Illuminati.

Far from being a starry-eyed idealist or fantasizing intellectual, Weishaupt was backed in his plan for world power by many of the leading Canaanite bankers of Europe; Moses Mendelssohn of Germany, Daniel Itzig of Vienna, Friedlander, Mayer, Meyer Cerfbeer, Moses Mocatta, and the Goldsmid brothers of London, Benjamin and Abraham. Remaining behind the scenes of Weishaupt’s operations, while liberally funding the growth of his movement, they secretly functioned as the Sovereign Patriarchal Council of Hamburg, the Supreme Jewish Lodge.

Jacob Katz, “Jews and Freemasonry in Europe,” Harvard Press, 1970, states that the German Freemasons originated in the Order of the Asiatica, of which the wealthy banker Daniel Itzig was head. Itzig was also the backer of Weishaupt. In 1811, the Frankfurt lodge of Freemasons was formed by Sigismund Geisenheimer (Geisenheimer was the head clerk of the House of Rothschild) and Rabbi Zvi Hirsch, chief Rabbi of Frankfurt.

Hirsch later led in the Reform Judaism movement, which formulated the political Zionist program. The Frankfurt lodge listed among its members all of the leading bankers of Frankfurt, the Rothschilds, the Adlers, the Speyers, the Hanuers, and the Goldschmidts; they later held joint meetings with the Sanhedrin of Paris. Duke Carl von Hessen of Schleswig then became the head of the German masons. As Landgrave, he administered the province of Schleswig for its absentee owners, the Danish monarchy. His principal emissary was a mysterious “Johnston,” variously said to be a Jew named Leicht, Leucht, or Becker. He was arrested while on a mission for the masonic movement, and he died while held prisoner in the Castle of Wartburg.

The leaders of Freemasonry-Illuminati were known as the Order of the Strict Observance; they were Prince Charles of Hesse (Eques a Leoni Resurgente) and von Haugwitz, Frederick’s cabinet minister, known as “Eques a Monte dancti.” Behind him were still another group, known as “the Invisibles,” or the Unknown Superiors, who have been previously identified as the Sovereign Patriarchal Council.

From the Illuminati headquarters at Frankfurt came the twin Canaanite evils which have since plagued the world, Zionism and Communism. The first Communist International was composed of Lionel de Rothschild, Heinrich Heine, and Karl Marx.

The other arm of the worldwide revolutionary movement was Zionism, which aimed to enlist the international force of the Jews in a campaign to establish a State of Israel as the world’s supreme ruling power.

Since this was also the vowed purpose of Freemasonry, to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, and to fi1l it with all of the wealth of the world, Zionism’s initial appearance came through Freemasonry. It was first known as “Reform Judaism.” Graetz’ History of the Jews, v. 5, p. 674, states that: “The first Jewish Freemason Lodge, at Frankfurt-on-main, was the heart of the Jewish Reform Movement.” In 1842, the Society of Friends of Reform (Judaism) at Frankfurt issued its principles:

(1) the denial of the legal authority of the Babylonian Talmud, substituting for it instead the Old Testament;
(2) the denial that the Messiah would lead them back to Jerusalem;
(3) temple service was to be conducted in the vernacular;
(4) women could now be allowed to sit beside men in the synagogue, instead of being segregated, as had always been required by Orthodox Judaism.

Reform Judaism launched a number of programs besides Zionism; ecumenism, that is, active cooperation with leaders and congregations of other faiths; feminism, equality of the sexes; but their most important concept, that the Messiah would never appear on earth to lead them back to Jerusalem, opened the door for the seeking of this goal by political activism, that is, Zionism.


News for August 19, 2023

Posted By on August 19, 2023

Lots of reporting in the alt media that the Lahaina fire was caused by laser weapons.

Eyewitness survivor speaks. And this.

The government of Hawaii wants to make Maui the first Smart Island.

U.S. Space Force headquarters are located just east of Lahaina.

China talks about the illegal annexation of Hawaii.

China says it has developed laser weapons that can continue to fire indefinitely. A good reason not to go to war with China.

African Union rejects military action in Niger. Peace, for the moment.

The military coup in Niger might not ripple, but Patrick Lawrence explains why it might.

Observers are pretty unanimous in concluding that Ukraine’s military offensive has failed. Ukraine launches terrorist drone attack on Moscow’s financial center.

How Biden squashed Ukraine’s peace talks.

Poland sends 10,000 troops to border with Belarus. Poland could enter the war to get territory.

Biden planning to build new cities for illegal immigrants, with your money, of course.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense accuses U.S. of planning a new pandemic.

Full video of Russian MoD’s Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov report on how the US has started preparing for a new pandemic, new information about Pentagon’s biological warfare program and documents uncovered during the special operation in Ukraine.

— COMBATE |?? (@upholdreality) August 16, 2023

The next pandemic will arrive in October.

Covid variant discovered in UK.

Russia is planning a refuge for whites who want to escape from South Africa.

UK health crisis: Over 7.6 million on waiting list for hospital treatment. Socialized medicine is just another one of their many screw jobs.

UK is pioneering the “no cash, no shopping, no banks, just home delivery” style of shopping. They want us to just stay home. Coming to a country near you.

Friday Orwellian Special

Scanning is required to enter and exit new Whole Foods in

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) August 18, 2023

Migrant mob attacks AfD politician in Germany. Antifa is strong in Germany.

Nationwide cell network connects election equipment, allows federal government to access election precincts. We think it’s a sure bet the Democrats will fix the election in 2024, too.

Jeffrey Tucker wonders how the vaccine industry was able to buy governments.

EcoHealth Alliance faces lawsuit for gain-of-function research. Good luck with that.

Centers for Disease Control data show over 118,000 children died suddenly after taking the covid vaccine. But Pfizer and the various governments continue to march on with the jabs.

Florida Republicans declare covid vaccines a bioweapon.

Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakuši?, doesn’t mince his words to the EU Parliament:

“It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organisation].”

“[The WHO] should be declared a…

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 13, 2023

Stop World Control has an overview of the covid pandemic—lies, fraud, censorship, mass murder.

Chossudovsky says Bill Gates profited from insider trading on the pandemic.

Scientists say EPA climate regulations are based on a hoax.

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: Net Zero policies will result in the genocide of half the population.

“If we banned fossil fuels, agricultural production would collapse in a very short period of time.. People will begin to starve… and half the population will die in a…

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 15, 2023

Google partners with UN, WHO and others to roll out global censorship tool.

How Israeli Intelligence took over Meta, Google, and Microsoft.

Inside the jewish censorship command center:

The Great Awakening documentary. In case you never heard of New World Order University.

Massive floods in China as economy takes a nosedive and Evergrande declares bankruptcy.

Robert Kennedy speaks about the role of the CIA in the assassination of JFK.

Kennedy explains Anthony Fauci’s crimes:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr… 300 scientists wrote to President Obama warning that he must shut down Anthony Fauci because he’s going to create a microbe that will cause a global pandemic..

Obama shut down 18 of the most dangerous BSL4 labs in America and allowed Fauci to shift his…

— Pelham (@Resist_05) August 15, 2023

What the Democrats did to Los Angeles.

Canada’s DEI program leads to suicide.

White guys are now pretending to be black to get into college.

Crime is so bad in Washington, D.C. that Democrats want to call up the National Guard.

UFO whistleblower David Grusch gets some blowback.

We have never been keen on protesting or dressing up in Nazi uniforms or holding public rallies. Such organizations are easily infiltrated and suppressed, and these activities give the socialists in power the opportunity to take away more of our rights.

The Rhodes scholars were indoctrinated in Illuminati globalism. Unlimited Hangout covers Cecil Rhodes’s influence on the twentieth century.

2-minute video explaining why the Hebrew Bible is a hoax:

Of course you are going to need more than this to understand that the Hebrew Bible is jewish fiction. The Babylonian tablets tell the story of the Annunaki in Sumer, which is a more complete version of the bible stories.

The story of Putin and the jewish oligarchs, at Real History.

The real Oppenheimer was a jewish traitor.  Hollywood movies are just jew mind poison.

Freemasons are agents of the reptilian Annunaki. 

Pedophilia and cannibalism are instinctive behaviors of the Annunaki and their bloodline remnants.

We have seen references at alt websites to the idea that only about one-third of humans have a soul. This finding is the result of research by Corrado Malanga using something he calls the triad color test. Eve Lorgan reports on this research as well as problems caused by sexual relationships with people possessed by interdimensional entities. We believe it’s possible to pick up a demon from sexual intercourse, which is why discernment is high priority in choosing a sex partner. Like your mama said, unless your mama was a feminist.

Rothschilds into seventh generation of family rule.

This is news: Alex Jones approves of transgender surgeries. How disappointing. We haven’t followed Alex for years because we have good sources and we can read, but we appreciate his contribution in the early years of his show. Pro-jewish and pro-tranny is just too much for us to support this guy.

John Prine, Summer’s End