Atlantis and Occult Histories
Colin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath, The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization, New York: Delacorte Press, 2000. Offers evidence supporting the thesis of contact between widely divergent civilizations in ancient times. Cites many sources and probes into the beliefs of many cultures. Recounts the story of James Bruce's discovery of the Book of Enoch and Christian O¹Brien's account of Eden drawn from Babylonian texts. Discusses Flood literature. Supports the myth of the Priory of Sion. A good introduction to occult history taking a more scientific form. Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race, Rochester, VT: Bear & Company, 1996, 2001. Draws from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Iranian texts to construct a prehistory of Babylon. Coordinates these texts with archaeological finds at Catal Huyuk and builds a chronology involving shamanism, Great Mother, the Magi, Mandeans, Zoroaster, and the Yezidi, extending to Egypt and the builders of the pyramids. Collins charges the scholars of Egypt and the priests of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam with bad faith for suppressing his version of the hidden history. Collins supports Edgar Cayce and Graham Hancock's belief in Atlantis while debunking Sitchin and the ancient astronaut hypothesis. A provocative book involving impressive scholarship, but his belief in Atlantis, mankind's collective amnesia, and the nobility of the Watchers as mankind¹s teachers are weak conclusions. Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1969. Tr. by Guido Stucco.A broad overview of ancient history that upholds ideas of kingship, aristocracy, and hierarchy as well as class divisions when supported by spirituality and high values. Evola considers collectivism and materialism as degenerate, hence he is unanimously criticized on the Left as a spokesman for Fascism. A classic anti-modernist survey of history. George Feuerstein, Subhash Kak, and David Frawley, In Search of the Cradle of Civilization, Wheaton IL: Quest Books, 1995. Revisionist Aryan history discussing the polar cosmos, Manu, astrological ages, Great Mother, Hinduism, sky gods. Postulates a great Indus Valley civilization and rejects the Aryan invasion hypothesis. Adrian G. Gilbert, The Mayan Prophecies. Rockport, Ma: Element Books, 1995. Scholarly overview of the Mayans suggesting they possessed hidden knowledge in their astronomy. Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn, The Shining Ones: The World¹s Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed, London: Watkins Publishing, 2006. Ancient gods and goddesses, religious and astronomical symbolism, the serpent cult interpreted as ancient wisdom. Elevates shamanism, Isis, Gnosticism, Gurdjieff. Draws from questionable occult literature to reveal questionable occult secrets, such as the corruption of the Knights Templar. Not useful. Richard Rudgley, The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age, New York: The Free Press, 1999. Review of archaeological evidence and theories of influence and invention before the rise of civilization. Attempts to separate Babylon from Egypt. Discusses Aryan shamanism from archaeological evidence. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Ultima Thule: Further Mysteries of the Arctic. New York: Macmillan, 1940. Scholarly overview of beliefs about the far north. Greek ideas about the world, colonization of Greenland, Nordic myths, Columbus' voyage to Iceland. Colin Wilson, From Atlantis to the Sphinx, New York: Fromm International Publishing, 1996.Claims that the priests of Atlantis gave the Egyptians the arts of civilization. Schwaller, Gurdjieff, John Anthony West, Graham Hancock, Charles Hapgood, Charles Piazzi Smyth, Robert Bauval Rand Flem-Ath, James Churchward, a mix of pseudoscience and occultism. Useful as a summary of current occult thinking. Geoffrey Ashe, Atlantis: Lost lands, Ancient Wisdom, London: Thames and Hudson, 1992. Brief scholarly overview of occult and pseudoscientific beliefs about Atlantis. Mark Amaru Pinkham, The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997. Occult interpretation of serpent symbolism as wisdom equated with kundalini energy. Dragon lairs, teleportation between universes, Mu, Atlantis, Cabala, Gnosticism, Mary Magdalene, the usual occult claims of an ancient wisdom. Fails to mention human sacrifices in the serpent cult. Only interesting as a summary of false occult beliefs. Sumathi Ramaswamy, The Lost Land of Lemuria, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. Nice account of Ernst Haeckel¹s (The History of Creation) creation of the Lemuria hypothesis and its subsequent use by modern occult historians. Ramaswamy points out the general lack of criticism of modernity and its power to marginalize all local and spiritual beliefs. Ramaswamy finds occultism inadequate as a basis for criticizing modernity due to its reliance on discredited scientific hypotheses as the basis for occult histories. However, Ramaswamy overlooks the credibility of some occultists as eyewitnesses to the beliefs and activities of the secret societies. A valuable contribution to the history of ideas dealing with modern occultism and the totalitarian menace of modernity. .
James H. Billington, Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, New York: Basic Books, 1980. Updating of the Illuminati role in the French Revolution from original research in French and German archives by the U.S. Librarian of Congress and expert in the history of revolution. Documents the origin of Illuminism in occultism as well as Enlightenment beliefs. Adam Weishaupt's final blueprint for the French Revolution was titled Pythagoras, indicating the Illuminati interest in number mysticism. Discusses tactical and ideological squabbles after the French Revolution. Names many now-obscure Illuminati and Masonic groups and traces Illuminism as Communism through the Russian Revolution. How Saint-Just, Mirabeau, Desmoulins, and Bonneville became illuminated. Documents the collaboration between Blanqui and Marx in a desperate search for a justification for revolution in a movement lacking followers. A valuable rebuttal to Marxist and liberal histories of the French Revolution. Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, Boston, Small, Maynard, 1921. One of the most influential histories of the Illuminati up to World War I. Required reading. Webster's critics have found errors in her histories but have not rebutted her main themes. Carl Wittke, The Utopian Communist, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1950. How Karl Marx took over the League of the Just. Buonarroti, Mazzini, the German Bund as heirs of the Illuminati Clarence Kelly, Conspiracy Against God and Man, Boston: Western Islands, 1974. Useful overview of Illuminism, including a search for occult precedents and influences. Jewish Conspiracy Myths Howard M. Sachar, A History of the Jews in the Modern World, New York: Knopf, 2005. A sober, detailed, and objective review of nineteenth-century scholarship about Aryans and Jews, the rise of Zionism, Jews in Marxism and in Russia, political maneuvering over the establishment of the state of Israel. Jacob Katz, Jews and Freemasons in Europe, 1723-1939. Ann Arbor, MI: Books on Demand, 1999. History of the Jews in Freemasonry, the Protocols, German anti-Semitism, Christian-Jewish relations, history of the fear of a Jewish-Masonic-Bolshevik conspiracy. Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, New York: Harper & Row, 1966, 1967. The classic debunking of the authenticity of the Protocols and a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy, discussion of Catholic anti-masonry, Philippe Nizier's influence on the Russian czar, Yuliana Glinka and Madame Blavatsky, White Russian anti-Semitism, the Jacob Schiff story, Henry Ford's embrace and abandonment of the Protocols, references to the Protocols among the powers during World War II. Twentieth-Century History James Perloff, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, Appleton, WI: Western Islands, 1988. Establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank, Council on Foreign Relations, early U.S.-Bolshevik relations, Yalta, World Bank and IMF, U.S. presidents since Wilson and their advisers, congressional investigations of Communist infiltration of government, media ownership. William F. Jasper, Global Tyranny Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order, Appleton, WI: Western Islands, 1992. CFR, Communist, and U.S. government agreements leading to the establishment of the UN and the European Union. Good bibliography on related issues. Nicholas Hagger, The Secret History of the West, New York: O Books, 2005. Valuable source on Rosicrucian Freemasonry. Nicholas Hagger, The Syndicate, New York: O Books, 2004. Insider scheming over the New World Order in the twentieth century. Emanuel M. Josephson, Rockefeler, "Internationalist": The Man Who Misrules the World, New York: Chedney Press, 1952. Describes the many financial and political interests of the Rockefeller empire. Explains how the Rockefellers promoted Marxism through their foundations and control of educational associations. Dr. Boston, "Eurabia" Defined. The American Thinker, November 15, 2005. Documentation of agreements between Arab and European leaders to pursue common policies. Copyright 2007 Publications Resource
Modern Psychology
Joyce Milton, The Road to Malpsychia: Humanistic Psychology and Our Discontents, San Francisco: Encounter Books, 2002. Freud, Maslow, Boas, Benedict, Mead. How animal studies were used to support the normalization of lesbianism. Timothy Leary, Huston Smith, and other psychedelic advocates. Skinner, Rogers, Erhard and est. How therapy became diversity training, feminism, grief therapy, self-esteem counseling. Betty Friedan¹s feminism as the bridge from Marxism to self-actualization psychology. Consciousness-raising, Maoism, encounter groups, Head Start, Values Clarification, self-directed education. A coherent explanation of how Marxism influenced humanistic psychology, why the various therapies failed, and why failure never deters the Marxist psychologists. Lacks discussion of the deep history of cooperation among Marxists, psychotherapists, mythologists, and feminists but offers a strong focus on the 1960s. Robert Ellwood, The Politics of Myth, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1999. Idealistic interpretation of the mythologists Jung, Campbell, and Eliade and their influence on humanistic psychology. Ignores scholarship debunking their claims. Useful mainly as a means of understanding the Left's worship of the mythologists and the adoption of neopaganism as the Left's religion. Robin Waterfield, Hidden Depths: The Story of Hypnosis, New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. The disciples of Mesmer in the nineteenth century, their influence on Romantic literature, Spiritualism, the proliferation of fringe Christian sects and utopian experiments, William James, Freud, CIA mind control experiments. One way of approaching the line of development from Mesmer to psychoanalysis. Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1970. Hypnotism and reincarnation, telepathy experiments, alchemy in modern Russia, remote viewing in war, visualization experiments, astrology, psychic savants. Puts to rest the false myth that the top Russian Marxists were materialistic atheists. Materialistic atheism was only propaganda for the unwashed masses. Rita Carter, Exploring Consciousness, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2002. Illustrated popular guide to modern brain research involving direct brain stimulation and magnetic resonance mapping. Brain functions, brain chemicals, dreaming, perception, multiple theories of consciousness. Offers many scientific explanations of spiritual experiences without endorsing a particular set of theories. The leading ideas guiding brain research and the main controversies in the field . |