News for October 11, 2024

Posted By on October 11, 2024

Israel is blocking reports of damage from Iran’s missile attack, so the following must be considered unconfirmed rumor. The attack killed thousands of Israelis, including Yoav Galant, Minister of Defense. The new defense chief is Herz Halevi. Mossad headquarters were bombed (CIA is Mossad, so Mossad is not destroyed). Bibi Netanyahu might be dead. Israel is not responding by bombing Iran because Iran has threatened to nuke Jerusalem and Haifa. The IDF offensive in Lebanon continues, and Israel is bombing Syria. Video footage.

Dugin says this is the start of the great war.

The Pentagon has refused to give Zelensky permission to send drones and missiles deep into Russia, but NATO is giving permission, saying Ukraine is a sovereign nation that can make its own decisions.

Russia calls its U.S. ambassador home.

Macron calls for sanctions on Israel. Unexpected. Macron is a Rothschild puppet. Netanyahu condemns Macron.

France is sending thousands of military to Romania for training for an invasion of Russia.

A split has appeared between the U.S. Space Force and other branches of the U.S. military, setting up the likelihood of a shooting war between the two sides.

Norwegian feminist crew sinks their own frigate.

Farage protests UK smoking ban.

The interweb is lively with reports of Hurrican Milton being a form of weather warfare. But it’s unclear to us who would have desired this and would have been in position to direct a hurricane.

Deeper investigation of weather modification possibilities. And this video.

FBI and FEMA charged with murdering Hurrican Helene victims.

FEMA and the military have been hindering local relief efforts in North Carolina. And here.

FEMA confiscating donations to hurricane survivors. More here. And here.

Ex-military form disaster relief force.  Doesn’t this look like civil war?

Hurricane victims find it difficult to apply for $750 government aid.

Local police organize to arrest FEMA employees.

The federal government stole FEMA money and gave it to illegal immigrants.

New York city is spending $5 million per day to house migrants at luxury hotels.

Former New York governor beaten on the street in New York city.

Texas Secretary of State orders poll workers to allow illegals to vote.

Oprah has Diddy rape tapes.

Video update on Diddy revelations.

A deep dive into Who’s Who in human trafficking. Lots of stuff we didn’t know in this great post.

Peter Halligan demolishes the CO2 fanatics.

Whistleblower reveals secret Pentagon UFO data gathering agency.

Video documentary Other Losses on the U.S. treatment of Germans at the end of World War II.

Video documentary Hellstorm on the hidden history of World War II.

A timeline of Zionist terrorist and false flag deceptions. Somebody should send this to Victor Davis Hanson.

How jews justify killing Aryans.

Revilo Oliver exposes Stoicism as a jewish invention. Who knew?

We enjoyed this. You might.

News for October 5, 2024

Posted By on October 4, 2024

Israel says it has invaded Lebanon, orders southerners to flee north. Lebanon says there were incursions, not an invasion. Israel bombs Syria, wants to hit Iran’s oilfields.

Iran responds by firing over 500 missiles into Israel. Israel’s air defenses fail. Israel’s F-35 base Nevatim destroyed. Israel hides damage from these attacks.

7 killed in Tel Avid terror attack.

Houthis fire missiles at Ben Gurion airport. Rumor: Netanyahu was hit. See if you can tell if they are substituting a double.

Houthis attack U.S. warships in the Red Sea.

Russia is destroying Ukraine’s energy sector.

European Union fines Hungary $200 million for closing borders.

Freedom Party wins Austrian election.

James O’Keefe investigates illegal migration industry, will release new film.

Biden expands refugee admission process.

A little resistance arises in Scotland.

Biden stole the money from FEMA and gave it to illegal aliens.

Government arrests people trying to help in North Carolina.

U.S. Government broke Musk Starlink contract that would have “saved lives” in North Carolina.

Some “new footage” from the Butler assassination attempt.

A quick look at the financial crisis.

Big protest in Japan on the eve of a new release of mRNA vaccines. More here.

Scientists discover vast discrepancies of mRNA vaccine batches, some deadly. We reported on this years ago.

Scientists warn hospitals not to use vaccinated blood.

Charles Hugh Smith says people should stop believing that there are political solutions to problems. There are some possible political solutions, just not under socialism.

AI uncovers new glyphs in Nazca desert.

David Icke warns about mind control:

Luis Elizondo has a new book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs.

The Vatican has held several conferences with top Italian UFO researchers, organized by the Council of International Federation of Advanced Studies. We can’t find anything about the findings of these conferences online, except it has been reported that a UFO crashed in Italy in 1933. The Catholic church is obviously comfortable with the existence of aliens, but they seem unwilling to reveal what they have.

Happy Birthday 118 Savitri Devi. Saviri Devi was a remarkable woman. Her achievement of interest was writing a mythology of Hitler and National Socialism right after World War II, The Lightning and the Sun, in which she spiritualized Hitler as an avatar in the Aryan tradition. She thus became a leading thinker of post-war National Socialism. Another mythologist in the circle was Miguel Serrano, whose books we have read. We are respectful of their efforts, but we also recognize that false rumors of Nazi survival and reorganization have flourished on the fringe, following the success of these books.

Hitler himself tried to suppress his party’s interest in reviving Aryan paganism while allowing latitude for exploration and belief. However, it is in everyone’s interest to study Aryan history.

For us, Hitler’s practical program remains the model for Aryan survival. Ban the jews, ban the jewish central bankers, unite the folk under programs that benefit all, issue currency and loans without interest, invest in industrial modernization, and pursue advances in science. The economic miracle is the result, and the culture gets purged of pollution by foreign influence. The people thrive.

News for September 27, 2024

Posted By on September 27, 2024

Israel invades Lebanon, will occupy and seize territory. Hezbollah responds; Iran will not get involved. U.S. Air Force sends a division to support Israel.

Israel’s aggression torpedoes U.S. alternative to China’s Belt and Road plan.

A look at the pager attack on Hezbollah.

Putin warns NATO, U.S. about using nukes. Zelensky launches drone attack on Russia. Zelensky visits U.S. with a phony “peace plan,” meets Trump. Biden gives Zelensky $8 billion more.

NATO announces plan to rescue future Russian war casualties. NATO seems committed to more war casualties, but it is becoming obvious to more Europeans that Ukraine has lost.

Van der Leyen thinks Europe can continue to prop up Ukraine. Russia has damaged Ukraine’s energy production facilities, with a cold winter ahead.

UN adopts “pact for the future” to ensure globalist totalitarianism. This new pact was deemed necessary because nations are not meeting their “sustainable development” goals outlined in Agenda 2030. More here.

Impeachment proceedings against Macron begin in parliament. This might turn out to be something.

Germany is ahead of U.S. in jew awareness. AfD says they can win enough votes to govern in 5 years.

What’s on the table at the BRICS summit meeting in Kazan in October. For one, a new global financial system.

A rape is committed every hour in London. Diversity isn’t our strength.

The Diddy arrest is really about child sex trafficking, child sacrifices, and adrenochrome harvesting.

New York city mayor Eric Adams is indicted for illegal campaign contributions and bribery. More here. Adams says he is being targeted by the Biden government for objecting to the illegal alien invasion. Don’t you hate it when corrupt Communists turn on each other?

Judge orders Alex Jones to auction off Infowars assets.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says he has the evidence to lock up CDC and Big Pharma executives for life. We would prefer a public hanging. Kennedy reports on fake data in CDC study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children.

Japan declares Big Pharma executives “enemy of the state.”

Doctor says they were told to deliberately murder covid patients using ventilators.

Alex Clark. The people have found a voice on vaccines.

Venezuelan gangsters admitted to U.S. are paid mercenaries.

How the CIA invented Google. Part 1. Part 2.

Nick Fuentes, 20 good minutes on the jews.

We never gave any credibility to the Q reports, and we are very skeptical about reports of “white hat” activities. These are usually rumors with no supporting evidence. Now we have come across Jon Herold’s devolution website, which is devoted to supporting the theory that Trump is really commander-in-chief, has allies in the military, is in possession of the nuclear codes, etc. etc. It’s an elaborate theory, and it wouldn’t hurt you to know about it. It’s a difficult job to identify fake news from the Right, but show me the evidence.

Makow says the Rothschilds murdered at least 7 U.S. presidents. Some information about obscure U.S. secret societies.

Revilo Oliver’s Reflections on the Christ Myth, Part 3. Features a debate about whether the jews controlled Christianity in Rome to ensnare and subvert the Aryans. Oliver’s argument is a strong one but controversial. An opposing argument is presented in the same post. We think our post on The Secret Society of Moses answers the questions and opens a line of thinking about history that completely changes what we have been taught about jewish influence on Europe’s royalty and the Middle Ages. Most normies reject the idea that Christianity was controlled by the jews to subvert the Aryans, but Barbiero’s evidence is persuasive. What exactly is Christian about forced conversions or death, the Crusades, and the numerous financial ties between European kings and jewish bankers? European royalty’s symbolism is clearly jewish.

Hunter Wallace ignites another chapter in the White Nationalism vs. Christianity debate. The comments are interesting if you are into this.

Three Secrets of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. If you are able to get the third secret, reincarnation, then the Christian story begins to fall apart. There are references to reincarnation in the Bible. There is also a line of thinking that the church fathers removed reincarnation references at their early councils, but AI says there is no confirmed evidence of this. We got to reincarnation through meditation, but we don’t know how to advise those who don’t know. Many modern books have been written about the subject, you could start there, with evidence from others’ life stories.

News for September 20, 2024

Posted By on September 20, 2024

Israel takes offensive inside Lebanon.

Israel initiates second wave of hand-held radio attacks. Some video here.

Quick look at crime boss Netanyahu.

Houthi hypersonic missile strike shows Israel’s defenses are worthless.

Palestine is recognized as a state at the UN.

Ukraine strikes Russian arms depot.

NATO and Ukraine’s offensive in Kursk fails, despite Russian losses. Ukraine is losing the ability to fight inside Ukraine. Ukraine has lost 600,000 on the battlefield.

Zelensky thinks terrorism is the path to peace.

Russia forms world’s second-largest army.

Dutch government declares migrant crisis is a state of emergency. Thanks Geert Wilders.

Sweden will pay migrants to leave.

Malaysia rescues 400 children from kidnapping, sex abuse.

Brazil unfreezes X and Starlink assets.

France will allow police to surveil by remotely activating cameras, phones.

120,000 Chinese PLA members are inside the United States.

Feds are investigating Haitian trafficking operation in Springfield, Ohio.

Thomas Crooks paid second shooter, Ryan Routh.

Ryan Routh was trained by the CIA. More here.

Expect a third assassination attempt.

City of Aurora offers police protection from immigrant gangsters for property managers.

Chicago teachers are instructed to pass every migrant student. Even though most don’t speak English.

BRICS Quantum Financial System has gone live.

The awful cost of health insurance.

The FBI has been organizing neo-Nazi rallies to identify sympathetic citizens.

Michael Hudson has a conversation with Richard D. Wolff on economics. One error: governments often default on their debt, particularly at the end of wars. Also, the Federal Reserve is insolvent. When nobody will buy U.S. debt, the government goes bankrupt.

Polish member of parliament speaks a little truth to power.

Rabbi Mordecai explains that the Zionists are the terrorists.

Guess who controls the British media?

Germany built underground bases for training immigrant army.

Peter Bradley, What Should White Americans Do?

Interview with Steven Greer on UFO secrets. We think Greer is the real deal.

News for September 13, 2024

Posted By on September 13, 2024

Ukraine continues to send missiles and drones into Russia, hitting Moscow. Putin warns England and the U.S. that permitting use of long-range weapons means war with NATO. England and the U.S. are pushing this escalation of the war.

U.S. sends another $250 million in military equipment to Ukraine.

Germany decides to control its borders.

Why Europe’s economic decline is inevitable. Pouring billions into Ukraine is going to cost Europe its future.

159 countries have agreed to join new BRICs payment system.

Big Tech enters the era of job cuts.

Ed Dowd on the coming digital currency.

German bank terminates account of AfD member of parliament.

Brazil rallies for free speech.

Big Pharma has swallowed governments.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. exposes the crimes of Bill Gates.

World Economic Forum says covid pandemic was a test of compliance.

New York mayor is the target of federal investigation.

Illegal alien gangs now targeting U.S. oilfields for theft.

How illegal aliens will be organized and militarized.

Witness speaks about Biden administration cooperating with Mexican cartels to traffic sex slaves.

UN treaty will legalize child porn and pedophilia.

There is a plan for economic strike in October, being called Red October.

New York governor mobilizes national guard to police subways.

Springfield, Missouri is the focus of Haitians killing pets.

The Haitian immigrants sacrifice pets in voodoo rituals.

Court awards Brigitte Macron damages for false claims she is transgender. It doesn’t say how she proved her gender.

Taylor Swift’s occult involvement.

Putin warned Bush two days before 9/11 attacks.

A look at the attack on the Pentagon.

FBI releases documents on the dancing Israelis on 9/11.

Jews from Israel are given priority in the U.S. healthcare system.

Hat tip to website Beyond the North for a deep dive into fringe occultists making up stories about the Nazis.

Igor Witkowski seems like another well-intentioned researcher into similar issues.

Fascinating piece at SOTN claims Lee Harvey Oswald was working for Robert Kennedy to infiltrate assassination gangs.

How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK.

News for September 6, 2024

Posted By on September 6, 2024

The BRICs coalition promises a workable alternative to the satanic jew world order, but not everybody is going to agree to get along. Now Brazil and India are creating obstacles. Turkey requests to join BRICs. Logical move.

Ukraine bombs Moscow.

NATO aided Ukraine dirty bomb plot at Kursk.

Ukraine’s casualties in Kursk now top 10,000.

Rothschilds restructure Ukraine debt.

Zelensky fires most government ministers.

Zelensky says he has a “peace strategy” by holding Russian lands.

Russia advances through Ukraine.

Mongolia welcomes Putin.

AfD wins election in Thuringia but won’t be part of governing coalition.

8 million Venezuelans have fled from Venezuela. Communism.

40 percent of crimes committed in Berlin are by foreigners. 75 percent of crimes in New York city are committed by foreigners.

Zuckerberg confesses to election collusion with federal government.

VP candidate Tim Walz pushed for funding of Wuhan lab.

Walz stole covid funds.

House committee begins investigation of Walz’s ties to Communist China.

9 European nations will require vaccine passport.

3,300 people have been arrested for social media posts in Britain.

U.S. government interfered with Brazil’s election.

U.S. government considers mRNA vaccines to be a weapon.

Most vaccines are made with aborted fetal cell tissue.

Scott Galloway documents the crisis of boys and men in America. But you already knew this.

The CIA created gangster rap. The rappers were not hoodlums.

Richard Sauder wrote a book about underground bases:

Review of Lawrence R. Brown, The Might of the West. Provocative revisionist history that attempts to separate Aryan Europe from influences of other civilizations.

Julius Evola, The Aryan Ethos: Loyalty to One’s Own Nature

Speech by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich explains how jews planned to take over the world.

Archival film footage of Auschwitz labor camp.

This video explains how Hitler’s specific policies rebuilt Germany after World War II:

Adam and Eve were a genetic experiment in Sumer.

April Holloway found Sumerian writing in South America. This is the first we’ve heard about the Sumerian navy’s exploits. Actually the Annunaki flew to South America in their flying saucers.

William Tompkins says aliens helped Germany establish a space program in Anarctica:

News for August 30, 2024

Posted By on August 30, 2024

Ukraine’s attack on Kursk has failed, including its attempt to sabotage a nuclear reactor at the Kursk power plant. Estimates of Ukraine’s losses are currently at 7500, averaging about 500 military per day.

Kursk is a NATO invasion.

Thousands of Ukraine’s military are deserting.

Ukraine drones strike Russian oil depot 1,500 km from the border.

Ukraine government partially defaults on eurobond payments. Ukraine demands $50 billion more from its allies.

Ukraine military has been abducting Russians from Kursk. Sending to Ukraine as hostages?

Russia claims the U.S. is financing bioweapons research in Ukraine to target slavs.

Putin seizes $100 million from Google.

Alex Krainer says Britain is on the edge of economic collapse due to Ukraine debt defaults.

A look inside Israel’s rape and torture camps. These were common under the jewish bolsheviks in Russia.

Street protests against Netanyahu:

Why Turkey is the pivotal nation that will influence war or peace.

The BRICs nations are planning an alternative to the satanic Olympic games.

Scholz says Germany will deport aliens.

U.S. Navy sidelines support ships due to lack of sailors.

Father of Thomas Crooks had reported his son “missing,” lawyers up. Audio analysis leads to this diagram of two shooters. This video indicates shots came from first floor window beneath Crooks.

Brazil wants to arrest Elon Musk in free speech crackdown.

Britain to ban smoking outdoors.

California bans smoking in private homes.

California will give illegal aliens $150,000 to buy a home.

Putting minorities in government just leads to more corruption.

How the Democrats will steal the election.

10,000 illegal aliens used the same social security number to vote in Arizona.

Kamala says 220,000 Americans died from covid.

Two schools closed due to covid reappearance.

Covid vaccines caused 112,000 percent increase in brain clots.

FDA admits monkeypox doesn’t exist. Monkeypox symptoms are caused by the vaccines.

Massachusetts starts lockdowns.

Interesting video on how the state owns us, funds us, trades us:

Palestine before 1948:

Tens of thousands of pedophiles in Israel. Hitler was right, Israel would become a safe harbor for jewish criminals.

The jews took control of Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II.

How the international homosexual mafia connects with the international Communist mafia.

Why I like the Taliban.

Great Joseph Farrell interview on JFK’s final speech and the Lloyd Berkner connection:

How the Khazarian mafia runs the world.

Steve Quayle summarizes the work of Zecharia Sitchin.