Introduction to mind control

We’ve come across a couple of “light” introductions to mind control programming on the web. Neither of these posts is really very good, but it is a place to start.

Ron Patton has a historical article on how Nazi mind control methods were taken into the U.S. military and the CIA. The works cited in the Endnotes are a starting point for those who are just getting introduced to the subject.

Vigilant Citizen has an introductory post on mind control techniques. This is a very superficial introduction to the subject, don’t stop here. Vigilant does a poor job of characterizing the work of Carl Jung, who was an occult mind-controller, and his characterization of the Frankfurt School as “alarmed” about the “dangers to human freedom” of mind control is simply ludicrous. The Cultural Marxists were mind-controllers.

Aldous Huxley made mescaline famous. He was a New World Order mind controller, even though you can find some statements of concern that he authored.

Neither of these posts has anything to say about the Soviet Union and Communist China, where mind control experiments became the basis for Communist brainwashing techniques. A lot of research into mind control was also done in Eastern Europe under Communist control. It’s good to know about the manipulative nature of TV commercials and movies, but the Marxists are also mind-control masters who influenced media brainwashing. This story is told in more detail in The Hidden Masters.

There are many more important mind-control researchers than are mentioned in these two posts. We’re just working with what was at hand to gently introduce you to the subject.

Extensive mind-control research occurred in Nazi Germany, in the Soviet Union, in Eastern Europe, in U.S. military and CIA-funded programs, in the Tavistock Institute in England, and at major universities in the United States, mainly the prestigous Eastern universities. All of these lines of research have joined together in the United States, giving the controllers a wide variety of technologies to exploit.

This information was known by the leading founders and executives of television.

In future posts we are going to help you rid yourself of pop culture brainwashing. The funny thing about this form of “light” mind control under imagery and suggestion is, most people think that it doesn’t affect them. Maybe somebody else, but not me. The brainwashed masses are not subjected to electroshock or trauma or mind-splitting dissociation, so they assume that mind control involves only a few special subjects. Wrong. The masses are hypnotized by lies every day.

The most important feature of ideological brainwashing is, the individual thinks that others are brainwashed but he isn’t.

The outcome of light mind control in the media is trance formation. Trance formation resulting from movies, TV, and advertising bypasses individual objections to being plunged into dream-states when the individual submits and “suspends disbelief.” The result is, junking up the mind with imagery that sticks to become the basis for belief systems, behavior preferences, and habit-formation. The media mind controllers aren’t doing something sophisticated like, controlling your thoughts, they are simply repeating messages over and over again to induce habit-formation conditioning. They also introduce Communist role models to confuse your identity and prepare you for takeover, and they induce surrealist imagery to break previous associations.

Introducing occult symbolism in association with perversions has been a small part of Cultural Marxist programming, but we are entering a new era of vulgarity and degradation where the opposition has been tested and found to be weak, really, nonexistent, so the controllers can proceed without consequences.

Review our post “Obama’s hypnotic techniques.”

Obama, like Bill and Hillary and other prominent politicians, is trained in occult persuasion techniques, mainly neurolinguistic programming. We are out of trance, so we see it clearly. If you can’t see it, here is your opportunity for a moment of truth about yourself.

The outstanding characteristic of a mind-control programmer is, he will never say anything that you disagree with. The manipulators make you think that they stand for some wonderful vision of a wonderful world. They make you want to believe them because they seem to represent your most important value-words.

By contrast, the person who wakes you up pisses you off and says lots of things you disagree with. You resent him. He seems to be attacking the things you hold most dear. That’s what makes our job so difficult, and that is why the bad guys are winning.

Funny world, isn’t it?

Your moment of zen today is, if you have not experienced the scales falling from your eyes, if you have not experienced the sudden awakening to the fact that “I got fooled,” you are still fooled. If we can awaken you to the agenda of the programmers, you will see clearly that everyone around you is mind-controlled and fast asleep, moving mentally mainly in trance and responding to conditioning cues. There won’t be any doubt about it. You will be free. You will stop resisting us, your emotions will settle down, you will have a laugh of recognition and relief, and you won’t need any further instruction.

We’ll help you along the path to awakening in future posts. Those of you who are most mind-controlled will resist, struggle, and protest the most. We recognize that we can’t save everyone.

The formula of the moment is, learn the history of mind control, and be aware of the techniques of persuasion and suggestion. If you can observe how they are manipulating you by watching them do it in movies and TV, it will be a good sign if an emotion of disgust and revulsion moves you away from it. Then you won’t have to watch TV and movies anymore, you will be free of the degraded mass culture.

You can grow up and escape mass mind control. Really, all you have to understand is that the entire media networks are devoted to it. You will see it as a weapon rather than as “entertainment.”

More help to come in future posts.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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