Obama’s hypnotic techniques

Q: Why are you accusing Barack Obama of using hypnotic techniques in his campaign? Obama ran a great campaign, and he won. You are just a poor loser. You are probably jealous of his charisma and his message of hope. (etc. etc., edited for space)

A: Obama, like Hillary Clinton, speaks at about half normal speed. He speaks four or five words and then pauses. His major technique is never to say anything you can disagree with. He gets you nodding in assent and then piles on the empty phrase and the value words–yes we can, our moment is now, etc. etc. The value words were drilled into you in the public schools–fairness, justice, peace, healing the planet, etc. And so you respond positively to these words, and particularly when Obama raises his voice with emotion. That is how they hook you into assent.

To some degree every politician does something similar, but since Franklin Roosevelt the techniques have been used with more and more effectiveness, and so today we have very little discussion of issues. We instead have debates using sound bites and body language coordination to make the speaker appear sincere and powerful. NWOU singles out Franklin Roosevelt because he consistently campaigned on one position, then took the opposite position after he was elected to office. Roosevelt was a great deceiver, and yet people love him to this day because of his rhetoric of hope.

Any salesman uses the same techniques. There are entire industries devoted to selling you. Obama is a salesman for the Democratic party’s seizure of power. That’s all he is.

By the end of the campaign, Obama had changed his position on so many issues that nobody knew what he stood for. Most of the TV commentary today is speculation about what Obama will do. He won through a purposeful program of vagueness. And yet, you hear so many pundits on TV saying how moved they were by his rhetoric. That is because the value words had been preprogrammed into them and they were incapable of thought.

If you are armed with superior knowledge of history and psychology, no con man can fool you into supporting the New World Order.

NWOU recognized this at the beginning of the campaign, thus we spared ourselves the boredom of listening to his speeches. Once you are armed with superior knowledge, you can recognize a con man right away. You can save yourself a lot of time and false investment this way.

NWOU had no involvement in the election and did not favor either candidate, or a minority party candidate, because all of them are devoted to perpetuating the New World Order. Until a candidate comes along who promises to reject all free trade agreements, we cannot rebuild the U.S. economy and stop the loss of jobs to Mexico, China, India, and other emerging market economies. On the present landscape the only politician we like is Ron Paul, with lukewarm enthusiasm.

To understand neurolinguistic programming, and how Obama used it to fool you, go here.

NWOU does not expect candidates to stop using hypnotic techniques, vague appeals, emotion, and style over substance until the age of psychology ends. If we could end the age of psychology, we could end the age of mass manipulation. But this cannot happen until young people are inoculated against psychological conditioning techniques by a strong movement against the Marxist psychologists. NWOU hopes that one day the dishonesty of psychological manipulation will be recognized as a crime and punished accordingly. Meanwhile, look for specifics in your candidate’s speeches, and logical arguments, and vote only for candidates that favor the American people over international agreements.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


4 Responses to “Obama’s hypnotic techniques”

  1. SorryAll due respectI dont mean disrespectFor what its worthJust my 2 cents, but IMHO youre way off-basewrongoff-baseon the wrong trackbarking up the wrong treerunning down the wrong roadlooking at it all wrong this time.,

  2. While this topic can be very difficult for most people, my impression is that there has to be a middle or common ground that we all can find. I do value that you’ve added relevant and intelligent commentary here though. Very much thanks to you!

  3. Director says:

    It’s the total combination that works, but one technique we will single out is the construction, “on the one hand X, and on the other hand Y.” If a speaker addresses both sides of an issue with consideration, it makes him appear fair minded and thoughtful. For some reason people trust people who speak to both sides of an issue.

  4. NLP Advisor says:

    Interesting blog post. What would you say was the most important factor in using NLP?

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