Youth without a migratory background

Voices of the identitarian movement in Germany. Rather moving, don’t you think? The really sad part of recent European history is how the controllers were able to deceive the Europeans into believing a union would bring them benefits. European socialism has been one of the greatest con jobs of history. The reaction is way overdue.

George Soros says the EU is on the verge of collapse. Maybe not, these swine still have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. Even if it breaks apart, they still have all those Moslems to deal with. We are all for the collapse, into nationalism.

Big European banks want more immigrants for cheap labor. Who cares what the bankers want? Europe’s unemployment rate is over 10 percent, and it just got a huge dose of unskilled workers.

French President Hollande declares economic state of emergency. The French government is going to pay companies to hire (immigrant) workers. Isn’t socialism grand? Germany’s exports are falling, growth is at zero, and consumer confidence is falling. Deutsche Bank just reported a quarterly loss of 7 billion euros. Socialism costs too much, and the immigration policy just made socialism more expensive. Fools.

French prime minister says EU could fail “very fast” unless it rediscovers borders.

EU blackmails Britain: Accept 90,000 immigrants a year or we will prohibit you from exporting any migrants. The EU is playing hardball right before England votes on joining the EU. Hope this backfires.

Cameron strongly protests the change in policy, ahead of Britain’s EU membership referendum vote. It kind of makes you wonder why anybody would want to join this EU mafia?

Nigel Farage warns about the safety of British women. Concern for the safety of European women is leading to the formation of militias or vigilante groups across Europe. Feminists are using the immigrant crime spree to argue for more Moslem representation in European governments, but the feminists bear the blame for the rapeugees, having demasculinized two generations of European men. Turns out that strong European feminists aren’t strong enough to prevent their own rapes, and the police are instructed to look the other way.

Germans forming self-defense militias to guard women. “Angry crowd” attacks council building in Holland.

The immigrants are bringing in diseases.

We are seeing dozens of stories about judges releasing immigrant criminals from courts due to their immigrant status. Immigrant criminals are beating deportation orders by claiming “human rights.” Now you know whom human rights are for: rapists, pedophiles, thieves, killers, not for you and me.

Sweden pioneers in not arresting immigrant criminals.

Jews planned the destruction of the German people before World War II ended.



Islamic scholar says the Koran approves of Moslem men raping non-Moslem women.

ISIS and the Caliphate curve. ISIS was just the first radical Muslim group to declare the Caliphate. There are plenty more out there.

Good news: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case filed by 26 states against Obama’s illegal amnesty for illegal aliens.



About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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