Worried about al-Qaeda?

When we wrote our post Getting Past 9/11, we were asking ourselves the question, how much do we need to fear another terrorist attack from al-Qaeda, if indeed al-Qaeda organized the 9/11 attack? We no sooner asked the question and lo! we soon found an answer, from Foreign Affairs, of all places.

John Mueller answers our question in his article “How Dangerous Are the Taliban?”

“At present, al Qaeda consists of a few hundred people running around in Pakistan.”

“No convincing evidence has been offered publicly to show that al Qaeda Central has put together a single full operation anywhere in the world since 9/11. And, outside of war zones, the violence perpetrated by al Qaeda affiliates, wannabes, and lookalikes combined has resulted in the deaths of some 200 to 300 people per year, and may be declining. That is 200 to 300 too many, of course, but it scarcely suggests that ‘the safety of people around the world is at stake,’ as Obama dramatically puts it.”

“After years of well funded sleuthing, the FBI and other investigative agencies have been unable to uncover a single true al Qaeda sleeper cell or operative within the country [United States].”

Yes, we know it is an enormous jump to believe that 9/11 was an inside job, a deceptive false flag attack, and our leaders have been deceiving us. But it’s worth considering that, we haven’t been attacked since 9/11 because al-Qaeda isn’t strong enough to attack us and the entire terror threat is being used to keep us supporting a fight against an imaginary enemy.

Do presidents lie to the American people? All the time. Figure it out.

Peter Chamberlin has more background in his article “Unraveling the Myth of Al-Qaeda.”

In New Word Order studies, you need to create a mental compartment that considers the unthinkable hypothesis, and then measure evidence against both the standard opinions and your new hypothesis. Strongly documented data points lead to pattern recognition. As the pattern becomes clearer, you do need to avoid jumping to conclusions until the data points become very solidly documented. This conservative method has served us well. That’s why you can trust our scholarly research, we don’t speculate or rely on single sources. You can use this method as a model for moving from what you’ve been taught to what you need to know.

There is no shame in realizing that you have been fooled. There is a very big propaganda system designed to fool you. The most powerful actors in the world, the Communists and the American monopolist imperialists, spend huge sums of money to fool you. Really, how can anyone escape from holding false views? That’s why we are here for you.

If al-Qaeda is only a minor threat, why is the United States military occupying Iraq and Afghanistan? The answer is, New World Order pacification, subjecting these countries to “our interests,” as the foreign policy spokesmen say. The phrase “our interests” really means “their interests.” Their financial interests, their control interests.

The biggest threat to America is not al-Qaeda or Islamic terrorism. The greatest threat is the U.S. government’s spy and control system, and their plans for more socialist control to take away our freedoms. Add this hypothesis to the New World Order documentation you currently have, and see how it checks out.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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