Why socialism never works

John Loeffler has a nice, short article on the three phases of socialism, “The Sad Road to Socialism,” at NewsWithViews.

NWOU exists to help you understand the nature of false propaganda, front groups, and idealistic language that lures the naive into supporting socialism. Everyone can be fooled by these clever appeals, as long as you don’t look at the history of socialism and understand why it never works. Loeffler’s three-stage model helps you to understand the plans for the next stage. Armed with this understanding, the machinations and clever deceits of politicians will become clear to you, and you can take your appropriate place as part of the opposition. This is not an intellectual exercise. Socialism kills. Those who are enlisted into supporting socialism waste their lives and end up working for their enemy. Even right-thinking people who understand the evils of socialism often end up trapped in the socialist system and find themselves working against their own best interests. Fortunately, socialists have put their plans on paper, and many scholars have documented the history of particular turning points in nations that ended up in socialist slavery.

NWOU is interested in noting how these turning points occur as first individual countries and then the whole world comes under socialist tyranny.

In another article, “Socializzi and the Three E’s,” Loeffler points out that “under socialism the middle class always disappears.” Today in the United States we are in that phase where high-paying jobs are disappearing and the socialist government finds its opportunity to create more government-sponsored jobs. This policy is not humanitarian; rather, its purpose is to enlist more of the unemployed into the socialist matrix, entirely dependent on the government.

During this phase, the elites attempt to curtail speech while attempting to appear “reasonable.” This will take the form of reinstating the Fairness Doctrine so that every TV and radio broadcast has a socialist spokesman. As the media takeover drives out intelligent viewers and listeners, we next arrive at the stage where dissent becomes impossible. As Loeffler says, “by the time everyone arrives at the exemption phase, everyone knows socialism is a lie but they can no longer say so. Indeed a hallmark of Soviet society was that everyone had to give lip service to a series of official lies, which everyone knew were false but couldn’t say so.”

Progress toward socialism is not progress, it is devolution into slavery.

Behind the scenes the socialists are now colluding with the rich capitalists to preserve the special privileges of both elites. Once this legal framework is achieved, the global elites will preside over a completely enslaved world population, with no possibility of external influences on “the system.” Loeffler calls this stage “endgame chaos.” We are not able to predict whether this endgame becomes a tightly run worldwide dictatorship or will feature massive system breakdown, but one thing is certain: the great heritage of the human past must disappear into the maw of the matrix and be erased, and any sense of human progress will halt before the endgame is reached.

Thanks to John Loeffler for his insightful analysis of the stages of socialist takeover.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


8 Responses to “Why socialism never works”

  1. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

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  3. Rolf Eighmey says:

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  4. Continue working ,great job!

  5. Continue working ,good job!

  6. give thanks you for your assist!

  7. Director says:

    To correct your misunderstanding on how subsidized housing policies created the global crisis, read the last section of The Global Economic War, Part 1, How the Politicians Steal Your Money, and Fannie Mae and the Housing Crisis on this site. Government-subsidized housing and government-subsidized substandard low-interest loans were the cause of overbuilding, speculation, and the housing bubble. These policies originated with Communists at the UN and were promoted by Democrats in Congress. Wall Street then bundled the mortgages and created derivative products that were overleveraged. Government mortgage insurance appeared to take the risk out of these products, and they mulitiplied and spread around the world. I think Wall Street predatory capitalism is the “laissez faire capitalism” you are referring to. But the present system of capitalism is mercantile monopoly capitalism, not laissez faire capitalism.

    Capitalism requires regulation to break up monopolies and prosecute immoral actors. These laws are on the books but were not enforced. I think that is your point, and I agree, but so does every defender of capitalism. You must have health and safety standards, laws against fraud, etc. or capitalism breaks down due to predatory immoral actors. But we don’t have laissez faire capitalism and it has never existed anywhere, except maybe on lawless frontiers. Laissez faire capitalist theory is a nineteenth- century relic. The question that bothers you is why the laws were not enforced, and that points to corruption in the Bush administration. We would love to see these offenders prosecuted. The interesting question then becomes, why won’t the Obama administration prosecute them? Answer: because that would also shine the light of corruption on the Democrats in Congress.

    Ideology is shorthand thinking in slogans to promote revolution. NWOU never thinks in terms of ideology, which is only for the masses. We do not subscribe to Keynsian or Friedman economic theories, either. Both have fatal flaws. Localism promotes diversity and ensures against large-scale systems failure due to greed, corruption, and socialist control over the economy.

    If you think I have misrepresented your misunderstanding, please feel free to provide your evidence that “laissez faire capitalism” caused the global crash. The really interesting problem is how to combine moral human values with economy, and if you have any ideas, let us know. But socialism in any form is not a moral system, that is where they fooled you, with moral appeals that hide the true motives of socialist leaders and the disastrous outcomes of socialist policies.

  8. Bryan says:

    How about the next thing you blog about is “Why Capitalism Never Works”, because America’s laissez fair capitalism – not the housing market – brought down the global economy. The only economic model which works is one that blends the best ideas from all ideologies.

    If you read The Global Economic War posts you’ll be able to get past the idea that laissez faire capitalism brought down the global economy. Actually, laissez faire is just a theory, there’s never been a laissez faire economy except on wild frontiers.

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