Why isn’t Obama the One?

Q: Why do you call Obama the Man Without Qualities? He seems to have many good qualities to me.

A: NWOU is sure that Obama has many good qualities, but these qualities matter only to his friends and family. As a political candidate Obama succeeded in his popular appeal by admonishing us to ignore the past and look to the future. This is empty rhetoric. Obama is the latest in a long series of socialist presidents in the line of Franklin Roosevelt. No president has escaped the temptation of deficit spending, to inflate the economy with newly invented credit based on nothing. The best we could hope for under a series of socialist presidents was to engage in deficit spending during bad times and make up for it with government saving during good times. But none of our governments saved during the good times. For example, Social Security is paid out of current revenues, there was no saving or investment in Social Security. Governments consistently spend more than they take in. This spending is a kind of tax that is passed to later generations. It also devalues the dollar, and that devaluation is also a kind of tax on present citizens as well as future citizens. Unless Obama breaks with the socialist tradition of deficit spending, he is not a new man or a new leader, he is just another New Deal politician engaging in temporary reinflation as a means of rewarding his supporters. We are now in a historical period where everyone around the world is adjusting to the crisis brought on by deficit spending. It won’t be solved by more deficit spending.

If Obama had promised to identify and prosecute the criminals responsible for looting the Treasury, we might have some respect for him and wish him well. But the people who looted the Treasury are the top Democratic leaders in the Congress, in collusion with President Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson. We don’t expect Obama to charge anybody with theft.

The Obama you look up to is a special personality he created to move the masses at mass rallies shown on TV. This separate personality is The Man Without Qualities. Projection of the invented persona is how leaders move the masses and how Hollywood stars form personality cults. Until we expose and break down this psychology, we shall be subject to the power of the media to project the false personality. Another term for this effect is “faking sincerity.” The important point about Obama is not the emotion he arouses in you by appealing to vague slogans and abstract ideals but the actual policies he pursues. These policies are not new, he was lying to you when he said that. But when he aroused that emotion in you, you projected your trust back onto his invented persona, so now you are having a relationship with one of Obama’s multiple personalities.

We understand that many young people look up to Obama because he is older, appears educated, and used the word “hope.” But we are older than Obama is, and we have a better education than he does. So we look down upon him as a young and untested and self-invented personality. He does not draw from any real line of authority, he is a self-invented radical activist persuader, a silver-tongued lawyer. Nothing new here. Nothing really to hope for, just more of the same packaged as “change.” The real change will happen when we escape from the socialism of the New Deal and when the crooked politicians stop looting the Treasury and putting the money into the pockets of their friends.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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