Why Timothy Geithner at Treasury?

tn_geithner2.pngTimothy Geithner was confirmed as U.S. Treasury Secretary yesterday. The vote was 60-34 in the Senate. Some Senators expressed disapproval that Geithner failed to pay self-employment taxes for two years while working at the International Monetary Fund. See the story at boston.com, and read a few of the comments below the story.

This is what we get when we get our stories from the thin gruel of the Marxist media. Dumb liberal #1 expresses outrage that Geithner failed to pay his taxes, and points to a “standard” applied previously. Dumb liberal #2 exclaims that Geithner is needed because of his expertise. Dumb liberal #3 wonders why Obama doesn’t set the ethics standard higher–she expected “more” from him. Dumb feminist #4 notes that women had been disqualified from holding office due to nonpayment of taxes and worries that there is a “double standard.” And on the “debate” goes, round and round, and it really ends up nowhere. This is the iron cage of socialist disinformation most people are living in. Applying the concepts of your old worldview are meaningless without inside information about the New World Order.

But NWOU is here to help you figure out why Obama needed Geithner. It doesn’t matter if Geithner is a scofflaw. He is needed not because the country and the world are in economic trouble. He is needed because he is a New World Order insider who is globally connected and can push the right buttons to further the agenda of global Communist takeover.

Cliff Kinkaid at USA Survival News reports that Geithner is a member of the Group of Thirty. Who are the Group of Thirty? Well, they are the 30 most influential central bankers in the world and their best friends. Members include Paul Volker (chairman), Lawrence Summers, liberal disinformation economist Paul Krugman, Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, Ernesto Zedillo, looter of Mexico, Mervyn King, president of the Bank of England, Bill McDonough of Merrill Lynch–you get the idea. The financial geniuses of the globalist takeover. Oh, and don’t forget Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of People’s Bank of China and former assistant minister of foreign trade.


“It also turns out that Geithner’s father, Peter F. Geithner, serves on the board with Kissinger of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.”

Kincaid reported on January 7, 2009 at Accuracy in Media that Henry Kissinger announced Obama’s global role from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. “His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it isn’t just a crisis.”

Kinkaid reports, “Kissinger, a former Secretary of State, was alongside Stephen Orlins, president of the U.S. National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, and two Chinese officials, as Orlins rang the market bell and declared that the 45 Chinese companies with a market capitalization of $802 billion that are listed on the NYSE were “emblematic of the economic integration of the two countries.”

What is the U.S. National Committee on U.S.-China Relations? It is the vehicle for integrating Communist China’s economy with the U.S. economy. It is staffed by the usual suspects, Madelaine Albright, David Gergen, Martin Feldstein, Lee Hamilton, Carla Hills, a mixed group of political fixers and corporate thugs. The U.S. National Committee on U.S.-China Relations establishes contacts between Chinese government officials and corporations wanting to do business in China. Note that membership consists of both Republicans and Democrats. The sell-out of America is a bipartisan project.

On Friday, January 23, Geithner told the press that he was worried about China’s currency manipulation, but now was not the time to name China as a currency manipulator. NWOU believes this sort of talk is also disinformation. The issue isn’t currency manipulation, it is cooperation between our top government officials, globalist insiders, and Chinese leaders to integrate the two economies to the benefit of China. Kissinger announced that China is to take the leading role in the New World Order.

Geithner’s work with Henry Paulson, as head of the New York Federal Reserve, involved merging failed banks, the TARP bailout distribution, and special consideration (as yet undocumented) for Chinese firms doing business in the United States. This means the Federal Reserve is on board with the Communist Chinese takeover of the United States.

Obama wanted Geithner because he is connected to Communist China and has the experience in financial manipulation. In the grand scheme of things, Obama probably wasn’t the one who decided who should be Treasury Secretary. Obama wanted Geithner because his whole circle of economic advisers is tied to the corrupt Group of Thirty.

This is the big leagues. The crimes of individuals such as Geithner don’t matter because the whole Obama administration is a criminal enterprise, continuing the globalist Communist takeover policies of the Bush and Clinton administrations.

For a list of corporate contributors to the Group of Thirty, go here. These corporations should thrive from the continuing financial bailouts.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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