Why feminism will crash socialism

We have posted many times during the past couple of months to get you informed about the history of world population control. By now you should be able to identify the leading schemers, the eugenic ideology at the basis of population control, the funding stream, the propaganda line, the front groups, the anti-human exploitation of the weak, which governments resisted and which cooperated, the role of the Protestants and Catholics in supporting and resisting population control policies, which countries revolted against UN control, and how population control flourishes today under the propaganda line of feminism and family planning.

If you need to catch up, click on the World Depopulation Agenda link in the right column. We collected our posts there.

How are things working out today for the population reducers? Great, if you are sitting at the top of the UN population control pyramid. The globalist population-reduction appeal to the radical coalition of feminists, gays, and blacks is gaining ground. The matriarchy has been formed, holding children under the control of degenerate socialism using “children’s rights” and “human rights” as a front to make it appear as if removing rights is within the “civil rights” framework. Fathers rights have been eliminated from the law. Family formation rates are declining. The funding keeps flowing in from the U.S. Congress. There are more single women, and women are delaying the age of first pregnancy. Opposition is weak and disorganized. The masses are colonized under politically correct slogans and TV brainwashing. The most masculine Marxist women have been elevated to power. Perfect.

Let’s take a closer look at specific areas of “progress.”

How the Marxists at the UN operate.

The war against baby girls, at the Economist.

Russia’s population decline and why Russia cannot grow economically with a shrinking population.

Pravda reports on the U.S. racial mix in the decades ahead. The Hispanic population is expected to double, while Negroes should remain at about the current 12 percent of the population. This is the hour of the black agenda, the future belongs to the Hispanics. We wonder how they will get along, and what will become of the white feminists? The older white males will have been eliminated under Obamacare by then, and the younger white males are entirely brainwashed. How will they cope with the takeover? Ummm, probably by smoking dope and watching TV. We can’t imagine a future for them under feminism. Maybe they will turn gay. Or maybe they will form white gangs, if they want to be able to travel on the streets.

Mexico’s birthrate in freefall. Forget about fertile Mexicans.

Japan reports 29th year of shrinking population.

Germany: a drastic population fall.

Italy’s population crisis.

Taiwan struggles to increase birth rate.

The Left theorizes about the anti-white agenda.

American Thinker reports on how the recession affects men and women differently. It’s not just the recession, socialism affects men and women differently.

A snapshot of the reluctant matriarchy. We’ve noticed that feminists are not psychologically stable and are entirely unreliable for normal life.

At New America Foundation, an argument for why patriarchy must rule the future, from an evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary perspectives are entirely misleading. Man does not refer to the primordial ooze for his ideas, or to lemur societies for models. The people who do this are usually young liberal monkeys looking to justify their perversions by citing animals as authorities. They look to an “out of Africa” model rather than to civilization. Many of these morons are drawn to the gangsta rap culture. Somebody should tell them that nobody in modern Africa approves of it. Note to the Left: monkeys don’t organize bureaucracies, elevate the mediocre to power, and put their best monkeys in slave camps.

Patriarchy is not going to rule the future. It’s not modeled on TV.

Anti-Darwinian evolutionary theorizing.

Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian theories are constantly being rebutted and passing out of fashion. We characterize this field as a black hole because there is so much disagreement among theoreticians who presumably start with roughly the same assumptions based on materialistic determinism arising from random chance forming “laws” which turn out not to be laws. Entering the field of Darwinian theory is time-consuming, and nothing solid can be concluded from evolutionary analogies. There are better places to spend your time and more reliable modes of thinking. All of the Darwinians are Marxists, anyway. They will never come up with an “evolutionary analogy” that doesn’t support Marxism.

Over to Australia. Immigration is killing Australia’s culture. And Europe’s. And the United States’. The prime minister was lying when he said that immigration was good for national security and long-term prosperity. It’s a New World Order anti-white takeover, silly.

Now Australia has a population minister. Wonder what she’ll do? Do they already hand out free condoms and needles in Australia? How about issuing permits in order to have a child?

How the Left is ethnically cleansing whites from England.

Warning from a Member of Parliament.

U.S. women wait longer to have children but are better educated, if you consider Cultural Marxist brainwashing to be education.

Now, let’s connect the dots for the slow-witted. The Left wants to reduce the global population by destroying the family, promoting homosexual sterility, and forcing people to get a permit to have a child. At the same time, the Left wants to enslave the middle class into dependency on government by forcing everyone into healthcare and retirement programs. The problem is, as the population declines, there are fewer young workers to pay for the under-funded socialist programs. The Left’s solution to shrinking revenues is to raise taxes and deny healthcare to seniors so they die off faster. The problem with this solution is, seniors don’t die fast enough under socialized medicine, and tax revenues don’t fund the shortfall between promised benefits and actual revenue collection. The difference, increasing government debt, contributes to the current global financial crisis.

In other words, “sustainable socialism” is entirely a fictional idea. How can the Left simultaneously promote more welfare programs and population reduction? Doesn’t make sense. Edward Hugh, a very mainstream economist, offers more particulars at Global Economy Matters. Robert Samuelson makes similar remarks on socialism’s unsustainability.

The European leaders are entirely aware that they are in a population reduction/government spending crisis, and are now cutting budgets. The Obama administration is in denial and continues to spend us into debt blowup. It also funds the world population reduction agenda lavishly.

The Left economists who talk on TV say, the government needs to increase spending during recession to make up for reduced private spending, and economic growth will solve the debt problem. They are ignoring the huge debt overhang, the unfunded liabilities, the shrinking white population, the growth of highly educated workforces in Asia and Latin America, the effect of free trade agreements, increasing corporate concentration, and the impossibility of every country setting itself up to grow by increasing its exports.

These two trendlines, population reduction and big government spending, are going to crash into each other. They already have, in Europe and in the most indebted U.S. states.

Our simple formula for understanding this is,

Socialism never works. It has never worked and will never work.

Socialism can’t work because you run out of other people’s money to confiscate. It is entirely a criminal enterprise.

In other words, socialism would produce financial crisis and collapse even if big corrupt capitalists didn’t loot the economy.

There has never been a sustainable socialist economy in the history of the world.

So the question of interest is, why do socialists pursue anti-human policies that end up destroying the very bureaucratic structures they have built? Aren’t they endangering their own vision of a total police state?

The answer is, yes, they are, but without massive funding of socialist bureaucracies, the socialists couldn’t get enough votes to take office. Socialists don’t care about the poor, poverty rates remain about the same whether you have socialist programs or not. Anyway, it’s the capitalist economy that ends poverty, not socialism. Socialists care about taking power and creating as many socialist bureaucrats as possible. So their eye is not on trendlines, or sustainability, or worrying about pursuing contradictory policies. Their eye is on what short-term gain they can make to achieve total takeover.

That is why all liberals are out of touch with reality, and even a simple person can see that they aren’t really thinking. They need to rely on women, Negroes, gays, poor Hispanics, and stupid whites, the stupidest people, for support. No one with a brain will go near them.

The problem is that we are their victims. Building systems means, when the system breaks down, the suffering is massive. Even if the system doesn’t break down, its success means greater control for the controllers.

All system-builders are building the New World Order police state, whether they are aware of it or not. Remember, if you help IBM build a smarter planet, you are basically contributing to the monitoring and control of everything, by the most evil criminal weasels, for their profit. If the “system” works better, the police state functions more efficiently.

The gamble of the trendlines the socialists are making is that population reduction won’t matter that much because the socialists can build the police state before the debt overhang crashes the economy. They don’t intend to pay off the welfare state promises anyway. All they really want is to get total control so that when the systems blow up they can stay in control of the crash to the bottom.

The weird feature of our present time is, the socialists are in control of dealing with the massive problems they created. No one throws them out of office.

One is consistently puzzled by socialism. Is it evil, or is it merely stupid? Is Obama purposefully pushing the over-indebted nations and U.S. states into bankruptcy, or is he merely incompetent? Do the feminists really like queers and sterilized males that much to build a life with them, do they have a positive vision of the society of the sterile, or are they in the grip of an ideology without any human value?

The answer is, it depends where you are on the pyramid of power. At the very top, the agents know they are working for the New World Order controllers, and there is no positive vision of the future. They are evil. Partway down the pyramid, the agents imagine they are working for some positive “cause.” They are stupid and brainwashed. Toward the bottom is where it gets interesting. Try to measure the faith of the socialist masses in their leaders versus the anxiety-producing events of the Era of Constant Crisis. The growing sense of unease could lead to awakening from the propaganda matrix and the nightmare future they are planning for us.

Still, the pure evil of the global leadership and the layers of propaganda deception remain poorly documented and poorly publicized, which is why we expect the masses to remain inert even when socialism teeters, falls, and betrays their misplaced faith.

In fact, disseminating pro-socialist propaganda will become a growth industry funded by your taxes and imaginary money as the system unravels. This will be sufficient to keep the feminists enslaved in the program because no feminist has the brainpower capacity to imagine a future for herself outside socialism. As the reluctant matriarchy grows, it will produce more children oriented toward the single-mother socialist model. The public school system shelters these children from any positive male role model. Even if the subsidies ended and the public schools disbanded, there is no one to rescue them from the socialist wasteland.

Two generations are now lost to feminism. Even the World’s Greatest Grandpa can’t save them.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


8 Responses to “Why feminism will crash socialism”

  1. Sabretruthtiger says:


    Yet another example of the propaganda, a girl supposedly discovers ‘missing matter’, an undergraduate student what’s more. Highly unlikely.

  2. Sabretruthtiger says:

    Everything I’ve been saying for a while, concisely and brilliantly put. The rising misandry in the media and subsequently society, is due to the fact the global elite comprised of dynastic international banking families are implementing a global government. They want to destroy threats or resistance as much as possible and men pose more of a threat to the ‘elite’s’ agenda of seizing and maintaining control over the populations.

    The reason is that men are physically more dangerous and are more likely to challenge authority, this is because men are more externally focused and view Authority as an Alpha Male threat whereas women are more internally focused and view Government as a protector.
    Men also have higher IQs confirmed by countless major studies, this makes evolutionary sense as men’s IQs are more spread across the spectrum whereas women’s are more grouped around the middle, the bigger the difference between men’s abilities the more easy it is for women to select the fittest mates, also the best of a diverse group of men is going to be much more intelligent than the best selected of a group of average men. Thus humanity’s intellectual evolution advances more rapidly.

    They have already used the media to portray men as dumb, incompetent, untrustworty buffoons and treated men unfairly in the court system and reduced male influence on the youth through family courts, anti-smacking legislation and the tainting of fatherly affection with the accusation of paedophilia.

    It’s all very well and good to encourage women to get into science, the visual arts, maths and technology if they want to, but there isn’t a push for men to get into HR and coordination roles. Nor is there a push for men to get into Nursing or other traditionally female-dominated roles.
    The fact is, any discrepancy in the amount of men or women in certain careers can be attributed to men and women having different strengths. Men are more adept at science maths and logic, women tend to be better at the social communicative tasks.

    The Govt-controlled media has been engaging in an anti male campaign, portraying men as incompetent, lying, dumb, untrustworthy, sports-obsessed buffoons to subjugate men and give more power to women, to make society more controllable and easier to manipulate.
    For instance one overt example of Australian advertising springs to mind. A Mother is talking to her daughter and the daughter shows a great picture her dad did. The mother says “Yes your father was always very good at art, I think he may be gay”. This belittles any talented creative men by insinuating they’re not masculine, and as men are more likely to think outside the box and challenge authority, creative thinking men are a threat and ridicule is a potent weapon.

  3. Great stuff ici.

  4. bob oest says:

    hello, Larry, longtime.. I moved closer to ur old digs and I am not sure why..
    I can’t follow you as closely as you would wish, BUT I prurchased a small book on “Muslim Youth,” in Tajikistan, written by a repeatedly avowed Marxian feminist woman from E. Europe (Harris). In this impoverished ‘stan, the Russian fashions are still regarded as “modern” and pursued in the cities..
    I was quite amazed at the unwitting litany of Soviet policies undertaken when Russia exerted direct control here earlier under Stalin: It reads like a textbook of U.S. liberal social policies to this day, and that was not the wiriter’s intentiion. Keep up the good work.

    Hi Bob, good to hear from you, I wondered where you were. Keep in touch. There is a Contact NWOU email link in the right column.

  5. Ileen Wieser says:

    Why listen to reason when insanity prevails?

  6. How did you validate that info? Very interesting 🙂

    We read a lot, and we understand the con.

  7. New World Order…

    Be it 9/11 or the NWO the information out there is confusing. Thank you for the info!…

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