Why environmentalism is evil

There are two main parts to the evil environmental agenda, world depopulation and government control over energy use. We have documented the success of the world depopulation establishment in our many book reviews, see World Depopulation Agenda or click on the Depopulation link under Categories in the right column.

The Green Agenda is also a valuable resource for understanding the evil agenda behind the environmental conspiracy. The Green Agenda mainly documents that period of history when Paul Ehrlich, Garrett Hardin, Rachael Carson, and other academic liars were spreading fear of global overpopulation and ecological disaster based on false statistics in support of the UN forced-sterilization and bribery programs.

We don’t really enjoy explaining over and over again that the Green agenda is the New World Order police state agenda. Today we want to hand you over to Chris Horner, who has emerged as a top researcher documenting the hoaxes and frauds behind Green energy schemes. Chris has written at least two books on the Green socialist power grab and the lies and corruption behind the scenes.

Chris can do a better job than we can in documenting and explaining the Green global socialist energy-control agenda. However, we are not convinced that he has a grasp of the organized world depopulation programs operating in recent decades under the UN and the Rockefeller foundations. You really need to understand both aspects of the environmental/population control movement to understand exactly how evil these people are.

We’d like to get out of the Green business and on to topics of greater interest, race preservation and culture preservation, racism and culturism, resistance against global governance, intolerance, censorship of the Left, disobedience, boycotting evil institutions, clearing the mind of all evil liberal ideas, escaping from the forced integration of the mass society, undermining and avoiding secular institutions, avoiding liberal diseases, avoiding liberals, and pissing all over their global socialist conspiracy. So today, once and for all and finally, here is why global warming and clean green energy are a fraud, a hoax, a con, a conspiracy, enslavement, and unworthy of your attention and support.

Top 10 Myths About Global Warming. Yep, they knew it was a fraud all the way back in 2007.

Chris Horner talks about his book Power Grab on CSPAN.

Review of Power Grab.

Horner on Obama’s post-gulf-spill power grab.

Horner: Why not sue the global warmists for fraud and racketeering? The process of filing lawsuits for fraud against the Green conspirators is already well under way.

Of interest:

NASA caught faking climate data. British Royal Society backs down on climate claims. Yes, you will have to give up your naive faith in the false myth of the “Objective Scientist.” Scientists are bought and sold all the time, and the scientific establishment is riddled with fraud. In fact, there is an epidemic of fraud in science these days. It pays well. Fraudulent science is an integral part of the New World Order takeover agenda. That is how they fool the naive suckers.

You will also have to get over your naive belief that the UN and its climate change panel are authoritative scientific sources. Gee, these are exactly the people who stand to gain the most from the global socialist takeover. Get real. The UN is so corrupt it can’t possibly be reformed.

Fraud in the biodiesel industry.

Neither clean nor sustainable.

The Great Global Warming Blunder.

Global warming inventor Michael Mann to be sued for fraud.

The carbon sequestration fraud.

The biofuels fraud.

Green crooks in the Obama administration.

Next you’ll have to get over the idea that the U.S. government is somehow “preserving the environment” for the benefit of all of nature’s creatures. The U.S. government is involved in subsidizing corrupt corporations, such as General Electric, in return for kickbacks and campaign contributions. It is a Green Corporation/Government Criminal Network devoted to destroying property rights and controlling all aspects of life while they profit.

Who is conspiring in the power grab? These people are not your friends or leaders.

The Club of Rome is the main conspirator. Nothing new here.

Lies about cap and trade, green jobs.

Chris Horner also explains well why “green jobs” are inefficient job-killers. Spain and Germany, for example, have already tried the “green jobs” experiment, with disastrous results.

Solar and wind power are not important sources of energy. They are toys for green children to play with. Battery-powered cars and electric cars are similarly toys for naive children.

Government-subsidized green schemes are a recipe for bankrupting the economy. There is nothing “sustainable” about green socialism. If the Left understood economics, there would be nobody left on the Left.

France abandons carbon tax. Because the people of France are wising up to the con job.

Once you understand that the world is facing severe depopulation thanks to the feminist population control program, and once you understand that there is no man-made global warming, and once you understand that Green energy is a corrupt socialist make-work program, you can free yourself from their New World Order control schemes.

OK, so you got fooled. Grow up and get over it. The enemies of humanity are the feminists and the environmentalists. They are the leaders of the death and control culture of global socialism.

Other sources:

Where’s My Global Warming, Dude? keeps up with global cooling.

Why warming and cooling trends are normal.

Green Hell: News and opinion.

The Unbearable Nakedness of Climate Change. Somebody has to keep track of their lies, we’re bored with the subject.

Blowing Our Tax Dollars on Wind Farms. And related stories.

National Wind Watch. Documenting the lie of wind power.

Now you only need to give up one tiny false idea. You were never “saving the planet,” you were cooperating with the feminist population controllers and the Green crooks and hoaxers who are planning a very bad future for humanity. You can escape from their icky evil and understand how they fooled you with very little study. It just requires a small reorientation, from following them and believing them to exposing them and destroying them.

That would really be saving the planet. The only thing the planet needs to be saved from is the feminist socialist death culture.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Why environmentalism is evil”

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