Why are there different histories?

Q: Why are there different histories of the Illuminati and the New World Order? What do you think of David Icke’s books? What about Wes Penre? How can I know which version is the true version?

A: NWOU researched the history of occultism and the New World Order for five years before we heard of David Icke or browsed the internet looking at websites devoted to the New World Order. Then we read a couple of his books. David Icke is kind of gullible. He seems to adopt almost any story that is out there. Some of what Icke has to say is true, but he also adopts stories without checking them out. He is more of a pop writer. He is not a scholar. From our baseline of knowledge we found false claims in Icke’s books.

NWOU checked out Wes Penre’s website. Penre also is not a scholar, he is a songwriter who figured out that Satanism was entering the pop culture through rock and roll music. Penre relies on the occult histories of Manly Hall. In The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World we show that Manly Hall’s histories are consistently false. Also, we show that Queen Elizabeth and Francis Bacon did not conspire to make America the New Atlantis. However, Penre is correct that the most important founding fathers were not Christians, they were occult Freemasons. Thomas Jefferson was an anti-Christian who banned Christian professors from teaching at the University of Virginia.

The Enlightenment philosophy at the basis of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is fundamentally anti-Christian.

Jefferson praised Adam Weishaupt, head of the Bavarian Illuminati, and Robispierre, who carried out the anti-Catholic Terror. The U.S. Constitution is based on the abstract ideals of liberty and equality, which contradict each other. This “philosophy” was originally a slogan of Freemasonry designed to whip up the masses to support the French Revolution and has nothing to do with Christian values or good government. In fact, it isn’t even a philosophy. It’s just a propaganda slogan.

NWOU is not in the business of criticizing others who are attempting to bring the New World Order conspiracy to the attention of the public. But there are many versions of this history. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World relies on the scholarship of James Billington, Chief Librarian of Congress and historian of revolutions. Billington did research in French and German archives to write the definitive history of the Bavarian Illuminati in Fire in the Minds of Men. Billington shows that Illuminism was carried out by Buonarroti and Mazzini until Karl Marx took over the League of Just Men and renamed Illuminism Communism. Illuminism is Communism, and there is a direct link from Weishaupt through Robispierre to Babeuf, Buonarroti, and Mazzini to Karl Marx and then to Lenin.

Lenin praised Robispierre’s Terror and modeled the Russian Terror on the French Revolution.

Engels praised Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals. Illuminism is Communism, and Communism wanted to rule the entire world as the New World Order. This history is discussed in detail using several scholarly sources in The Hidden Masters.

Pop conspiracy theories often confuse the British and American response to Communism as the New World Order because Winston Churchill and a variety of U.S. presidents used the same phrase. Hence they miss the origin of the New World Order in Communism. Today the cooperation between Goldman Sachs and Communist China under Clinton and Robert Rubin further muddies the currents of history as this cooperation makes it appear as if there was “always” a capitalist/Communist combined conspiracy to take over the world. Those who do not go far enough back in history believe that the “Illuminati” are international bankers, and they usually place the Rothschild banking family at the heart of this supposed conspiracy. We show in The Hidden Masters that the Rothschilds were not supporting French Grand Orient Freemasonry, Napoleon, Illuminism, or Communism.

Each worldview produces its own histories and its own myths. Icke and Penre are New Age occultists with good intentions. We can’t blame people for having only part of what is a complex history. Scientific history also throws up its own false myths, and so does Marxism. To get the baseline history examining several worldviews based on solid scholarship, use The Hidden Masters, and go from there. The Hidden Masters is a scholarly book that does not draw from popular culture and does not advocate any particular worldview. With this knowledge baseline, you will understand why all other histories are incomplete.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Why are there different histories?”

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