Who controls Putin?

Brandon Smith at Activist Post opines that Vladimir Putin is really a globalist cooperating with the New World Order, despite his many speeches attacking President Obama’s policies and political correctness. Smith believes Putin is under the control of the central bankers and favors the IMF’s global financial reforms.

We have pinned our hopes on Putin’s genuine opposition to Obama’s world order, mainly because we don’t have any other significant opposition to support. We don’t mean to ignore local protest and freedom movements, but Putin has the power of Russia behind him, as well as the cooperation of China and other nations, and is capable of blocking NWO financial warfare plans, global spying, and the destabilization of nations necessary to usher in full NWO control over the world.

We’ll have to see how it plays out. Euro-Med believes Putin is about to purge the central bankers.

Infrakshun has posted an article of high interest on Chabad Lubavitch, a Jewish apocalyptic sect credited with control over both U.S. and Russian politicians. Nice work.

Euro-med picked up the article and added some commentary. The goal of reducing the world’s gentile population to 600 million is part of their ideology.

From March 4, 2014, Euro-med’s take on the IMF reforms and the program of global taxation.

“It means the acceptance of world slavery.” Financial guru Bob Chapman also pointed out that the present international monetary system was being deliberately destroyed precisely to bring about a global currency like the bancor.  It is every facet of your life that these elitists want to control.” And they’re moving rapidly toward that goal.
The true power structure behind it is the G20, which is “completely unaccountable.”

But since March, the BRIC nations have formed a New Development Bank in an effort to break away from dollar hegemony. Banking and trade outside the dollar system is quite far advanced now. Was the BRIC rebellion against the central bankers just for show?

We doubt it. But, of course, we could always be fooled.

Assertions of Putin’s control by the Jews, as well as denials, can be found around the internet. We confess to not being able to sort out the truth of the matter. But if Putin purges the Rothschild interests from the Russian central bank and the major bureaucracies, we shall have to conclude that Putin’s opposition to the NWO is genuine.

Of interest:

Iceni Rising‘s post Why Is the World Flooded with Immigrants? follows up on Jewish control over multiculturalism and the genocide of the white race.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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