What we learned from the tea parties

Attendance was estimated at 250,000 around the country. That is not enough people to make a difference. But the tea parties were a nice diversion from the endless slow-drip intravenous death drug of socialism.

Two days before the event, Janet Napolitano’s Homeland Security memos regarding the threat of militias to national security were made public. Napolitano’s worries about returning military veterans becoming militia members were a baseless slander. There is no organized Right-wing resistance to the socialist takeover. The idea is pure liberal fantasy adopted from the Clinton slander playbook. What this tells us is that the Left is desperately afraid of organized resistance that exposes their criminal enterprise.

The Right should try to make Napolitano’s fantasy a reality.

Holding the tea parties on tax day confused the Left. They think the protest is against taxes. They also believe that Obama’s policies will reduce taxes, except for the rich. The Left has fallen into two unforced errors. The Right should have created some slogan to help the Left. The Left thinks in slogans and cannot handle intellectual complexity. The Left believes its own propaganda.

The Right is brand new at protesting. Their model for protest is a Republican rally. They are too well-behaved. A protest signals anger and threatens violence. The Right needs to learn from the Left how to act out symbolic violence. The Left loves violence, it is their religion, and they think they have a monopoly on violence. As Chairman Mao said, a revolution is not like a tea party. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. But the Right is too nice to act in their own best interest.

Don’t read the Left-wing blogs, like the Huffington Post or the Daily Kos, on the tea parties. Just take my word for it, they have nothing to offer but hate and vulgarity.

change.jpgThe Left believes it controls the public square through intimidation, propaganda, symbolic and real violence, and biased journalism. The Right needs to take over the Left’s territory. The Left wins as long as the Right is polite and engages in logical argument. The Left has a large bag of tricks to defeat politeness and logical argument.

The Right needs satirical act-up comedy groups to expose the Left. The best line of the day was, “We’ll keep our money, you keep your “change.” Making fun of the Left’s errors and crimes is more effective than speaking about patriotism. Protest is about theater, slogans, and emotion. You can’t attack an abstract target and be effective.

The Right needs to organize militias and support groups. It needs to imitate the methods of the Left to succeed. This is a life and death struggle, not a day off from work. The Right cannot follow a peaceful protest model and succeed. The Left has intended to destroy the family and religion and organize a worldwide Communist New World Order for over a century now. The Left will destroy the Right with subversion, propaganda, violence, prison camps, show trials, sensitivity brainwashing, groupthink, collectivism, forced poverty. The Left understands seizing power through deceit and subversion. The error of following a peaceful protest model is distilled in a conversation Gandhi had with a critic, who pointed out that Gandhi could not have succeeded with a nonviolent protest movement if his opponent had been Nazi Germany rather than Great Britain. If your opponent has no conscience, you cannot succeed with a moral appeal. Gandhi agreed with the point and replied that the Jews should have committed suicide as a grand gesture of protest against the Nazis. The Left has no conscience to appeal to. Their pseudomorality revolves around “peace” and “equality,” which are fronts designed to deceive the idealistic into working for their own enslavement. A peaceful protest movement won’t work against the Left.

The nonviolent protesting Right is not exactly committing suicide because their enslavement under socialism isn’t voluntary. The protests mean they are waking up to the fact that they have been taken over and they need to do something. Not recognizing the seriousness of the situation, their first response will be too tepid.

The Right will not win this death struggle because it is too small, too poorly organized, and does not think strategically. You can’t organize a victory with people who basically want to be left alone. The point of protest is to advertise a position of strength, not weakness. First organize the militias and support groups, then protest to heighten the contradictions and force the middle to choose sides. The Right believes it has time on its side and can rely on appeals to patriotic symbols and elections. The Right will be taken over completely by 2012. The electoral process is too slow and too uncertain to ensure the survival of the Right. The election process is completely corrupt. The Democrats know how to fix elections. Imagining an undoing of big spending programs by a revived conservative party electoral victory is a Right-wing fantasy. The Right hasn’t yet realized its biggest problem is survival. Committing itself unconsciously to a revival of previous conditions or “fixing the present system” condemns the Right to defeat. The Right can’t think creatively toward the future, it is bogged down in nostalgia for the past.

It is also saddled with the legacy of George Bush, and it needs to reject that legacy clearly, both domestic and foreign. The first thing any speaker at a rally should do is point out that George Bush was not a conservative.

The combination of patriotic appeals to founding principles, fairness and decency, and election strategies condemns the Right to the dustbin of history. The tea parties are a kind of salute to what has passed and never will be again. The future is global collective Communist repression and persecution on a scale never before seen in history. The Right has no sense of seizing power, and this will be its downfall. The Right doesn’t even recognize that the Constitutional Convention was an illegal power seizure. The Right yearns to play by the rules and imagines that the founding fathers did. The Right worships a fantasy history and is too weak to prevail.

The Left has the media, the education system, the international organizations, zillions of full-time think tanks cranking out propaganda, lawyers, judges, money, guns, drugs, armies, unions, popular culture, secret societies, Hollywood, Congress, the presidency. What does the Right have?

The issue of the moment, the unending deficit spending, is not an issue of concern for the Left. The Left does not understand economics and is perfectly fine with spending other people’s money, into infinity. The Left does not recognize that it is parasitical, it believes that is it “right” or “justified” or “compassionate.” The Left could only be the Left because it is self-deceived. The Left in America mainly consists of what Lenin called infantile left-wing socialism, the kind of idealistic weak thinking that will be purged after the takeover.

The Left also suffers from a perpetual fantasy, that the economy is going to recover and grow and provide them with increasing tax revenues to keep their parasitical game going. They cannot imagine that their endless legislation kills the capitalist golden goose, that is, they cannot imagine a tomorrow that is really different from today. Everyone on the Left believes that there is some technological breakthrough right around the corner that is going to revive the world economy. They believe there is going to be some jiggering with physics that will create a source of cheap energy and put an end to economic scarcity and resource allocation. This breakthrough will enable them to control the economy for their benefit so that they can continue their endless scheming and subversion of existing institutions. At the very top, the sophisticated criminal Left knows how bad the economy is and just hopes they can keep the game going long enough to salt away a personal fortune.

The bank bailouts are the cutting-edge issue. The Right is not doing a good job of explaining the uconstitutional nature of the bailouts, why big Wall Street firms are parasitical and criminal, why anti-trust laws need to be pursued. The Right has not systematically exposed where the money went. They have not tracked the criminals or even agreed on a program of reforming Wall Street practices. The Right has not clearly linked the Bush/Paulson bailout with the Geithner/Obama bailout and exposed both parties as criminal enterprises. A clear analysis with a moral policy program would help the “wavering Left” to see how Obama is fooling them. The European Left has already grasped this point and is also in the streets. Funny how knee-jerk vulgarity is the Left’s response to tea parties in America when the Left in Europe is doing the same protest on a larger scale. But the Left in America believes Obama is their savior, or something, and he is indeed handing out the bribe money. Putting the issue in terms of big spending/big taxes defaults to Left versus Right politics and keeps us going around in the same small self-defeating circles. The Left remains stuck in its knee-jerk vulgarity and keeps its fantasies of future prosperity alive while the Right holds on to an idealized past that never was. This is a recipe for disaster on a large scale.

Texas Governor Rick Perry emerged as the spokesman for a state sovereignty movement. This is positive. The states should push the sovereignty issue to the front burner and hammer the Left with it. The Left is globalist and treasonous and must redefine sovereignty to succeed with the global Communist takeover. The Left is unpatriotic and should be stuck with trying to defend that identity. Sovereignty is the fault line. More importantly, no one on the Left wants to live with the remnant of the Right, and the Right wants to withdraw from the corrupt secular institutions that have been taken over by Marxism. The Right has not been able to resist Marxist subversion of the government, the education system, the Christian churches, the psychology profession, the professional associations, and the corporations. They should withdraw to particular states and create sanctuaries for their values, if only as a way of buying time before they are completely eliminated. State sovereignty movements are one means of doing what everyone wants to do, move away from the other party and live among like-minded people. Texas is a no-income tax state with a successful economy. They could absorb a few more conservatives.

Next we’ll examine possible alternative futures to the globalist takeover and the socialist prison camp.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “What we learned from the tea parties”

  1. Kenny says:

    So ok, lots of people are already aware the scope of the deception which has crippled our nation. WHAT IS BEING DONE??? Who is now organizing like minded people toward a predetermined worthwhile goal? The media cannot be used directly as every story is scripted by the powers that be. This if at all, needs be done grassroots style. We could start to organize first, those Americans who understand the overall big picture. They could be the group leaders in charge of educating the sheople about #1-fractional reserve lending and how the banks profit immensely whilst crippling our currency. How the Congress was originally supposed to be in charge of printing the money so that they could be accountable to we the people. That should be the overall theme of any movement: How to get accountability toward the people of the republic back as the first priority of every politician. #2 Anti trust legislation against the media which is controlled by a handful of very powerful people. #3 How to ensure that we the people never again fall asleep.

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