What is the war on terror, again?

Let’s begin with ISIS. The U.S. media consider ISIS to be the reincarnation of al qaeda (Islamic terrorism) establishing the Caliphate and threatening to export terror to Europe and the United States. The generals are ready to invade Iraq, but Obama has settled for a tepid bombing of empty targets at night.

Edward Snowden says the head of ISIS is a Mossad agent named Simon Elliot. And why is John McCain seen in a photo with Elliot? Obama and U.S. allies have armed ISIS.

Aangirfan reports that the top leadership of ISIS are not Moslem but Chinese and Georgian CIA assets. The purpose of ISIS is to knock over Assad. Obama isn’t going to stop them.

Multiple sources on this same subject reported at Veterans Today.

Anti-media has the history of the creation of al qaeda and ISIS.


Land Destroyer notices that Obama has not imposed economic sanctions on any nation supplying ISIS.

“If we really wanted to end ISIS we would cut off their funding.”

Why the U.S. doesn’t want to end terrorism at PressTV.

Obama wants an international law tracking and penalizing “terrorists” traveling abroad. As Obama has said, anyone who opposes him is a “terrorist.” A breathtaking move on the chessboard of global tyranny. Any nation that doesn’t control its terrorist citizens is a terrorist state.

Actual state sponsors of terrorism might be made uncomfortable by such laws. Chief among them would be Saudi Arabia. Here’s why.

The “war on terror” was first proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu. If you haven’t figured out yet that 9/11 was an inside job, search until you figure it out.

Meanwhile, Obama has organized U.S. military and NATO special operations forces to respond to any international threat. U.S. armed forces routinely serve under NATO commanders. That’s what the New World Order is, my terrorist friend, the joining of the U.S. military with NATO and Israel to impose Full Spectrum Dominance on all opposition. Add to these capabilities private armies  or “security forces” for hire as well as special agencies attached to the executive agencies and we have to conclude that Full Spectrum Dominance has nearly been achieved, excepting China and Russia.

This does bring to mind George Orwell’s slogan “perpetual war for perpetual peace.” A perpetual war against a bogus “enemy” justifying the destabilization of any nation hostile to the global takeover.




About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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