What crisis means

We watched an interesting speech by Ian Mitroff broadcast on CSPAN last weekend. Mitroff is a writer and a consultant to governments and corporations who are experiencing crisis or want to prevent crises. Mitroff is an expert in managing crises, a social scientist and a systems analyst. We want to credit Mitroff with a couple of good ideas in this post, but Mitroff’s speech revealed that he is contaminated with false Enlightenment and Progressive thinking, so we won’t bother to do more research into his work. We have a stack of books to read by good authors, and we don’t want to go down any liberal dead ends.

Mitroff’s point that impressed us was, crisis exposes the false assumptions of the institution that experiences it. We have been looking for a good way to say this. One of the most outstanding features of the global financial crisis is that it exposes the false beliefs of the parties involved, and yet no one seems to be treating this crisis as an opportunity to rethink the global financial system, corrupt socialism, or continued debt issuance until they simply can’t issue any more debt.

Mitroff contrasts organizations that learn with organizations that don’t learn. The New World Order doesn’t learn. That is why it is so dangerous. The Left is committed to never learning. Our only hope for the world is that the Right can learn.

The reason the New World Order doesn’t learn is because it is devoted to world tyranny and exploitation of the masses. It is basically a criminal enterprise and hence is not interested in learning.

Mitroff doesn’t think about the evils of globalism at all. His work occurs down a level or two. He is the sort of expert Toyota might call in to give it public relations and corporate reorganization advice. He considers himself a “systems” thinker because corporations and governments are divided into departments that become special interests. Any group of bureaucrats is going to exhibit rigid thinking and defensive behavior to preserve their turf. All of this was dealt with decades ago in The Peter Principle. Mitroff is a next-generation Peter who is able to position himself at the level of the whole organization and negotiate competing interests by appealing to the greater interest of the system as a whole. We have zero interest in Mitroff’s consultancy business. We don’t care anything about crumbling corporate images. We care about saving humanity from the New World Order. We want the system to crumble. For that to happen, the image of the New World Order as a positive system must be exposed and suddenly dissolve in millions of people’s minds. If we knew how to make that happen, we could save the world from the Era of Constant Crisis. But we are just fumbling around in the dark using old-fashioned methods of scholarly research and then referring to news and opinion stories that people might consider authoritative because they are not able to recognize us as an authority. This kind of slow donkey work from a single source isn’t going to succeed. It doesn’t matter how much superior knowledge we have because people don’t get their opinions from knowledge, they get their opinions from images that reinforce their outdated worldviews.

If we could figure out how to make false images crumble instantly, we might have a chance. But Mitroff isn’t going to help us with that project, he is an image consultant and so ultimately not interesting.

If Mitroff was able to read The Hidden Masters, he would discover a bigger network of evil than the modern corporation and government. But then he might not be so anxious to save the sinking ships. He might have to make a moral reassessment, as we did, and stop working to support global corporations who want to take over control of many countries, as we did.

Image crumbling leads to moral crisis, and people don’t want moral crisis. They won’t move until the walls fall down around them. By “walls fall down,” we mean, until the TV goes black and there’s no food in the grocery store. By then it’s too late.

Mitroff’s tools for analysis involve challenging the normal sources of corporate authority, expert consensus, conflict through debate, and scientific expertise. Mitroff notes that scientists defend their hypotheses to the death and hence are usually rigid thinkers. In other posts we have explained that science is not thinking. Mitroff thus manages to bring a breath of fresh air to experts and bureaucrats who are rigid thinkers. For this he makes a nice living, congratulations.

We immediately extended Mitroff’s point that most corporations don’t learn to political movements that don’t learn, presidents who don’t learn, global bureaucrats who don’t learn, European leaders who don’t learn, etc. When we look at the world today, we see the faultlines and the crumbling economies, and leaders who don’t learn. Using the same old worldview to patch up a crisis is not thinking. Actually, the global financial crash discredited both the socialists and the Wall Street capitalists, but both parties are thinking in the same old narrow ruts.

What the financial crash really accomplished was the elevation of New World Order studies to the superior way of thinking and the superior way of understanding history. We knew that before the financial system crashed, but now everybody has the opportunity to leave the old wordviews behind because they have been so exposed that their images have crumbled.

The outstanding feature of our “intellectual” world, after the 2008 global financial crash, is that hardly anybody is learning from the crisis. Those who carry on in the old ways are in denial. But both the image and the intellectual assumptions of the New World Order have crumbled. Some of the ordinary folks are beginning to get it. Why don’t the elites? They have the most to gain from preventing the next crisis.

We think the reason is worldview blindness. Our conspiratorial New World Order worldview is superior to every other way of thinking. Those who are left supporting Big Capitalism or socialism are simply living in outdated worldviews. They are like the lemmings who see the crowd of lemmings ahead of them but never throw their impulse control into reverse as they are about to go over the cliff.

Obama is a particularly bad example of the president who won’t learn. Marxism makes you rigid and fanatical. He could relax and become a sub-ordinary president, but he’s determined to copy the failed presidencies of Carter and Clinton. All three of these Marxists ran for president pretending to be Christians while funding global Marxism up the wazzoo. There are so many layers of deception in the Obama persona that he could default back a step or two and pretend to be somebody else for a while. Instead he is determined to go over the Carter and Clinton cliff. You do have to ask, why are the Marxists so dumb? We don’t know.

Mitroff was just an excuse to say something we have wanted to say for a long time, but didn’t find the right words. You can’t fix a problem by operating out of the worldview that caused the problem. Yet, all of the global leaders, with the exception of the Chinese and the Russians, are robots walking along the same trail that caused the global financial crisis. No indictments, no prosecutions, no convictions, no changes in regulation, no decline in derivatives, no lynch mobs, no riots in the streets, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd still seated, Bernanke reappointed, you really have to ask, what are these morons thinking?

Well, they can still travel around in safety and live well at our expense, so why should they change? It’s not like they are intellectually curious. You can just tell from their appearance and their body language that they have no life in them. Rather than challenge a single assumption, they rely on advisers to give them the next move on the chessboard, the next committee or next debt load or next deal to broker. There isn’t a thinker or leader among them. They are walking dead locked in to mutual dependence, and by God not one of them is going to move out of lockstep and actually do something for the people. Like apologize and resign and expose the whole corrupt enterprise.

Europe has recently blocked Wall Street corporations from issuing debt, but other than that, Europe has followed Gordon Brown into more globalist initiatives as the solution to the crisis caused by globalism. Europe’s tepid socialists and Obama appear to us as sleepwalking zombies ready to be surpassed by a newly energized China/Russia alliance that is busy disengaging from global entanglements and rejecting U.S. hegemony. We’ll examine this emerging alliance in a future post. Meanwhile, the West is engaged in a deathmarch led by zombies who can’t learn. We hope you can find your way out of it.

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About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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