UN attacks parents

The United Families International Blog is a good place to keep up with the coordinated Communist global attack on parent’s rights. This post describes the threat of home visitation from government bureaucrats authorized in the “health care” bill. Tune in to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to understand the globalist attack on families.

Children’s rights will be used to prevent parents from teaching their children about religion. The treaty also gives children free access to abortion and requires them to attend sex education classes.

Planned Parenthood teaches sex ed in Cleveland schools. Planned Parenthood is funded with $350 milllion from the government to develop their programs. Of course their program includes normalization of homosexuality and “fighting gender stereotypes” (feminism). These programs now include anti-obesity messages. If the mission creep of sex education continues, they will probably soon be adding Green messages and vegetarian messages.

In Spain sex education now includes teaching children how to masturbate. This is causing a little scandal as some Spanish parents still believe they are in charge of their children. They’re not, and the United Nations is going to make sure their children come under Communist control. Notice the Left’s resort to masturbation as “healthy sexuality.” You can forget about the Left’s commitment to healthy sexuality. As we pointed out in our post America is Not Normal, the Left’s program of sexual freedom has left millions scarred by sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Still, we expect the Lefties to elbow each other out of the way to get those masturbation-modeling jobs. Hope nobody gets hurt in the crush.

If you can’t run Planned Parenthood out of your schools, your children will be taken from you and exploited by leftist propaganda promoting promiscuity as “healthy sex.”

Alex Renton makes the case against having children in the Guardian. Mr. Renton ties children to carbon emissions and finds that eliminating them is the easiest solution to achieving Britain’s carbon emissions targets. Mr. Renton seems not to realize that there is no relationship between carbon dioxide and atmospheric warming, and the atmosphere is not warming. But he insists on taking his perverse “logic” to the extreme. We warned you in previous posts that the climate changers would be cranking out overpopulation scare stories.

Mr. Renton admires China for eliminating births, but he ignores Japan, which also drastically cut its birthrate in the 1950s under U.S. and UN pressure. As a result of these sterilizations and abortions, Japan’s population is now skewed out of shape with lots of old people and not enough young people. Japan’s new Liberal Democratic government is trying to stimulate Japan’s low birth rate (1.26) by offering a monthly government subsidy for children and free education. Japan is reversing the “Planned Parenthood” depopulation agenda because it doesn’t have enough young people to support its welfare state and a sophisticated industrial economy. Japan will refuse to allow large numbers of foreign immigrants due to Japan’s racial superiority beliefs. The demographic population reduction trends are now so pronounced that Russia and Japan may cease to exist as viable nations over the next couple of generations. We know that forced sterilization and birth control work to reduce population, but we don’t know if population growth can be revived by paying people to have children.

In China, the U.S. and UN-financed depopulation programs left China’s population with a surplus of men. 30 million Chinese men will never find wives, unless they import them from abroad. Of course this is going to lead to a lot of social problems, but the feminists have never minded the social problems as long as the family is destroyed.

Bert Chapman has taken a lot of flack for posting this analysis of the economic costs of homosexuality. When the Left takes over and controls everything, it tends to calculate economic costs and then focus on reducing those costs because the government is now bearing them. For example, reducing obesity and diabetes would lower the total health care cost significantly each year. But so would lowering the AIDS rate. The Left ignores its chosen radical constituencies when doing such calculations. Thanks, Bert, for reminding us how much homosexual promiscuity actually costs. We could extend this analysis to calculate how much the Left’s program of family destruction actually costs. Nothing wrong with calling out the Left on the damage in human lives it purposefully causes. While we’re at it, let’s add up the costs of the Left’s genocides, prison camps, and bad economies. Let’s also add up the intangible costs of the Left’s control over speech, art and literature, and the academic curriculum, and their intolerance for any worldview conflicting with theirs. Do you have a really big economic cost in mind? I came up with 27 quadrizillion dollars, and an entire century lost to humanity. We probably should double that figure to include the wasted lives of the Lefties themselves. Who knows what they might have contributed to humanity if they hadn’t wasted their lives pursuing global total control schemes with utter ruthlessness and arrogance?

Oh, wait, we forgot to add in the Left’s corruption. Sorry, we’ll have to close down this project, we don’t have access to a supercomputer big enough to do the calculations.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “UN attacks parents”

  1. combat virus says:

    This is an epic article, I will definitely be adding you to my morning routine 🙂

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