TV commercials

One of the odd things about the takeover is how TV is structured. You would expect the comedies and dramas to feature feminists and the radical minorities as Communist role models and the commercials to model white male expertise in technology and invention. But no, the commercials are anti-white male as well as the dramas, news, and talk shows. This tells us that the marketing departments of the major corporations are taken over by gays and feminists.

Angry White Dude has an analysis of the most offensive commercials. You can use this list of big corporations that consistently bash whites to boycott their products. But you should be boycotting all Fortune 500 companies anyway. They are all politically correct and multicultural.

Occidental Dissent has a post on the TV youth culture, but he is far more optimistic than we are. Occidental believes we have a choice between the dumbed down youth culture and a revival of white learning. Sure, white learning is going to revive among the readers of our blogs, but the vast majority of kids who go to public schools are coming out illiterate, with zero knowledge of history and culture, beaten down and cowed, and forced to mouth the anti-white slogans. We don’t see them taking up the book when their experience in the classroom has been that history and culture are boring. We think most of them are going to remain in the degenerate matriarchal criminal rap and video culture.

Saving white culture is the responsibility of the older whites, those who can remember white culture. There are far too many illiterate young white males for the older white males to befriend and educate to be able to reach them all. There aren’t more white males than there are minorities plus feminists, and the Progressive Commies have control over education, government, corporations, and media. We don’t see that as a winning formula, even granting that whites will flee from Obama and Pelosi’s corrupt party toward the Republicans.

Maybe whites will stop watching TV as they have stopped reading the liberal newspapers. As it is now, they are forcing us away from TV, and that’s actually a good thing. Reading is far more rewarding, and we shouldn’t be supporting the corrupted secular institutions anyway. We’re better than that.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “TV commercials”

  1. I have seen some crappy posts but this one really impresses me. Good work!

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