Turning America into no man’s land

“No man’s land” originally meant the unoccupied and uncontrolled territory between two armies. Today it means the districts controlled by liberals. There is a liberal army, the army against civilization, but there isn’t a second army, an army of civilization. There are official police forces, but these are hamstrung by liberal laws and liberal regulations. Political correctness drives the white guys out. There is a U.S. army, but it is infiltrated by gays and lesbians and feminists and is commanded by a Marxist. The Left needed to take control of the army to make sure that no organized force returns to U.S. soil to resist their takeover.

wasteland.aspx.jpgLiberal culture creates wastelands, and these are most noticeable in urban areas. Whole areas of America’s major cities are eyesores dominated by pawn shops, porn shops, liquor stores, strip clubs, tattoo parlors, cheap hotels, pizza joints, and 99 cent stores. These liberal neighborhoods are the high crime areas. When the money runs out and the city can’t afford its police department, the next step is a no man’s land.

In California the liberal wasteland has already become no man’s land in the Vallejo-Richmond area. Think of Oakland and Detroit as model liberal cities. Detroit is a no man’s land, Oakland is liberal wasteland on its way to no man’s land. Los Angeles has become mostly wasteland.

Here’s a little fair warning: Don’t come to California. It’s liberal wasteland everywhere now.

Victor Davis Hanson is still living in rural central California, takes a look around. What Schwarzenegger and Pelosi have created, a no man’s land in California.

Parts of Arizona are illegal immigration no man’s land.

Not just Arizona, the whole southwest.

A rancher figures out that it’s a race war.

aztlan.aspx.jpgBut America’s immigration problem isn’t limited to the southwest any more, they are everywhere, up into the Northeast and in rural areas as well as in cities. This is a nationwide problem. Take Ohio, for example.

We want you to pay special attention to Hanson’s point that the Mexicans are schizo. On the one hand, they demand every special privilege, and the liberals grant them every privilege, as they bristle with hate for the country that supports them. On the other hand, they uphold Mexico as some superior place, even though they are fleeing from Mexico. Living around schizo people is dangerous because they are unstable people. They aren’t in the right place, living with purpose. Interlopers can explode into violence or dissolve into tears of confusion at any moment. After they’ve been here for a while, they develop the Negro Marxist bad attitude.

Clinton.jpgIsn’t it interesting that the politicians, including Vicente Fox and Bill Clinton, promised that NAFTA would bring wealth to Mexico as the borderlands were developed with U.S. capital investment? Nobody talks about economic development along the border today because it is a no man’s land. Let’s measure our distance from the NAFTA treaty, about 15 years. Think ahead another 15 years. The drug gangs and the Democrats and the Communist Mexicans aren’t going to just disappear, apologize, give the money back. The liberal cancer is going to spread everywhere.

As you slide down the economic ladder you have two choices. You can flee from liberal no man’s land or become one of them and try to get along without civilization as the schizo Mexicans do. But you can’t become one of them because you are white and you are the object of organized Communist hate. As time goes by, the flight option will expire because all of America will become liberal wasteland and then no man’s land.

They will put electronic sensory devices into the no man’s land to keep informed about what is going on. Planes will fly over, but cars won’t drive through the area unless there is some special mission requiring an armored convoy. Haven’t you seen this movie? You know how it turns out. Did you think it was some imaginary futuristic fantasy? Nope, it’s the planned agenda of social and economic destruction of socialist takeover.

drone.jpgThis is the socialist plan for the entire world, their New World Order. But it doesn’t exactly end there, because the end game is worldwide population reduction. When they do it in a big way with force, they will do it in the name of the “environment.” You can track liberal progress through these stages: the liberal wasteland (all the productive white people move out); the no man’s land (leaving just the shell of the former civilization); “the environment” (the final clean up project to erase the remnants of a once-great civilization and the return to nature).

If you’re living in a little bubble, try getting out and around more and taking note of the liberal no man’s lands in your area. Being aware of your surroundings is an essential survival strategy. If you’re falling down the economic ladder and are being forced into motion, move toward the more stable white areas. You want to put off becoming a casualty of liberal policies as long as possible.

Everyone should be calculating their possible time line of survival in their present circumstances and have a plan for their next move for optimum survival. Regardless of any economic or political trends reported in the news, nothing can stop the big liberal trend, turning America into no man’s land.

Notice that you have an instinct to turn away from the wreckage. Instinctively, you don’t go there and look around. Force yourself to take a look over the freeway wall and how things are going on the other side of town.

The right agenda is not to think about how to clean things up and restore order. You would just be helping them. Don’t let them turn you into a social worker, patching up the destruction they cause. The right occupation is warrior. The right agenda is to think about how to eliminate liberalism entirely.

If you can come up with the right plan to eliminate the liberals, you will be the greatest person who ever lived, and all of humanity will be in your debt, forever.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Turning America into no man’s land”

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