News for June 26, 2015

How NSA spies on the whole world.

Germany halts spying on EU neighbors for Obama, sort of.

The Weekly Standard describes how Obama’s tilt toward Iran and his conflicts with Russia and China are affecting U.S. alliances. How many foreign allies does Obama really have? Well, there’s Japan.

Details on Hillary’s email setup. Certainly hacked by foreign governments. The missing $6 billion. The U.S. State Department doesn’t seem concerned. Well, you know, there’s so much corruption in government, what’s another $6 billion?

A lot of Hillary’s deals were about weapons sales. Including chemical weapons. No problem for the Left. They specialize in mass murder.

Larry Klaman of Judicial Watch files RICO lawsuit against Hillary in Florida court. Big banks have paid $81 billion in speaking fees to Bill Clinton at a time when they were under Justice Department investigation. Geez, that’s a lot of money. Isn’t it disheartening to see all these Democrats supporting Hillary’s presidential bid? It doesn’t get any more corrupt than that. But anyway, Democrats aren’t honest people.

After a lull in the war talk, Obama pushes G7 into increasing sanctions against Russia, and Ukraine president warns about Russian invasion. An opinion piece on what is at stake in Ukraine. U.S./NATO troop buildup.

New York Times urges Congress to arrest Obama administration members over delay of Freedom of Information Act requests.

Another reason to arrest Obama: releasing illegal immigrant criminals.

U.S. military admits that the foreign leader of the Iraqi opposition never existed. You need to get used to these intelligence scams along with false flags in the age of “terrorism.”

The Feds are interested in blog commenters. Face it, there isn’t any free speech, and you should expect your best sources to just disappear without a trace.

“TPP is separating us from the U.S. Constitution and from national sovereignty and replacing both with a global governance superstructure.”

Phyllis Schafly explains why Obama’s TPP trade treaty has been kept secret. It creates another global supergovernment. What a “living agreement” means. You need to get used to laws and regulations meaning one thing today, another tomorrow. Like in revolutionary France. Depends on which Left faction is in power at the moment.

Pope Francis has moved to the top of the list of public cheerleaders warning about global warming. Here’s a look at his nutty science advisor. Sorry Catholics, Pope Francis is New World Order.

Further evidence that ISIS is al-qaeda 2.0. U.S. plans for ISIS to overthrow Syria.

9/11 hi-jackers’ passports were issued by the CIA.

Russian Federal Security Service head Alexander Bortnikov reveals ISIS is recruiting Chechen Moslems, anticipates ISIS attacks on Russia. A little more on this at Global Research.

A gentle introduction to Jade Helm. Smells like martial law. All the pieces are in place, including legal justification and UN cooperation. 

Recent Bilderberg meeting emphasized advances in Artificial Intelligence for improved spying, robotics for human replacement. A classic collection of Bilderberg quotes.

The recent G7 meeting in Europe and China’s take on the proceedings. We can imagine China taking over the world Communist NWO leadership role, but we have trouble imagining them cooperating with the present socialist NWO set-up.

Commie New World Order cheerleaders often present China as a positive case study in economic development to justify corporate complicity with China’s economic plans. Charles Hugh Smith calculates the recent human cost in terms of health and mental disorders. Even if you ignore China’s genocides, the human cost of Commie development has been extremely high.

Anti-immigration party (DPP) in Denmark grows to 20 percent voter support.

Michelle Obama supports Moslem invasion of England.

The CFR-controlled journal Foreign Affairs exposes Greek oligarchs, entrenched special interests. Just add Jew bankers and socialist politicians for a case study in how not to run a government and an economy.

A look at the European Central Bank and Parliament buildings. Tyranny is bad enough, but these socialist tyrants are real creeps.

Conspiracies get a little consideration in the media. Too bad he missed the Illuminati history, it only takes about an hour to get it if you have the right book or the right internet search.

A little public art mocking Hillary, Obama. You’re an artist, aren’t you? Get inspired.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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