They control movies and TV

We don’t want to spend a lot of time on mind control, occult symbolism, and the media because we are busy mapping the broad outline of the New World Order conspiracy, but we do want to get you started in the right direction.

How the controllers use science fiction movies to program you. This is called “predictive programming.” Meet Phillip Collins and Michael Hoffman. These are great men. Learn from them.

You watch a lot of movies. So, when the future arrives, you have already seen it.

TV models reality for you, even though it’s completely illusion. Might as well act like the people you see on TV. They are role models, right? Well, yes, they are, if you aren’t intelligent enough to pick a better role model. Who is your role model?

Everywhere in the media, symbols of occultism, particularly Satanism and Freemasonry. If you don’t know the symbols, you don’t know the hidden connections. You want to know when the occultists are programming you, don’t you? This is the extra knowledge you need so that you are not completely naive.

The church of killing your brother, stealing people’s souls in the underworld and causing chaos. Pretty uplifting, eh? Tolerance of Satanism is how they take you over.

Vigilant Citizen keeps up with the transhumanist, mind control, occult symbolism, and police state agenda as reflected in pop culture. Nice work. Vigilant Citizen is one of the best sites on the web.

Pseudo-Occult Media: Illuminati-controlled celebrities, occult symbolism in pop culture. Read every post in this blog, if you can stand it.

The Industry Exposed. Imagine consuming a steady diet of this stuff. No wonder the liberals you meet are so dumb.

We are so glad these websites are up. We don’t like to do this kind of work.

Extracurricular activities

You’ll get everything you need from the above sites. The following are for the truly adventurous.

Labyrinth of the Psychonaut: leave a trail so you can find your way out.

pop illuminati

Psyche truth.

News of interest:

Wired: The normalization of psychedelic drugs.

Children have trouble separating fantasy from reality as it is. How about this: bombard them with fantasy.

We want to shift your thinking a bit to consider that media are weapons, not entertainment vehicles.

They call it “reality TV.” Actually, it’s invasion of privacy TV. As long as people want their privacy invaded on TV, you should also be OK with having your privacy invaded, right? Does anybody really need to watch the stupid details of other people’s boring private lives? Does it make it more interesting when it’s a contest? The strange thing is, all of these lowbrow garbage shows attract cults of followers. The shows are cheap to produce, but there is more going on than saving money. The purpose is to create a mass culture that replaces literature and literacy. That is what the controllers want.

Scientists believe Twitter can make you immoral. We wouldn’t go that far. Superficial, yes. There can be a kind of addiction to speed of communication that keeps people trapped in a constant communication network. More importantly, kids are more or less constantly connected to each other all the time. Think about how strange this is, and how the addictiveness of communication networks together with age-grouping in schools divides the older from the younger.

We don’t think that movies and TV bypass a moral filter any more than stage plays or radio programs do. The problem is when the content is so degraded and the communication is constant.

Low interest:

For those of you who need to watch a movie to understand we are living in a police state, there is one.

The dream of Pandora induces thoughts of suicide. Perhaps these people have poor identity formation. As we pointed out in a previous post, Enlightenment ideas lead to higher suicide rates.

You like Jackie Chan movies, right? What does Jackie Chan like? Communist China. Who are you really supporting when you buy that movie ticket? We hope you care about this a little.

Approaching the subject

How one woman struggled to grasp mind control themes in movies.

If mind control, occult symbolism, monarch programming, and MK-Ultra experiments are a new subject for you, don’t expect to get it all at once. The newcomer typically reacts with skepticism. The skepticism is articulated as, “Couldn’t it just be coincidence that these symbols appear in different places?” This point of view really means, “How could it be possible that occult organizations want to control the world and have so much power?”

beatles_satan_signs.jpgThe internet web sites are really not sufficient to orient you to the big subject of occult symbolism. To get along in this field, you will need to consult books on specific types of symbolism, for example, masonic symbolism, Illuminati symbolism, alchemical symbolism, Egyptian symbolism, etc. A great place to start is with the masonic symbolism of Washington, D.C. More generally, studying occult symbols encoded in architecture through the ages will give you more confidence in the endurance of mystical symbols. You may think it is possible that the appearance of an occult symbol is an accident, but actually this probability is very low. There is a big game going on. Find out about it. Studying symbolism is very rewarding because it lifts you above the naive dupes who don’t know what is being communicated.

Occult symbolism is a kind of secret code. If you don’t know the symbols, it all goes over your head. That is why you need to engage with the homosexual agenda, the occult agenda, the satanic agenda, etc.

If you approach symbolism with the attitude that you want “proof of conspiracy,” you may abandon it because symbols don’t constitute proof. But let me assure you that the study of symbolism is very rewarding. It will provide a portal into the higher levels of occult conspiracy if you pursue the subject. Studying symbolism can take you toward the upper levels of the global power pyramid and deep into the secret societies that rule history.

clintondevilsign.jpgIf you have been wanting to graduate from NWOU, here is your chance. But you need to undertake a study program that lasts for months, at least, and involves studying encyclopedias of occult symbols, at least 5 or 6, before you are going to make headway. Surfing the web won’t do it.

The subject of symbolism is complicated by the fact that secret societies in Europe combined symbolism from several sources. For example, just because you see a pyramid doesn’t mean the society is oriented toward Egypt. You should be armed with knowledge of the three major streams of occult knowledge that entered Europe, their sources and how they combined.

Entering the world of medieval symbolism will take you into medieval magic and alchemy. It is very helpful to have a baseline of ancient occult knowledge before you engage with Europe.

We can’t hold your hand every day. At some point you are going to have to fly out of the nest. The key point is to start, and to persevere, consulting multiple academic sources. It’s really not that hard, but you can’t be a lazy liberal slug and succeed.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


12 Responses to “They control movies and TV”

  1. It seems like you are generating difficulties your self by attempting to solve this concern rather than seeking at why their can be a issue inside the 1st location.

    We don’t imagine that we are solving anything. But if you have some solid information, feel free to share.

  2. Many people speculate on how the world will end. One of Nostrodamus’ predictions was that in 2012, Earth will come very close to another planet, resulting in our planet getting knocked off of its gravitational axis. If this happened, the resulting drag on the Earth’s crust would tear it into pieces, and in turn that would cause a host of other disastrous events, resulting in billions of deaths. The survivors of such a catasrophe as this are thought to have already been chosen and the government is supposed to protect them.

    We’re not interested in Nostradamus.

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  4. Carlos Amys says:

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    The sources are listed in the back of the book. If you are referring to this post, the sources are the links. The book information tells you what to look for on the net. The net sources are just other people saying the same thing, but for some reason people want to believe other sources on the net rather than me so I send them to other sources. Maybe people believe the other net sources because they show you pictures.

  5. tv movies says:

    tv movies…

    Any idea if there are similar blogs like this related to tv movies?…

    No, but you don’t need to know the various symbols to reject TV. TV programs are Cultural Marxist promotions of feminism, anti-white racism, politically correct slogans, surreal imagery, false history, or just time-wasting irrelevancy. People who watch TV shouldn’t read this blog, it will just confuse them because it doesn’t match their worldview of false myths and false history.

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