The West is running out of people

Many environmentalist/population control websites broadcast the false claim that world population is rapidly increasing. Some project a doubling of the world population over the next 50 years. These false statistics are New World Order disinformation. The world population is growing very slowly, and at a decreasing rate. Tune in, and understand how they fooled you.

Susan Yoshihara wrote in 2008 that falling birthrates in Western nations are posing a “security threat.” According to a study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the world now faces a “low fertility trap” as populations decline in Western nations.

The Times Online reported in 2005 that Russia has more abortions per year than live births. Russia’s population is declining at a rate of 1 million people per year. In 50 years, Russia’s population is projected to be cut in half from present levels. Feminism in Russia has resulted in large numbers of sterile women from botched abortions. The average Russian woman has 8 abortions in her lifetime. Abortion, cheap vodka, and the destruction of Christianity were Russia’s recipe for utopia. Instead, these policies led to Russia’s demise. The government now pays Russian women to have babies. Even so, Russia’s workforce is projected to become too low to support its economy in 2020.

In 2007 Canadian TV reported that Canada’s declining workforce poses problems for its economic future. CTV reports that many seniors will have to continue working during their retirement years as “professional couples” (feminist families) decided to have too few children to replace Canada’s population. Note in the Comments section that several people blamed government hiring practices for squeezing young people out of the workplace, while others saw the need for more government-sponsored childcare. The real story is, Canada is being targeted for large-scale immigration from Communist China by the New World Order leaders.

“Canada is running out of kids” continues the theme at

Jacqueline Kasun is the leading demographic expert who challenged the UN, Carter Administration, and environmentalist lies about population explosion. George Neumayr has a brief introduction to her work. Children aren’t the problem. Planned Parenthood is the problem.

If you still believe the lies of the population-bomb environmentalists such as Paul Ehrlich, have a look at the following graph (U.S. Census data, 2008):


The world is increasing in population, but the rate of growth is dramatically slowing. Meanwhile, Russia, Europe, Canada, and the United States are facing problems from population decline. Japan, the first nation targeted for population control by the Rockefellers after World War II, is facing drastic population decline. Time to wake up from your false environmentalist New World Order nightmare. The world population isn’t going to double in 50 years, or 100 years. There is plenty of arable land, and no shortage of space on planet earth for people to live in. The environmentalists and feminists have been lying to you.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “The West is running out of people”

  1. Thank you for your insights

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