The unstoppable liberal wasteland, 1

“The Roman Empire did not come to be feared by having meetings and doing paperwork; they did this by killing all who opposed them.”

We wanted to title today’s post “It’s Later Than You Think,” but you already know that. “The liberal wasteland” is a title that is general enough to cover the various socialist takeover stories we are giving you today. We are surfing around to various venues and bringing you a reality check about how awful things are in the socialist wasteland.

The natural environment isn’t the environment that matters. The social environment is experiencing accelerating degredation from the spread of liberalism. We are living in the socialist wasteland. It cannot be reclaimed. It is designed to squeeze every positive human value out so that socialist nihilism can prevail under pervert control.

We assume you are incapable of planning ahead and will only take the forking path of change when it is forced upon you. You are not good at making plans and carrying them out. You think somebody else is going to fix socialism for you. They are not. Socialism is an unfixable catastrophe.

Have a look at how others are coping with the socialist wasteland.

We discovered, to our delight, a British publication, Standpoint, which is not entirely politically correct socialist and pro-EU. Standpoint features a couple of essays by various folk describing their daily lives and experiences under socialist tyranny. Here is the eye on the ground and how they are coping with the current climate.

These conditions are your conditions or will be soon.

You will be A Stranger in my Own Land appalled at having your city transformed into a Third World slum. There will be no point in going outside, you will be happy to be in your own ghetto if you can find a ghetto.

The Way We (Don’t) Live Now. What happens to public spaces when socialist ideas about culture rule. There will be plenty of organized multicultural festivals if the governments don’t go broke. The masses will listen to rock music in the public square. Tattoos and nose rings are popular now. In a way it’s good that the dumbed-down degenerates identify themselves visually, so you don’t have to ask whom you are dealing with.

The Kids Are Not All Right. How you might lose your job for saying the wrong thing. The kids definitely are not all right. We notice how forcibly retarded they are, with no possibility of breaking out of their political correctness. We try to step around them. There is no municipal utility that comes along to clean up the sidewalks.

We wish we lived in the days when there was only horseshit in the streets, and no liberals.

There is absolutely no way that the younger generations will create any sort of political or cultural revival or even rise above the socialist wasteland. They are forcibly retarded. Half are mentally ill. All of them are living in media trances. You can’t build anything on the waste products of liberalism, and there aren’t enough good people to fix them. Media addicts and politically correct liberals are analogous to drug addicts. Even massive programs of rehabilitation cannot overcome their poor education, their false beliefs, and their bad attitudes. Liberals program worldview blindness into their followers. Rebellion is their ruling idea. You can put reality right in front of their faces and they can’t recognize it. They are permanently crippled.

They rely on our tax dollars to continue their parasitical lifestyles, but their leaders have spent so much of our money that the corrupt liberal states can’t even borrow any more money. The new Congress has been talking about changing the bankruptcy laws so that liberal states can declare bankruptcy. This will allow the adults to step in and manage the finances of the irresponsible liberal states. But the best that adults can do is manage staggering debt loads by cutting a small fraction of the spending that keeps liberals afloat.

No one is talking about the right subject, totally defunding socialism.

As their budgets get cut just a little bit, the adolescent liberals are going to get more desperate. They are already confused and and permanently out of touch with reality. They are going to become even more desperate and dangerous.

Oh and by the way, it’s a conspiracy. A well-funded and well-organized conspiracy.

It’s up to the elders to defeat the socialist world order quickly and ruthlessly or the human experiment on this planet is over.

White girls won’t be smart enough to protect themselves from the ethnic gangs. They were taught in school that the other races are their friends in the global harmony.

Why young women shouldn’t join the Peace Corps and try to help foreigners. How about just leaving them alone and letting them work out their own way of life? You really don’t have anything to offer.

Apartheid is evil, right? Think again. Take a look inside South Africa today. It’s really not smart to give blacks any political power. They’re not mature enough to govern for the public good.

Why you should never send your kid to a public university. “This is Berkeley on Telegraph, this is how we do it.”

There is a name for the lost generations, Generation Zero. (We are not referring to the video of that name, which we do not endorse.) We are referring to all the younger people. Let’s listen to them talk back. Notice that these people are so dumb, they think they are being ruled by “Puritans.” Wow. The Puritans disappeared long ago. Maybe a few rural Puritans are left out on the farms, but they have zero power or influence. These dumb liberal kids can’t even recognize that their socialist controllers have put in the control system.

Their supreme value is not to work because all the liberal special interest groups are getting government handouts, so they all believe they should get a free ride. The liberal governments are all bankrupt, but generation zero lives in denial. They know nothing about economics.

That is one reason free public education is a terrible idea. It turns the kids into parasites who think everything should be free.

Horatio Alger didn’t lie, it was just another time, before the inferior feminists and blacks and illegal immigrants got hired and promoted by quota. These people are not smart enough to see the obvious. They have been psychologically deformed. This is called worldview blindness.

The castrated drones of America definitely do not think about Calvinism. They know who castrated them, and it was feminist preferences in the law.

Generation Zero generalizes from a few small personal experiences and an environment of controlled information. They are not capable of analysis. All of their references are to movies and pop music. They are cultureless, and illiterate. Illiteracy is not the path to success.

This is how Generation Zero does it. Generation Zero is incapable of actually doing historical research. That would involve visiting the library instead of surfing the internet. They reference recent books about culture that make no mention Cultural Marxism, Freud and Bernays, and the evil psychologists we profiled in our post Why psychology is evil. Their teachers taught them that global monopolies are bad, but they forgot the other side of the story, why socialism is a criminal enterprise that produces nothing but misery and tyranny.

There is one thing you can count on with absolute certainty. Generation Zero will make more dumb videos. We cannot guarantee that all of them will lump the corporate men in suits with drop-out slobs in one broad category. But we do guarantee their videos will be dumb because Generation Zero cannot think.

They are so dumb that they think they are “visual learners.” Of course, they cannot explain to you what they “learned visually.” It never occurs to them that they have been forcibly retarded and are nothing but pawns in a political chess game. They never interrupt the electronic media flow to consider that human beings have never lived this way. They believe their own sad degenerate condition is natural. That is because they are completely separated from history. They are also completely separated from real men.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “The unstoppable liberal wasteland, 1”

  1. Lerman, it is a great post thanks for writing it!

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