The techno future

Transhumanists are busy researching and developing technologies to improve human sensory and response capabilities. This research focuses on nanotechnology, biotechnology, and brain studies and includes altering humans as well as inventing gizmos. Transhumanists are excited about inventing a new man who is smarter, disease-resistant, more physically capable. Human modifications are now creating a dividing line between the old species and the new man. Today’s post is devoted to keeping you up with some of these advances in transhumanism.

Back in 2005 National Geographic ran an article on human-animal hybridization. Why geneticists implant human genes in animals, and why the future development of this field is inevitable.

Andy Coughlin at NewScientist explores new developments in neuroscience and asks whether the adoption of new technologies will divide humanity. Here is a brief introduction to brain plasticity, epigenetics, and mind-machine interaction.

Wired Magazine reports on U.S. Air Force research into the building blocks of human thought. The goal is smooth mind-machine interaction. The U.S. military wants soldiers to communicate telepathically. Corporations and governments are also going to want the optimum of mind-machine interaction. Robots will get to be more like people, and people will get to be more like robots.

A little scandal is coming to light due to recent court cases involving U.S. military experiments involving drugs conducted on soldiers. The CIA and the U.S. military have a long history of experimentation on human subjects without their consent or knowledge.

MIT researchers are using lasers to activate neurons in monkeys’ brains. Is activation the same as control? Notice that researchers constantly use “therapy” as the application justifying their research. This trend is unstoppable because of the promise of aiding the handicapped and curing diseases.

Conn Hallinan summarizes recent trends in warfare. Private armies, special task forces, off-budget operations. As wars between armies become less common, wars against populations are increasing. Wars are not announced or declared any more, and besides, who wants all that publicity?

The Raw Story reminds us that all of these new technologies are easily shipped abroad. The United States has a long and storied history of weapons transfers to Communist countries.

You might not get much of a chance to shape your own future. The transhumanists are well funded and operate outside of legal jurisdictions, ethical oversight committees, and any public discussion of control over research. Welcome to the New World Order.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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