The racial integration con job

“Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” Catherine MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State

Feminism is about more than special rights for women, easy divorce, hiring preferences, and eliminating the authority of the father. It’s also about putting state power over the family, redefining the definition of marriage and family, and reshaping sex roles to further the global Communist takeover. How is this working out?

Too well. You and I and the rest of the taxpayers pay for the welfare payments, the crime, the juvenile delinquency, the drug use, and the wasted lives of the children of the feminist matriarchy. We pay again for the hiring and promotion of unqualified women to positions of authority, populating the workforce with radical subversives. And, we pay a third time because most of them and their children vote for the Democratic mafia under the assumption that the government will support them or favor them. The Democrats exploit the social destruction they cause by proposing big government solutions that enable their continued corruption. They use your tax money to finance their fantasies of total power, and they control the masses with slogans that emphasize more liberation, more rights, and more equality.

But you already knew that.

Before we discuss responses to this dreadful takeover, we want to continue with an analysis of integration, affirmative action, and white flight. Once you understand how forced integration set the foundation for social destruction and the Marxist control system, you will be better equipped to make your own strategy for survival.

Today the integrated public school system is a politically correct feminist factory that integrates everyone into the dysfunctional matriarchy. Public schools act as a mechanism for feminizing boys. The Rude Guy has a grasp of the problem. The National Association for Single Sex Education has a solution: segregated schools for boys only and girls only. Girls and boys do better in sex-segregated schools. Sex-segregated schools are part of the answer to the matriarchy because boys can be exposed to better male role models than they get in the public schools, where every teacher and administrator is under the spell of politically correct Communist brainwashing, riding on the gravy train of overspending at our expense.

For boys and girls to do better in school, we need to break your devotion to the principle of integration in education, both sexual and racial. It seems most Americans just assume that integration is the best and fairest system. But you would be wrong. Integration isn’t fair, it doesn’t produce “equality,” and it breaks society and places everyone under the authority of petty Marxist bureaucrats.

If you oppose segregation, you must have fallen for the false claims of integration. Integration has been the codeword and key strategy for the destruction of white society since the 1950s. The success of the appeal of integration has even pulled conservatives into the Marxist matrix as most conservatives actually believe, against all evidence, that integration creates a “fairer society.” Integration breaks societies and colonizes individuals in the mass pseudosociety, the precondition for Marxist takeover. Public school integration is a way of making sure that no ethnic group controls the content of its children’s education.

Forced public school integration started under the 1954 Warren Court decision Brown v Topeka Board of Education. The justification for integration in this decision was that “separate is inherently unequal.” Let’s examine this idea. First, we don’t care about creating a school system that is “equal” in every district around America. What criteria would you use to judge equality? Test score results? Spending? Admission to college? Equality is unattainable, and equality is undesirable. Equality destroys existing social norms and replaces them with “universal” laws and policies. Attaining universality is the impossible dream of equality. The bureaucrats, judges, and lawyers will go to any extreme and any absurdity to justify some program or policy in the name of equality. The result is not just wasted intellectual effort, it is state control over everyone and the elimination of individual rights.

If you’re going to have a high civilization, you are going to have a very specialized division of labor and the creation of new classes as new technologies are invented and developed. Any attempt at “equality” must work against the reality of genuine economic progress based on specialized occupations. Matriarchies don’t create equality. They just substitute the authority of the witch for the authority of the shaman and the tribal council. The idea of equality of the original radicals of the French Revolution was that no young man would be trained in an occupation. Everyone would be pooled into a common labor force and assigned to the labor of the day based on the assessment of the leaders. This system broke down so fast that France’s economy plummeted into Depression when the radicals took over. What else could possibly happen under forced “equality”? Equality destroys civilization, and that was exactly what the leaders of the French Revolution wanted. They burned libraries and destroyed statues and paintings as part of their revolutionary “progress.” Of course, the leaders never participated in the work brigades, they moved into the mansions of the aristocrats and directed the slaughter of the innocents. Equality was just a slogan they used to justify their seizure of power.

Whether your idea of “equality” is radical French progressivism or idealized historical tribal role-reversal, it’s an unworkable fantasy. What is really at work behind the slogan is the goal of social destruction.

If ethnic groups do not control their own development by claiming their own territory and establishing their own schools, they are controlled by the same radical ideas of the French Revolution.

The justification for the integration of U.S. schools was that Negro children would learn better study habits and discipline by being around white children. It didn’t work out that way. After 60 years of this radical experiment, studies show that the test scores of Negro children do not improve under conditions of integration. How would Negroes fare in Negro society with all-Negro schools? Not necessarily worse. There are successful private Negro colleges with high standards of achievement. Why not let the Negroes establish schools and see how well they do? Ah, but then Negroes would actually have independence from the federal government and from the Communist agenda. They would be controlling their own destiny. The Left doesn’t want that.

After the 1954 Supreme Court decision forcing integration of public schools, whites began to realize their children were doing worse under the new system. The phenomenon of “white flight” began to occur. The public noticed white flight when busing was used to forcibly integrate schools in the 1970s. Suddenly white resistance to forced integration became a thorn in the plan to reengineer America. Studies show that whites flee from school districts when the minority enrollment begins to approach 40 percent. Whites don’t like being a minority. They consistently relocate to “whiter” school districts to escape forced integration. So equality not only goes against the progress of economic civilization, it also goes against the instincts of white people for preservation of their ethnic identities and their common standards. White flight is an extremely widespread phenomenon. It is not confined to situations involving forced busing or forced school integration. It occurs any time migrants and minorities swamp white neighborhoods and white institutions.

white_british.gifThe map shows white flight from the center of London to the suburbs as a result of massive immigration into England. From 21st Century British Nationalism.

Whites sometimes organize to resist forced integration, but these efforts have not been successful in overthrowing the Supreme Court’s policy. When resistance fails, they flee.

“Wherever a majority white population suffers from mass immigration, colonisation and the fascistic imposition of multi-culturalism and political correctness – they flee.”

The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision was based on a false assumption. Negro test scores did not improve when Negroes attended “whiter” schools. Integrated education does not produce equality, that is, it does not raise Negro achievement levels to the level of whites, on average. And, separate racial schools, or separate schools for boys and girls, do not produce bad outcomes but better outcomes for both boys and girls.

Most people seem to believe that, after the failure of forced racial integration, the radicals then moved to the next step, affirmative action quotas requiring admission, hiring, and promotion of unqualified Negroes and girls. The conventional wisdom is, when the principle of integration failed, the Left made the situation worse by forcing more extreme policies on businesses, bureaucracies, and schools. But actually, the quota policies were in place before forced busing occurred in the 1970s.

What most whites don’t realize is, the affirmative action programs were formulated at the same time as the 1964 Civil Rights Bill and were enforced immediately. Moreover, quotas for minorities are consistently overfulfilled.

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” Mary Frances Berry, head of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission

The myth of creating the level playing field is spoon-fed to the public by cynical Marxist race manipulators to cover what is really going on, the legal requirement of exaggerated favoritism for the Left’s chosen radical constituencies. These chosen constituencies are race-based and gender-based. The Left is controlling anti-white racism and anti-white male sexism through integration and quotas for minorities and women. This mix of policies over time results in so much social destruction that whites get sucked into the dysfunctional feminist matriarchy. Integration + quotas = matriarchy is the perfect weapon of mass social destruction.

Defining the equality of America’s school districts as equality of spending belongs to the past. Every school district in America with a large minority population spends more money per pupil than white districts. This increase in spending on minority schools goes unreported in the press because it would not be popular. The overspending amount averages around $3000 per pupil per year in minority schools. Many school districts are spending over $12,000 per pupil in schools with high minority enrollment. Is this the equality you had in mind when you supported the idea that separate was unequal? The Left conned you. They don’t believe in equality, they are just hoping you will chase the impossible fantasy. There is no such thing as a classless Communist society, never has been, never will be. It’s impossible to create one.

Now let’s address what was wrong in the 1954 Supreme Court decision requiring all school districts around the nation to integrate. Forced integration by court decision replaced the principle of democracy, that people vote in their local districts about the policies they want to govern them. Supreme Court fiat replaced all the local democratic decision making and applied this force universally.

To understand how integration failed, look at this local case study. After the public schools were integrated, “white flight” to the suburbs left inner city schools even more segregated by race. The response to this “problem,” magnet schools, were an even greater disaster. Lavish spending on schools produces worse results than the old system. Why judges shouldn’t be reorganizing education. How the principle of universal racial integration works against the local wishes of minorities.

The Left media don’t report on local education failures because none of the facts fits their propaganda narrative of white guilt and white oppression. You need to dig beneath the false surface of harmonious integration to understand what really happened in integrated school districts. Here is a great place to start.

Fathers for Life responds to this calamity with information promoting home schooling. If you allow your children to attend public schools, you will be pulled into the dysfunctional feminist matriarchy. Your children will be condemned to permanent idiocy.

Democracy under a republic is based on contradictory ideas. You easily switch from one “principle” to another, in this case, from local democratic control over public education to forced integration by judicial fiat. As power shifts from local districts to the federal government under forced universalism, local districts are subjected to reengineering schemes formulated by Communists at the United Nations under the guise of educational psychology. Integration does not increase student achievement, so new fads and the experts to lead them multiply like cancer. The Left is always promoting a “new start” in education because their programs constantly fail. Contrast this Marxist system-building agenda with local people in control of their children negotiating differences with their neighbors. Localism is untidy, but it sure beats the pyramid of power they have created to control us.

How would America look today if there had been no forced integration? Well, we assume in some places the school districts and communities would be integrated, and in other places they would not. Variety. Diversity. Some experimentation, with lots of voices talking about successful and unsuccessful models. Exactly what the Left doesn’t want, the preservation of local societies and local authority structures. You will notice that the Left never runs experiments to see if their programs will work. The Left always wants a total takeover. No dissent. Just the total power of the Left, destroying democracy and local control in the name of a universal “principle.”

The Left’s response to this analysis is probably that Jim Crow laws were an evil that needed to be overcome by universal judicial fiat forcing integration. We don’t support slavery or Jim Crow laws discriminating against Negroes, but we also do not support universalism imposed by judicial fiat leading to more Marxist social engineering. The Left has progressed their program from Negroes riding the bus, using public facilities, and access to all businesses to control over property rights, hiring practices, and legalized preferences for women and minorities in every aspect of life. This program includes planned suppression of any opposing symbol and control over speech. This program of control extends to so many details of life that even people who support it recognize that “political correctness has run amok.” But it marches on, regardless of public opinion opposing it and the volume of complaints about unreasonable restrictions on individual freedom. The forced integration of schools has become the forced integration of society. Forced integration of society, sometimes called social justice or social progress, is destruction of society.

If you believe that forced integration is the best “solution” to conditions of inequality, you must also believe that the best thing that can happen to American Negroes is for their brightest to go to college and become professionals, then get jobs in bureaucracies and corporations, then move into integrated upper middle class suburbs, then to rely on Marxist organizations to represent the interests of all Negroes, then to create more social engineering programs targeted to the poorer Negroes, to split any unification of Negro society in territory-based societies, because Negro society isn’t worth preserving. The push for integration is another way of saying that Negro society is not worth preserving. Integration implies loss of autonomy, loss of social authority, loss of nation and ultimately loss of racial identity. Lots of Negroes no longer believe in the integration model because they are pro-Negro. Black radicals exploit this desire to preserve racial identity by pumping up race identity among Negroes. Negroes respond to this because someone is addressing their identity problem instead of merging them into integrated institutions where they often fail to achieve and feel inferior.

If you are still supporting school integration because the Warren court told you to, you will need to explain to us how integration helped the fatherless Negro children left to the gang and rap and drug culture because of the breakdown of the Negro family into matriarchy. Are those high-achieving Negroes in the universities and in the upper middle-class suburbs part of “Negro society” or part of “white society” or part of the Marxist mass society? If Negroes had their own territories and institutions, would the best and brightest be staying at home and taking care of their own instead of partying with the Democrats and the black power groups?

Notice that the destiny of both the Negroes and the whites under liberalism is to be merged into the matriarchal junk pseudosociety. And, out of this sewer come the loudest voices for racial identity and racial pride. The victims of liberalism and matriarchy instinctively know the solution to forced integration, a strong ethnic and family identity, even if they don’t articulate it very well. The black Marxist militias and Reconquista are promoting racial pride and racial takeover, not integration. Actually, the only people still devoted to racial integration are the naive liberals in the suburbs and the Marxist bureaucrats who control them.

“Why did the policy of affirmative action emerge so soon after the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Why did the federal government grant affirmative action—intended to redress the effects of decades of discrimination against blacks—to newly arrived immigrants?”

If you are still attached to integration, this post at American Renaissance will help you get over your naivete. Hugh Davis Graham’s book Collision Course documents how integration was merely a front for affirmative action and immigration policies designed to swamp white America and take it down. The radical agenda was put in place right after the 1964 Civil Rights Act. There really never was a “pure” period of experimentation with integration. The Marxist race takeover was implemented immediately.

“The most influential lobbying group was the American Immigration and Citizenship Council, an umbrella organization that represented Jewish, Catholic, liberal Protestant, and southern European ethnic associations, as well as the communist-leaning ACLU and CIO.”

Although the leader of the takeover was Senator Ted Kennedy, Collision Course shows how the Left and Right (big capitalists) cooperated to undermine white America. We are still stuck in this mess and trying to figure out how to get out of it. It’s not going to help if most whites remain “colorblind” while the Marxist racists take power.

(Speaking of Senator Kennedy, American Thinker has a post on his Communist treason.)

If you imagine that racial quotas are equalizing the playing field, this post will help you to understand what is really going on. Overfulfillment of quotas is why you see Negroes everywhere, in bureaucracies and in TV commercials modeling conflictless integration, even though Negroes are only about 12 percent of the population. One of the most important effects of forced integration has been follow-up modeling of women and Negroes as “experts” and “role models” undermining the genuine sources of expertise and authority.

Your fundamental error is in believing that integration, affirmative action quotas, and feminist matriarchy are separate phenomena. They are all Communist takeover programs. When they reach critical mass, the result is a hydrogen bomb of mass social destruction.

Remember, Negroes consistently vote over 90 percent Democrat. Those nice, polite, integrated Negroes who seem so friendly and helpful on TV, who seem so culturally different from the black power radicals and the degenerate rap gangsters and drug gangsters, actually vote exactly the same way, for socialist takeover and continued institutionalized discrimination against white males. This institutionalized anti-white discrimination means that your personal attitudes really don’t mean much any more. Personal race relations are a very minor matter as compared with the legal requirement that all public institutions and corporations discriminate against whites while the corrupt Democrats spend us into oblivion and raise your taxes.

For some reason universalism has an unhealthy hold on your mind. Do you yearn for uniformity everywhere, as if people were raw material for processing in some factory? Do you want standard units, statistics, bureaucracies of control, uniform opinions, everyone the same? Whenever you see other races, do you want to intervene to bring the blessings of your superior civilization to those “left behind”? Actually, lots of people around the world want to be left out of your system building and your meddling. You haven’t noticed how corrupt all the institutions of the West have become, and how shoddy the culture has become under the integrated matriarchy. There is no demand for the American experiment elsewhere because every representative of American universalism forced on foreign people is an ugly American. You need to get over this preoccupation with universal values. Shift your focus away from global integration to see what is happening in your own community.

The only way the radical globalists can get you is if you give up your real identity and assume some universal identity. That universal identity always has “activist” attached to it. There is no difference between a “change-agent” and a Communist cadre, except Communist cadres are paid to be subversives. Change-agents work for free.

America is the land of identity confusion. One reason identity confusion is so widespread is because foreigners come here while attempting to hold on to their old identity. America is today the land of the hyphenated identity. Is that African-American an African or an American? How absurd is an African identity for people who have never been to Africa? Make up your mind, African or American? All hyphenated identities indicate identity confusion, and this widespread identity confusion causes problems among many ethnic groups. African-American is code for Marxist American. It’s a strategy of Marxism to provide a twin identity for activists so they can switch back and forth from victim to oppressor.

The Left is not devoted to your equality. The Left is devoted to the special privileges of its chosen constituencies, and the takeover program never ends. You cannot leave the Left in charge of education (or marriage or reproduction) and expect anything but disaster, the dumbed-down crud culture of matriarchal degeneracy, the cesspool from which most crime, juvenile delinquency, low test scores, unmarried pregnancies, and drug use flourishes. What has been the result of forty years of liberal control over education? Spending has skyrocketed, teachers unions reward bad teachers, test scores are lower. The average college graduate in the United States today knows as much knowledge as the average high school graduate did thirty years ago. Our kids have been dumbed down by an average of four grades, and that’s just for the kids who graduate. Most children do not graduate from high school in minority-dominated school districts. The social catastrophe is totally devastating, and the Left builds its power on this destruction.

You must escape Leftist forced integration policies or you will end up in the mass zombie cesspool culture of social destruction. You will have been equalized to their lowest common denominator, the integrated feminist matriarchy death culture.

We’ve all seen the results of family destruction under feminist matriarchy. The tattoed skateboard punks, the videogame addicts, the potty-mouthed kids with no respect for adults, the druggies, the kids who don’t work, the TV cartoon kids who don’t read, the gang kids, the kids without a future, the ones who grow up to vote Democrat because they’re hoping for more free stuff from the government, and isn’t it time we had a black radical for president? The rap kids, the depressed kids, the runaways, the clueless green Earth Goddess kids, the tragic Goth kids hooked on witchcraft, the kids who want to tell adults how to act because they learned Communism in school. There aren’t enough good father figures to save these kids, we have to write them off as feminist sacrifices to the death goddess. But if we had separate schools for boys, who knows what we might salvage from the matriarchal wreckage?

John Lukacs recently mentioned in a lecture on CPAN that the school has replaced the church and the market as the most important local institution. School is where the energies are focused, where the activities occur, where people plan and dream and contribute. School is also the place where the up-to-the-minute details of Communist political correctness are imposed. Private schools could become a magnet for conservative whites who want to save their kids from the feminist crud.

The only answer to this wave of social destruction is the total rejection of feminism and integrationism and the establishment of communities with high standards and high walls. If we are going to have strong white families, we will have to start with rejecting any special rights for women, easy divorce, easy alimony and child support, the undermining of the authority of the father, permissive parenting, and all the evils of the present legal system favoring women over men. As long as women believe they have some special rights that are different from the interest of their husband, they belong in the matriarchy death culture, not in white society. Keep in mind things are more normal just about everywhere else in the world. Matriarchy is not normal. It is confined to America and other Communist countries.

The only reason you believe in women’s rights, school integration, forced universalism by judicial fiat, and all the legal mess that diversity politics has created is because it was modeled as positive on TV. We could give you arguments against your position until we are blue in the face, but the arguments won’t convince you until you see the disaster of the present situation modeled in some visual image. But the novelists and the script writers aren’t modeling male suffering under feminism or white flight or resentment about overregulation, so you don’t pay attention to what is happening. That’s how they have you.

Further reading on why diversity and integration are the worst possible policies, and why the academics and social scientists will be the last people to speak honestly about race and gender.

“Earlier this year the Boston Housing Authority asked residents of public housing to remove displays of shamrocks — which it likened to swastikas or Confederate flags — because this symbol traditionally associated with the Irish was “unwelcome” now that black residents vastly outnumber those of Irish heritage.”

What people call “political correctness run amok” is actually the anti-white racial takeover agenda at work. There is so much evidence of this agenda if you will just examine the writings and speeches of minority leaders. Here is one example: When a white parent complained to San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown that affirmative action penalized his child, Mayor Brown replied, “I don’t care about your idiot children.” Mayor Brown’s quote and other radical anti-white quotes here.

Imagining that there is some new “social contract” among the races that integration achieves is the height of naivete. The program is Marxist anti-white racial takeover. One of the great ironies of this takeover is that it is being advanced against whites who are generations removed from slavery, Jim Crow, and crude racial prejudice.

Giving up your white male identity and becoming a pawn of the Marxist takeover is not a smart move. The two most fundamental markers of identity are race and gender. We assume that everyone has a little bias in favor of their race and gender, nothing wrong with it. This bias isn’t sexist or racist. It’s normal. The racists and sexists are the Marxist identity controllers who insist that these identity markers must be the basis for legalized discrimination.

It really doesn’t matter whether you vote Democrat or Republican, feminism and the anti-white male agenda are embedded in law and institutionalized. No politician supports the repeal of anti-father, anti-white male laws and policies. White males are not represented by anyone. The Marxist racists have the field to themselves, unopposed.

Our Racist Marxist in Chief Obama has a housing stimulus bill that will aggressively integrate white neighborhoods. And you thought mortgage relief was a planned housing recovery stimulus. Well, there’s always more to the story than they let on. Obama’s agenda is a Marxist black power agenda. He intends to finish the school integration that the Warren Supreme Court decision started with a complete program of forced community integration that will put everyone under control of the dumbest Negro community organizers and white trash radicals. Your future is to be controlled by the most brainwashed, most degenerate feminist Negroes and the gangster pimp and whore culture they have spawned.

There is no reason for white males to support this Marxist racist republic. Submit and be destroyed, flee, or resist.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


10 Responses to “The racial integration con job”

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  6. Great, I never knew this, thanks.

  7. Ivan says:

    No est? seguro de que esto es verdad:), pero gracias a un cargo.
    Have a nice day


  8. free stuff says:

    Avoiding humans?–not much of a hardship i’ve discovered :)) Wearing earplugs? Moving to a “world” with bearable, and “enlightened” beings?

    Standing pat, shutting up, and taking what they’re dishing out? (Most people will.)

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