The polar bears will be fine, it’s the farmers we’re worried about

Nicholas Dawidoff has a nice long article on physicist Freeman Dyson at The New York Times Magazine. Dyson is probably the most eminent scientist debunking global warming, but there is much more to Dyson than debunking global warming. The interview is also useful for Dyson’s insight into scientific arrogance and the problematic psychology of obsessive theoreticians driven by ambition and a love of blowing things up. Dyson recognizes the blindness of scientists seduced by computer models, but he doesn’t really go to the heart of the problem, the lack of a Hippocratic oath (first do no harm) in the scientific community and socialism’s funding of science to support the goals of socialism.

“Carbon acts as an ideal fertilizer promoting forest growth and crop yields.”

Dyson observes that, for most of earth’s history, the Arctic region has been ice-free. Moreover, Greenlanders are delighted by the possibility of a milder climate. Dyson isn’t worried about melting glaciers or the viability of the polar bears. Have they got you worried about all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Dyson points out that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it makes plants grow, and if carbon in the atmosphere actually does become a problem, we can put the environmentalist whiners to work planting trees to absorb it. An elegant solution to a non-problem. The beauty of it is, we don’t have to hand any of our power over to eugenicists, population controllers, tax hikers, and false prophets of doom. We suspect the enviros could benefit from spending more time outdoors, anyway.

“Al Gore’s just an opportunist. The person who is really responsible for this overestimate of global warming is Jim Hansen. He consistently exaggerates all the dangers.”

Dyson criticizes the “lousy science” of Al Gore and James Hansen, and he blames their popularity for “distracting public attention” from more serious and more immediate dangers to the planet.

Worried about ocean acidification undermining the oceans’ food chains? Dyson calls this an “exaggerated problem.” He refuses to be panicked into taking any premature actions by the enviro-hustlers.

“Jim Hansen’s crusade against coal overstates the harm carbon dioxide can do. …(Carbon dioxide) cannot be reduced at an affordable cost, but does not do any substantial harm.”

Dyson rightly points out that the epidemic of environmentalist hysteria deflects attention away from more pressing problems, such as war, poverty, and unemployment. He points out that “green” is not a concern for people living in poverty, and he describes the Prius and other alternative energy cars as “toys for the rich.” Dyson doesn’t go into the history of environmentalism to expose its agenda, he simply points out its shabby values and rebuts its present claims. But readers of The Hidden Masters understand that environmentalism hides an evil, anti-human agenda and has been a propaganda tool in the globalist takeover. You don’t have to be a scientist to have superior knowledge of the Enviro-Nazi agenda.

NWOU wishes that Jonothon Porritt had read the Dyson interview. If he had, he wouldn’t have called for the depopulation of Britain to build a “sustainable society.” The Times has the story. Fortunately, both political parties in Britain have distanced themselves from this guy. NWOU points out that history shows very little in life is sustainable, and thank heavens for that, otherwise we would all be bored to death. We’re not even curious about what a “sustainable society” would look like, and fortunately Porritt doesn’t offer any grisly details. We already have a pretty good idea who is going to run that “sustainable” mass society they are working on. If they actually presented the form the future “society” will take, the hidden agenda would be out in the open and they couldn’t operate any more.

NWOU confesses to being bored with the enviro agenda, but unfortunately it is a big item on the Democrats’ agenda. How much will it cost us? Well, it depends on how far they are allowed to go. Former congressman Ernest Istook has calculated an initial rise in the average family’s utility bill of $1800 per year if Obama’s energy tax passes. We suspect the $1800 is just the beginning.

Global warming is just the tip of the iceberg of the enviro agenda. To understand how global free trade agreements work against small farmers in India, check out this article by Vandana Shiva.

The population control monster has many tentacles, biowarfare, sex education and family planning, the big agriculture global takeover, Rockefeller Foundation initiatives, boondoggle investments in “alternative energy,” but two main principles are at work: they can’t control you unless they scare you first, and they can’t control the global economy until they control human reproduction and destroy genuine societies and local economies.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


6 Responses to “The polar bears will be fine, it’s the farmers we’re worried about”

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