The Obama cult

We were surfing around and found the Obama Messiah website. Is Barack Obama the Messiah? This site will introduce you to the cult. Messiah doesn’t seem to be the right word for Obama. His occult followers think Lightworker or Mahatma might be a better title. More occultist. The important point is, people of wildly differing worldviews can project their beliefs onto Obama. In the case of blacks, this investment is racial identity politics. It doesn’t really matter who Obama is as long as he is sort of blackish and can serve as a point of identity investment for some version of Negro racist history that involves the hopes and dreams of all Negroes everywhere who have ever lived.

This is a measure of the immaturity of Negroes. There seems to be some “need,” which we can’t quite get a handle on, among Negroes to have a Negro president regardless of what policies he carries out. The vast majority of Negroes seem to believe that Obama will govern in the interests of all Negroes everywhere, as if all Negroes had the same interests. As economic conditions worsen and the money fails to trickle down, the poorer Negroes will feel disillusioned with their identity investment and peel away their support. The Negroes who manage to hold on to government jobs will continue to invest their identity in him and believe he has fulfilled their expectations, regardless of what he does in other policy areas. For some reason, Negroes are entirely caught up in racism, regardless of worldview or ideology. This may be a measure of ideological ignorance. Many Negroes call themselves black without realizing it is a Marxist term of colonization. These folks also have a gift for overlooking Obama’s mixed racial heritage. For them, a little Negro is all Negro, and all Negroes are black, regardless of where they came from or what they believe. Score one big point for Communist propaganda. They got the Negroes.

Memo to the Negroes: just because a white guy is elected president doesn’t mean we invest our hopes and dreams and identity in him. Not all white guys are the same. Not all Negroes are the same. We don’t think of history as a wave of white supremacy. In fact, we have a hard time finding a white guy in history whom we admire. Wise up. You don’t need to invest your identity in any leader. You are who you are, an individual. How many corrupt black politicians have you voted for? Marxist identity politics does not promise you a good future. Your “natural allies” are not Wall Street bankers, global financial controllers, feminists, and poor Mexicans who have been driven out of their country.

American Thinker thinks Barack Obama is an Islamic Marxist who has embraced black liberation theology. Sober reasoning, but not as much fun as Messiah.

Free Dominion is a tabloid blog with anti-Obama commentary. Internet fun.

bowing_to_Saudi_King.jpgIs Obama an Egyptian pharaoh? Freeman posting at Rense has the photos to “prove” it. Some of this guy’s friends “think” that Obama looks like Akhenaton, which leads to the idea that the first family has been cloned. It doesn’t get any more fun than this. Once Freeman makes these two fundamental errors, he is off on a wild ride of association between the Obamas and an end times myth. The problem is, he doesn’t identity the end times myth he is sourcing.

No Quarter discusses Michelle Obama’s background. A little too Marxist racist to be really fun.

Strange Eye picks up the Egyptian theme. Are the Obamas operating under an Egyptian calendar, or something?

LookupFellowship picks up the Egyptian football and carries it over the end times prophecy goaline for a touchdown.

Kingdom Studies is on board with the Egyptian deal, except the end times prophecy that counts comes from Islam.

Michelle isn’t an Egyptian queen, she’s an arts queen. The Times has the story. We’re fine with the First Lady declaring herself a cultural leader, that’s what First Ladies do. We just wish she hadn’t toured the Temple of Dendur inside the Metropolitan Museum, because that just keeps those Egyptian rumors alive.

SodaHead notices that Michelle Obama keeps flashing the satanic hand signal in her magazine covers. Is the Obama cult really Satanist, Egyptian, Messianic, or occultist?

Canada Free Press doesn’t care about the symbolism, they care about the cost of the PR department. Why does Michelle Obama have such a large support staff? We say, cut the bureaucrats’ salaries in half. Later in this post we’ll explain why this will never happen.

Brooklynbadboy isn’t having any of this. He wants his Marxism straight up, Darwinian, atheist, cruel. No mythological symbolism. But badboy doesn’t ridicule the occult branch of Marxism, he ridicules Christianity. Badboy knows how to follow the Marxist party line. Make him a low-level cadre and give him a small salary, he’s useful to the takeover.

When we last were bombarded with Obama cult imagery, it was Time Magazine portraying Obama as Franklin Roosevelt. We’re not stuck on Roosevelt, or Mao, or Stalin, or any of the other cults of personality on the Left. We’re open to a little Egyptian symbolism, and we look forward to more Egyptianism creeping into the liberal “culture.” We say, let a thousand Obama cults flourish. It’s entertaining. Lots of Negroes seem to think the Egyptian pharaohs were Negroes, so this fits right in to the identity confusion of Negroes. We look forward to Negroes portraying themselves as Egyptians, it flavors things up.

Now let’s go back to the Rense post. The fallacy in the post is the association of a physical resemblance between the Obama family and the pharaoh’s family. The resort to cloning instead of birth is just a wild imagination at work. But Freeman doesn’t name the myth he is resourcing. This allows LookupFellowship to switch over to Christian end times prophecy and KingdomStudies to switch over to Moslem prophecy. Both are simply riffing (free-associating) on their prophecy template of choice. All of this thinking is fantasy formation.

Even though this sort of wild imagining may go under the name of New World Order studies on the internet, it isn’t really New World Order studies because there isn’t any study in it. It’s all just associational occult imagination.

Obama isn’t the Antichrist or the Mahdi or the reincarnation of Osiris. He’s just another in a long line of Marxist radicals. The proper mythology associated with these radicals is Satanism, not Egyptianism or Christianity or Islam. Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Satan. So did the nineteenth century radicals. Many nineteenth-century Communists were satanists because Satan in Milton’s poem had been elevated as a heroic rebel by Romantic poets such as Byron. Marxism is a Romantic pseudoscience. Claiming to be a pure materialism, it lacks a mythology, and the closest one was Romantic Satanism.

If you browse around the internet you will find lots of sites devoted to matching current events with prophecies from various worldviews. If you get caught up in any of them, you are free-associating, not thinking, and certainly not studying knowledge.

This same process of association is at work in occultism because occultism is entirely associational imagining. It is dead-end imagining, not thinking. It won’t lead you anywhere.

Let’s make a quick example to illustrate the fallacy. For many centuries, those who studied nature believed that the physical form of plants were keys to understanding their medical effects on the human body. This way of thinking fell away when scientists showed that medical effects have more to do with plant biochemistry that plant appearance, color or form.

But occult thinking hasn’t died away because of the rise of science. Occult thinking, associational imagination, flourishes in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. That is because Freud, Jung, and their followers kept alive the association between dream images and mythological imagery and personality characteristics and mental disease. The followers of Jung and Freud are entirely under the spell of magical thinking. In fact, they construct their personal identities out of mythical and dream symbols.

Marxism isn’t enough for the followers of Marx. There is no positive utopia described in Marxism. Marxists imagine that they are working for a positive Communist utopia (or are swept up in deterministic historical forces that will result in a positive Communist utopia). Their main point of ignorance is that Marxism is not utopian. Marxists have consistently denounced utopianism as an infantile way of thinking. But, idealism dies hard. The Social Democrats feed off of this fallacy.

The Marxist utopians always feel betrayed when the revolution does not result in utopia but tyranny. They split into factions and claim that the wrong faction seized power. Then they continue the factionalism, as if it will result in something positive. It never does. That’s because they haven’t studied the history of utopian literature. There is no such thing as a positive utopia. Utopias are entirely tyrannical, that is, they are the same as dystopias.

One really can’t be a Marxist without being a hardened criminal, but the hardened criminals allow the soft Marxists to keep their illusions because it helps to have naive followers to betray.

Obama is Marxist criminal. The agenda is very simple: Loot the U.S. Treasury and fund the Left. He has accomplished this goal with his stimulus and budget bills. If he can get a takeover of the medical system, he will be an even greater Communist hero. The more rights he takes away and the more money he loots, the greater is his contribution to the Communist International. If he doesn’t achieve much more tyranny and looting, he still has done his job because a weak placeholder leader is better than the alternative to the Left elite criminals.

It’s about the power and the money. Obama will make the international bankers richer and more powerful and will loot the U.S. Treasury and dispense the money to his friends and allies. That is the nut. If you take your eye off the ball and flounder around in mythical thinking, you might as well be an occultist or Freudian or Jungian, lost in the dream world of fantasy formation. That’s why the cult of Obama is for entertainment purposes only. Studying the cult will lead you into the cult and take your eye off the ball. Laugh at it and leave it alone. Cults give the leaders something to point to when they want you to take your eye off the ball. That is the quality of the followers on the Left, when their leaders point, they look in that direction and take their eye off the ball. It’s simple magical misdirection. Don’t live in a naive Leftist or Freudian fantasy formation. You don’t have to invest any of your identity in these crooks and con artists. But you do have to watch them steal your money, sorry.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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