The New Age code

We got our invitation in the mail, even though we dropped out long ago. Things have changed a little bit over the decades, but not much. Let’s catch up with the offerings at the New Age festival coming to town.

newage1.jpgIt’s a conscious community. (Wherever they pitch their tents and find a market.)

vegetarian. (light-headed, can’t resist or think.)

fire ceremonies. (just like that old-time religion.)

soul healing and enlightenment. (Sick souls can find a soul doctor. Well, not a real doctor, more like a witch doctor.)

transform. harmony. goddess. (lots of ugly feminists.)

eco fashion. (What you’ll wear after you’ve submitted to all this.)

one on one mind/body healing. (Surrender your will so we can hypnotize you.)

person-centered healing. (acknowledging all your quirks, addictions, and fantasies until you relax and they reprogram you.)

the soul to soul approach. (Their mind invading your relaxed mind; hypnosis.)

green certification. (From the famous school of green.)

unlimited potential (awakening of). (You’re a loser, but you can join us. We are a collection pool, nobody refused.)

“yoga is self-acceptance.” (If you can’t do the postures.)

healing magic. (It’s all magic, really, with a little neurolinguistic programming so they can access how you process.)

accessing unseen realms. (share our fantasy.)

vibrations. (Everything is a vibration. No self, don’t resist. Just relax and let us work on you.)

wellness coach. (Every kind of coach you could possibly want, but no doctors allowed. By the way, we hand out our own “licenses.”)

passionate counterculture. (The very best kind of Marxist counterculture. It’s relaxing and passionate and conscious and dreamy all at the same time. Close your eyes and relax.)

progressive social values. (oxymoron; progressives are anti-social; this means, don’t worry, we’re also Marxists.)

music healing. (Let yourself get carried away to fantasy so we can manipulate you; cheap psychic transport.)

organic. locally sourced. (From those small businesses the Left is always supporting.)

spoken-word multimedia. (You have no idea how easy it is to be “creative.”)

achieving bliss with coconuts. (Lots of ways to achieve bliss, have you tried them all?)

yoga revolution. (Psychobabble: the mixing of incompatible worldviews. See Depak Chopra.)

eclectic. (All suckers welcome.)

cosmic consciousness. (Some pleasant dream about nature without the stars and galaxies and gases and explosions and collisions and freezing temperatures and radiation. See vibrations, everything is vibrating, and you are sort of like an atom in a molecule. Relax, the molecule knows better than you do.)

vibrant. (A carrier of New Age propaganda viruses.)

activist-comedian. (Not funny but politically correct Marxist.)

an identity, a belonging, a way of life. (We can be everything to you. See fear of commitment, overcoming.)

groupie. (The unexpected appearance of masculinity among all the feminized pony tails.)

facing fear. (You can pay on the installment plan if you have good credit.)

satan.jpgwholeness and wellness. (What sick, fragmented souls aspire to.)

gay yoga. (Very funny. Yoga is about holding sperm, but in this case…)

empowerment. (Trust us, we can get you to overestimate your abilities.)

transcendent, intimate, peaceful, inspiring, passionate, playful. (Any emotion you want.)

aliveness, interconnectedness. (See conscious community of gypsies, above.)

mind-expanding. (Reprogramming; shifting focus.)

buddha t-shirts. (High status until you meet a Maoist t-shirt, then they destroy you.)

the illusion that we are separate from each other. (Giving up your boundaries so they can invade your mind. The illusion that your money is your money. The illusion that you can be a pacifist and survive.)

effortless change. (We have shortcuts the eastern religions never thought of.)

folk goddess. (feminist bitch.)

collaborative. (The illusion that we are all talented.)

all become teachers. (You can make money at this, too.)

transformative journey. (Sort of like a heroic quest, only with guiderails, like at Disneyland.)

satanband.jpgre-enchanting the world. (See magic everywhere if you get dissociated enough. Drugs are faster.)

evolving, high-spirited. (self-absorbed, rebellious, adolescent.)

individual attention. (You don’t have to listen to the other losers whine about their problems.)

renaissance woman. (Role-reversal strictly enforced, asshole.)

shamanic healing. (The most primitive kind. The original con artist. 1% herbs, 99% bullshit.)

eliminate suffering. (Give up your goals, your willpower, your resistance.)

spiritual growth. (Reprogramming with occult imagery; see Goddess, surrender to females.)

innovative therapy methods. (Can we hook you on something new?)

practicing no judgment. (The perfect con. Relax, don’t resist us. See surrender your judgment and your willpower.)

the universal network of energy. (Nice fantasy energy without all that nasty natural energy. It will help you fantasize about universal energy as harmony if you will look at these pictures we have painted of man as a collection of colored dots.)

holistic food coaching. (We tell you what to eat.)

in harmony with nature. (Your passivity connecting with imaginary gentle energies.)

clairvoyant readers. (We know how to read your body language and emotions.)

predictions for the future. (Why live in uncertainty?)

Newage2.jpgdragon healing. (Stuff the Chinese Communists wiped out. Weird herbs.)

soul code. (Mind reading, hypnosis.)

women’s spirituality. (Goddess worship, now cleaned up to suppress knowledge about human and animal sacrifices, temple prostitution, homosexual priests, drugs, spells, etc. Now that European witchcraft has died out, women’s spirituality has been revived under the name Wicca. Wicca is modern Satanism, the religion of feminism.

undermothered. (Mom was a feminist.)

a whole new level. (How to integrate our occult bs with your stupid liberal ideas.)

crystal. pyramid. obelisk. (Where the magic energies reside. The nice energies we showed you as colored dots, not the real energies of nature.)

your true self-nature appearing within the dream. (We particularly appreciate this one. Genius, of a sort, if you don’t know what dreams are and you can be made to believe in a true self-nature.)

a mystery to the ordinary mind. (We share our fantasies with you.)

But the New Age code is not a mystery to the copywriters. They know the code. Magic words. Emotion words. Image words. Surrender your intelligence to abstract empowering, vibrating, enlightening emotion words. Whatever you want, we’ll supply it.

Now let’s repeat for the slow-witted. The way the controllers fool you is with an appeal to abstractions linked with previous conditioning to a positive emotion. It works in advertising, in politics, in religion, and in New Age occultism. You must identify your own favorite image-words and be completely aware at the moment someone feeds them to you. They are giving you the words to make a sale. This is how the world works. If you do not have your BS detector activated, you will be swept into trance and become a zombie. They will call it freedom or liberation or salvation or whatever to make you feel better about it.

The New Age operates by a formula, get the subject relaxed and into trance, supply guided imagery through hypnosis, reprogram the subconscious, define the resulting state as happiness or bliss, repeat as necessary.

The same model works for psychotherapy, advertising, any mass meeting where a “oneness” uniform outcome is wanted.

The people who do it best make you think you are discovering something when in fact they are programming you with preconceived imagery and emotion-associations.

NewAGe.jpgEverything in the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s was programmed in advance. Everything in your school curriculum is programmed in advance. Everything on TV is programmed in advance. You are following a script.

Break the program, break the trance, or you belong to them.

Your natural question is, how to best do this, and what should replace the false program? The answer is, it doesn’t really matter at the moment what the replacement is, the important point is to become aware of your particular ideal-value words. We can tell you that we broke all false programming by researching The Hidden Masters. The book will do it by revealing the sources of lies and control, and how they use the same techniques over and over to hook the gullible rubes.

Those who are deeply wedded to the programming will ask, isn’t there a good result at the end of it? There is, if you stick with it and learn self-hypnosis so that you can constantly repeat the hypnosis experience to work yourself into constant dissociation and are willing to give up everything else (planning, will, resistance, moral judgment, etc.). It may seem like a good bargain if you are in deep psychic pain.

If you do this for decades you can get to a permanently present-centered, dissociated state. Notice, the advanced gurus have servants to take care of them because they can’t handle a lot of ordinary life. They are “blissed out” or “beyond.” Meher Baba, for example, lost the faculty of speech when he became “enlightened.” But they never tell you about the casualties.

New Age is a mix of this and that, including reliance on Hinduism and Buddhism. But if you surrender to pacifism, you will get taken over by Marxism.

The Dali Lama’s great error was thinking about the Communist Chinese as part of the boundary-less “universal consciousness” rather than calling them out as genocidal Marxist assholes. This error is a symptom of boundaries dissolving in dissociation, commonly called the identity of the self and other, or wholeness.

As nice as the Dalai Lama is, he is a poor leader of a nation and has done nothing to save his people from genocide. If you don’t resist the Left and call them out, they will destroy you. The Dalai Lama is correct in saying, perhaps it is time to retire this office of Dali Lama. If you are going to lead a people, your duty is to be a defender and a warrior, not a present-centered blissed out monk.

But there is more to it than that. The Dalai Lama instructed the soldiers in his army to lay down their weapons rather than continue to defend him. Many of those soldiers committed suicide upon realizing their betrayal. He owes his life to their fight against the Communist army pursuers who tried to kill him, but he thanked his soldiers by betraying them. The Dalai Lama seems like a very nice guy, but he suffers from niceguy disease, passive let them overrunusism.

The experiment of having the Dalai Lama act as both spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism and national governor worked as long as they were under the protection of Mongol military power. After the Mongols lost their military power, the Tibetans were left open to Chinese Communist aggression. Now Tibet is occupied and Tibetan Buddhism has nearly died out in Tibet under Chinese persecution.

earth_charter.jpgThe Left destroys religion wherever it advances. Hence the irony of “spiritual liberals.” Oxymoron. No such thing. But naive young lefties are happy to be introduced to the realm of the psyche and play there because liberalism is so arid and causes so many mental diseases. If you tell them the realm of the psyche is “spiritual,” they will believe it. If you tell them their imagination is “spiritual,” they will believe it. If Carl Jung tells them that archetypes are embedded in their collective consciousness, they will believe it. Doesn’t get any dumber than that.

100 out of 100 New Age believers will fail to investigate the history of their own belief system. Staggering stupidity.

We’ll help you in future posts with identity cleansing, and it won’t involve surrendering to hypnosis. To escape from the con artists and the New Age hustlers, identify your own value words and recognize when somebody plays your own code to you. That’s really all you need to drop out of the whole control system.

We blame your parents for not arming you with a bullshit detector. The generational problem is, so many parents have fallen into Left or occult programming and hence are virus carriers.

Don’t blame yourself if it seemed appealing and you fell into it. You were just a naive victim. It’s the oldest con game in history. A new sucker is born every minute. One of the ironies of the idea of an “ancient wisdom” is that the magicians have been enchanting the rubes for many generations now.

Two questions occur to us. First, how would the nineteenth-century Freemasons, who invented the New Age, feel about how the New Age is functioning today? Has some cultural shift occurred, or is everything in the New Age today in line with the Jewish occultism that is at the basis of Freemasonry? Take this as a research project.

The second question of interest is, why haven’t the psychotherapists gotten the New Age con artists outlawed so they can take naive people into their own therapy and wellness cons? They used to drive the fortune tellers out of town. Now New Age is legal. Quack quack.

New Age occultism presents as decentralized and multi-sourced. Actually, all the New Age organizations are linked in networks. The network form is very useful to ensure continued survival of the con if one organization gets exposed or blows up or goes out of style. But the network itself is organized in a pyramid, just like every other aspect of the New World Order.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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