The Illuminati in America

If you have been contemplating the choice between secession and civil war, the Illuminati (Democrats) have made the choice for you: civil war. The Illuminati are experts in both. The following video discusses the history of the Illuminati in America and their role in the secession of the southern states that led to the civil war.

The author and speaker is Arthur Thompson, the book is titled To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments. An unfortunate title, the book is really about the Illuminati in America.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “The Illuminati in America”

  1. Victoria says:

    Unfortunately, sites like this one , as good and revelatory as it seems to be, usually are created by the controlled opposition illusionists, before any real entities can do it – to control every aspect, including their critics. They go out ahead of themselves. Brilliant subversion techniques, Prussian style. This is why they’re in control. These strategic Einstein’s gather Intel this way too. Put my name on the list. It’s interesting to me that no one has left comments relating to most of these articles. Pretty obvious, isn’t it? These corruption shills play both sides. Imagine sock puppets. Some rich psychotic has a sock on both hands and is busy debating and arguing with himself. Then the left and right hand end up eventually punching it out. There ya go. That’s what’s going on. They drive both sides and have a variety of various kinds of demonic puppets collecting money via non profit organizations hoodwinking the distracted public that they’re actually doing something truly philanthropic. LOL! Psych! These folks can’t roll out of bed before 10am but they’re some clever money stealing buggars. They look so respectible and it seems superficial ly like they care. Does Satan care? Can he be redeemed? Nothing will ever fill up that hole as ‘helpful’ as they pretend to be. No worries. Nobody tricks God, the REAL one. They’ve even created apostate church labyrinth games about him too. Some very short sighted demoniacs with too many passport stamps. Hope everybody’s havin’ a good time playing these convoluted games that almost no one can see thru. Can’t wait to get my glorified body and graduate from this ridiculous insanity. Satan doesn’t have a place in heaven, boyyyzzz.

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