The Global New Deal to prop up the Global Old Deal

NWOU is pleased that the global socialists and monopoly capitalists have ruined their system of global trade agreements and destroyed their investment banks. But the race to reglobalize is on, led by Gordon Brown and Barack Obama. NWOU hopes that nationalist and localist policies will replace failed globalism. The April G20 meeting is the target date for the roll out of new globalist agreements that will shore up the New World Order. Meanwhile, here is a progress report on the actors in the drama.

First, Words for the Investment Wise has a lengthy piece on the current state of the world economy, with all the statistics, graphs, projections, and commentary you could want.

Reuters reports on rallies and protests across Europe. A new prime minister has taken office in Latvia after its government collapsed. 2.5 million street protesters in France have caused Sarkozy to appropriate additional bailout funds for workers and consumers rather than corporations and banks.

In Greece striking workers shut down government offices and schools and closed the borders to protest foreign workers and layoffs. The story also by Reuters.

The Herald reports on economic decline in emerging markets, focusing on Asia and Brazil. Russia’s sovereign debt has been downgraded. Debt restructuring is coming to the fore as a major problem for Eastern Europe, Ukraine, and Russia. Currency declines accompany debt worries. In Ukraine, steel and chemical companies have laid off thousands of workers, and many cities are without electricity and unable to pay their bills. The Ukraine government could be the next to fall.

What are the bad guys up to?

090302_13.jpgFrom the Phnom Penh Post a report on the formation of an Asian Union, ASEAN. ASEAN coordinates ten Asian nations and has pulled in Australia and New Zealand. The members have vowed not to pursue protectionist policies, but the agreement does not contain specific punishments for protectionism. ASEAN aspires to become one market, but let’s see how these national leaders respond to low prices, poverty, high unemployment, national resentments, protests, and multinational corporations taking over their industries before we assign Southeast Asia to the New World Tyranny. We also wonder what they will actually do with their regional bailout fund, which surely will pick winners and losers. These Asian ministers are signing their own death warrants. Why would you need national leaders when you have a borderless regional economy open to the most ruthless global monopolist predators?

More on ASEAN at “Asean’s biggest problem is that individual members haven’t been willing to sacrifice for the common good,” Michael Montesano, a visiting research fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore told Bloomberg. “Every European Union member has given up sovereignty to be part of a stronger union, and we haven’t seen that in Asean.” Well, maybe there’s hope for Southeast Asia after all, if they haven’t sacrificed their sovereignty for the common good of global monopolist Communist gangsters.

Speaking of global predators, Gordon Brown traveled to the United States to get support for his Global New Deal. Congress actually applauded his speech, so don’t look to Congress for any help in escaping from the problems globalism causes. Brown wants a “high growth, low carbon recovery,” but of course that is impossible. Carbon taxes will lower energy use and lower living standards across the globe. Actually, that is what they want. Talk of economic recovery is just hype. Jerome Corsi reports at WorldNetDaily.

The AP reports that European leaders echoed Brown’s call for a Global New Deal at a meeting in Berlin in late February. At this meeting the EU leaders pledged $500 billion in contributions to the IMF to prop up globalist outsourcers and traitors.

The Times outlines Brown’s vison in his own words. If you’re able to read between the misleading rhetoric a bit, it’s clear that Brown wants a global enforcer to make sure no country adopts protectionist policies to prevent the globalists from vacuuming profits out of it. And yet, the masses continue to fall for Brown and Obama’s empty rhetoric: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope. You really have to be lost in brainwashing to believe we are at the dawn of an era of hope when the global economy has just crashed, and continues crashing.

Signs of Hope

“The federal government does not have the constitutional authority to spend taxpayers’ money to redistribute wealth from one state and give it to another.”

NWOU hates to rely on the possibility of some massive shift in U.S. public opinion to stop globalism, and we don’t believe that Communist-led strikes in Europe can do much more than call attention to the people’s pain that results from globalist policies. America seems not to be paying attention to Europe’s agony, thanks to the lack of reporting on anything global in the U.S. lapdog media. We do find a couple of possibilities for hope in legalistic measures. First, The August Review has an article on the illegality of federal bailouts. Karen McMahan’s argument is weak, but we give her points for thinking in the right direction.

Second, Lance Landon writes at the KickThemAllOut Project that the states have the right to dissolve the federal government. More states are making declarations of sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. Arizona is rejecting any federal declaration of martial law without the consent of the state of Arizona. Then there is the issue of whether the federal government has the right to diminish its powers and the power of the states by signing globalist treaties. This gets right to the heart of the matter of the treason of the federal government against its citizens since Franklin Roosevelt. The failure of the federal government to control the borders of the United States is a related globalist crime. In principle, dissolving the old federal government and creating a new one is simple. All that is required is a convention of the states in which three-fourths vote for the proposal. In practice, of course, it isn’t going to be easy to dissolve this corrupt federal government. But NWOU supports the idea. It would be a great way to clean house and have a real new dawn of hope for America.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “The Global New Deal to prop up the Global Old Deal”

  1. So, this post was a really nice read New World Order University Forum » The Global New Deal to prop up the Global Old Deal! Jerrica Hosmer

  2. hosting says:

    Where do you get your inspiration for your posts?

    The research in The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World. It’s a completely different view of history than Marxism or capitalism/democracy/science as the driving forces of history.

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