The Era of Constant Crisis, Part 2

Paul Ferrell:

“The future of our economy and indeed our nation demands another political revolution. We must take back our democracy and capitalism from a government run by Wall Street and its “Happy Conspiracy” … their toxic self-serving power hold must be broken and, if not, a rising new conspiracy of China, India, oil-sovereignties and asset-rich nations will replace our homegrown “Happy Conspiracy” as it eventually goes down in the flames of anarchy.”

Interesting words from Ferrell, but we doubt a political revolution is around the corner. The white male is too timid and poorly organized, and the feminists and minorities are expecting to continue to benefit from socialist takeover. If a revolution were to take place, tell us, please, what reforms would we need to put into place to make sure representative democracy actually represented, capitalism was controlled to serve the people, the Left could no longer run corrupt socialism, multinational corporations were broken up, and global treaties were repealed? That would be quite a revolution, wouldn’t it? Not going to happen.

Ferrell is also overlooking problems inside China and inside the oil-rich countries. But that is a subject for another day.

The point isn’t revolution, it’s the agenda of Undoing all the weaknesses of the political system and the civil society that led to the present state of affairs.

Ferrell’s warning brings into high focus the power of big corporations and Wall Street bankers to control political policy and resist reform. Even if reform political parties were to win elections, the most we could hope for is an end to debt issuance and mandatory balanced budgets. That reform would help preserve the existing arrangements by lowering the odds of cascading financial collapse.

The paradox of fiscal reform is that it maintains existing power relations unless it goes further and breaks up the big banks and outlaws socialism and corporate lobbying. However, the looming threat of cascading financial collapse makes fiscal reform the only viable option.

Last spring we wrote that we are in the mini-era of New World Order takeover characterized by the propaganda line that the Fed and the TARP saved the world from Depression, along with Gordon Brown’s leadership in shifting New World Order financial authority to the IMF and the World Bank. The two trends of highest importance for the United States were the Democrats’ takeover of health care to shift funding away from retired white baby boomers over to the Negroes and Hispanics, to shore up their electoral base and kill off elderly whites. A second trend of major importance was the cap and trade legislation, which would put the energy industry under the control of a global marketplace designed to enrich Al Gore and Maurice Strong and other high-level New World Order insiders. A third trend was the proposed shift of financial resources from the United States and Europe to Third World dictators under the proposed Copenhagen treaty.

We expected to announce the shift into a new phase of New World Order takeover in January with the successful passage of the healthcare takeover and the Cophenhagen treaty. We expected this new phase to feature tight socialist controls over the economy, increasing marginalization of dissent, the continued looting of the U.S. treasury by the Democrats and the big bankers, and the worldwide integration of the global police state. We were a little bit off. Even though these goals remain paramount for the socialists, they have moved off the front burner due to unexpected complications.

One monkey wrench in the global takeover plan was the unexpected strength of the tea party resistance, influencing U.S. elections. Another was the decoupling of Communist China from its U.S. alliance and the shift in focus from globalism to nationalism generally. But we believe that two recent events have shifted us into a new era, the announcement on February 18 that the Federal Reserve was raising the discount rate and the sovereign debt crisis emerging in Dubai, the European PIIGs, Eastern Europe, Singapore, Japan, and Australia. Britain and the United States are also at risk for sovereign debt downgrades.

Obama’s plans for global socialist takeover lie bleeding in the dust. Obama hasn’t made a new friend abroad, in fact he is probably afraid to travel abroad as China and Russia have become increasingly hostile to any U.S. initiatives. The Russia/China/Iran alliance is dominating foreign affairs. Obama faces military crisis in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the crumbling of the Democratic majority at home, and loss of status as his lies have been exposed. European leaders are so preoccupied with their own debt problems that they aren’t paying any attention to Obama or to further globalist integration initiatives. Obama has been discredited and hemmed in and is now resorting to Clintonian small ball gambits. We didn’t expect people to catch on so fast.

Obama’s major error was in not leading the health care takeover. The Democrats didn’t really care whether they passed the “public option” (government health insurance) or expanded private health insurance as long as they could cut Medicare funding, control the distribution of health care based on age and race, and make sure the racial minorities and illegal immigrants got free care. They should have just bought policies for everybody and be done with it, it would have been cheaper. But they had to have their death panels to control their “complete lives system” of control. (See Population reduction is the master plan.)

The Democrats opened their health care plan to too much debate. They should have insisted on one single option, even though they didn’t really care about having one option. And, they should have had a propaganda campaign in place to discredit seniors before the seniors got organized in opposition to being killed. The Democrats should have recruited young white people to insist that they needed health care, to characterize seniors as wanting health care entitlements as selfish for wanting to live. This campaign could have split the whites into young versus old, and ensured a propaganda victory. Instead we had the unseemly spectacle of legislators crowding to the pig trough. But the Democrats still have the opportunity to sucker punch the Republicans and pull them into some health care plan in this new era. The Left never gives up its drive for total control because, without power, they are nothing.

The new era, which we are calling the Era of Constant Crisis, hinges on Europe’s debt problems and the new focus on Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan as backers of sovereign debt, with public assets as their prize. The spotlight is now shining on banker relationships with governments. The issues are secrecy and corruption, the webs of cross-border relations, and the mutual cooperation of governments and bankers in looting nations. The New World Order financial system is being exposed, and it may crash a second time in three years.

Banks are not satisfied to restrict their activities to their own localities, they venture abroad to seek profit opportunities. Allowing this creates webs of intrigue. Revealing these webs will make news in the new era. It will be an era of “constant crisis” because governments have run out of operating room, they have hit the wall of debt issuance. Whatever the socialist leaders do, or don’t do, will have negative consequences for some interest group that relies on them and supports them. They are in the bind of bad options. They are at the ultimate omega point of the trendline of using other people’s money to fund their corruption. Not only is there no money left, they can’t even issue more debt without the whole system blowing up.

We expect a string of revelations around debt crisis management that will leave the public disgusted. The problem is, so many people rely on the corpse of bankrupt socialism for their living. The controllers will need to make decisions that alienate core constituencies. We expect a cracking of banker/government relations, debt defaults, currency devaluations, forced downsizing of government bureaucracies, formation of reform parties, strikes and street violence, and new faces in office as the present crop of leaders gets discredited for their corruption. We do not expect the Wall Street bankers or the global central bankers to crack. The reformers won’t be able to put their most honest and most ambitious policies into effect because the bankers hold the power to collapse the credit economy. At the end of this mini-era, it should remain true that “he who has the gold makes the rules” even though many crooks are exposed and disgraced.

As corrupt banker/government relations come into high relief, plans for New World Order integration will fall away to the back burner and only enlist the enthusiasm of the most brainwashed clueless liberals. The New World Order can only flourish if it is heavily funded, and any more, funding means unsustainable debt. But we don’t expect the EU and UN bureaucracies to be defunded, or the public school system to be disbanded. Socialism will continue its social destruction program quietly. We do expect corporations, banks, and governments to go down in sudden bankruptcies or buyouts, and we expect wealthy global controllers to compete with each other more and cooperate less as their cash flows are increasingly threatened.

Everyone’s self-interest will be emphasized in this era of “pulling apart, lobbying for continued advantage, and fighting over the spoils.”

We are not forecasting stock market or bond market declines for this era. Money can flow into markets regardless of the underlying creditworthiness of banks and governments. No one can solve the problems the banking system creates by some comprehensive reform. Different countries and different population segments are going to suffer their fates as cash flows change direction and exisiting arrangements suddenly collapse.

We expect the news to take everybody by surprise in this new era, in contrast to the last era when news wasn’t important. As various publics become aware of media’s role in the coverups, we expect media to suffer challenges and experience crisis as well. We encourage you to do your own analysis about how various interest groups will fare during the “debt crisis and downsizing” era we are entering. It will be a good exercise for you not to rely on NWOU to do everything for you. One day you’ll need to graduate, and this, too, may be forced upon you. Nobody is immune from sudden collapse in the days ahead, and internet censorship can proceed without further funding.

Intellectual life is going to change in the new mini-era. As national leaders and global bankers become locked in to untenable positions, paralyzed because any decision they make has profound negative effects, we will see a shift away from the idea of personal freedom in the civil society to the idea of a bad fate under socialist controls.

The brainwashed liberal masses will be the first to be sacrificed, and the socialists must meet this development with passionate rhetorical defenses of socialism. Those who remain locked into the old worldviews will experience events as “fated.” We are at the point where individual options disappear and larger forces beyond individual control appear to “determine” life outcomes. It may appear as if materialist determinism were working to create fated outcomes during this crisis period, but this only appears to be true because bankers and socialist politicians have pursued their strategies repeatedly and mechanically, without fear of prosecution or bankruptcy.

The important intellectual concept is system-building. All system-building treats man as a cog in a machine and destroys human values, even when the system is built for a worthy end. The New World Order agenda is to take over all systems from the top, hence all system-building in this modern era ends up favoring the New World Order slave camp agenda. As systems collapse, it will appear as if “greater forces” than the laws of economics are at work. Those who remain wedded to systems will appear to have a fate. This mini-era will thus appear to favor deterministic materialist thinking, and liberal hysteria will rise to fever pitch.

Individual decision making is still the most powerful force in history. Only when you give up individual moral choice and blindly support corrupt institutions do you get swept up in outcomes that appear to be fated.

If you haven’t already done so, you will need to adopt worldview flexibility and economic survival strategies outside systems to avoid being left stranded when institutions collapse.

We’ll continue to post for a while because we think a few people can still be saved, though time is running short.

Even though it is obvious to you that overpromising and overspending are threatening to collapse the financial system, never underestimate the ability of the liars to control the socialist masses, and understand that the socialists will never abandon their greedy lobbying for more advantages. Liberals will always go over the cliff without waking up. Be smarter.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “The Era of Constant Crisis, Part 2”

  1. Rae Ridgle says:

    Hi – I want to say thanks for an interesting site about a subject I have had an interest in for a while now. I have been looking in and reading the posts avidly so just wanted to express my thanks for providing me with some very good reading material. I look forward to more, and taking a more active part in the discussions here, whilst learning too!!

  2. This post is really interesting. Thank you for posting it. Are there any other sources for this information?

    That would involve actually purchasing and reading the book and learning something.

  3. Nice posting! Can you tell me of other source of this information?

    The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World, The NAFTA Conspiracy. Scholarly resources.

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