The Era of Constant Crisis, Part 1

As we wrote in How to save Greece, European leadership is split and paralyzed over whether to bail out Greece as the value of its sovereign debt declines. The revelation that Goldman Sachs helped Greece to hide the extent of its debt obligations by writing PPI’s opens another layer of scandal that promises to reveal a web of banker/government agreements tied to privatization of public assets.

The question of the creditworthiness of sovereign debt for any particular country now depends on exposing the hidden history of Goldman’s involvement with national governments. The ability of any individual European country to deflate its way out of debt crisis now hinges on two arrangements, the fiscal mandates of EU socialism and the secret public/private partnership agreements written by Goldman and other bankers. In other words, the socialists and the capitalists hold each country hostage as they compete to loot its treasury. This struggle will “make news” and lead to a new era, the Era of Constant Crisis.

Recent events:

Greek MP’s criticize German hypocrisy for resisting more loans to Greece.

Papandreou seeks help from Russia.

Greece hires Goldman bond adviser.

Merkel notices that bailing out banks has raised sovereign debt.

EU strips Greece of voting rights.

Goldman advised England, Italy, possibly other nations how to hide their sovereign debt.

French banker warns of euro collapse.

Ron Paul wonders whether the U.S. Federal Reserve is bailing out Greece.

Rob Kirby points the finger at Goldman Sachs and notes that Goldman wants to privatize roadways for its profit. What are PPI’s, and how do they hide sovereign debt? Pay attention, the pattern has been played out many times, with Goldman at the center, profiting. Tracing the tentacles of investment in Greece back to Germany, Switzerland, and the Balkans.

It’s crucial that you understand that the web of debt relations is working along a trendline that puts national debt at risk while enriching the bankers. Privatization of public utilities profits the insider cabal of investors who place themselves in the position to take control of assets “naturally” as governments continue their overspending and debt issuance to fund socialism. Big capitalism feasts off the corpse of rotting socialism. The public should be very angry as “their” assets get looted, but the web of secret deals is not sufficiently publicized. When deals are reported in the press, they are given a “favorable” or “inevitible” spin to mislead the public. Individual deals appear to “arise from many actors” rather than appearing as the product of systematic government/banker corruption. The financial press celebrates the leading predators as “wise men” rather than criminals.

Biofuels trigger world food crisis. Get off the Green bandwagon, it’s evil. Food shortages and price inflation ahead.

The end of the economic miracle based on credit. Why governments have no good choices left. Watch for head fakes from the central banks as they try to convince markets they have stopped printing money. The game of shifting currencies is what the markets are all about now.

U.S. war on terror may push Pakistan into bankruptcy.

We are looking for information about the credit risk of sovereign (national) debt around the world to distinguish the weak economies from the strong. The hidden web of debt relations makes this task difficult.

A sovereign debt default in Greece could bring down the European banks. This is the Achilles heel of the European Union, and any regional trade association acting as a federal government. The New World Order isn’t destined to fail, but it is now in crisis because of the interlocking financial relationships of the criminal elites who govern every country.

Latvia’s stark decline and how Western banks profited. The “parasitic loan” concept as the key to understanding debt repudiation as moral.

Australian MP’s challenge Rudd over unpayble debt.

The moral argument — “we didn’t issue the debt and hence should not suffer from the consequences of issuing too much debt” — is playing out among two different parties in Europe and America. In America it is the position of the conservatives and (Ron Paul) tea partiers. In Europe, it is the position of the Communist-controlled unions and will be the basis for street demonstrations and strikes. The counter-trend in Europe is the ability of some workers to wake up and move away from union influence to the teaparty resistance. In America this trend is fueled by late-awakening liberals figuring out that the Obama socialist agenda isn’t going to save their jobs and is anti-white.

Why pushing bad debt from place to place solves nothing. But these moves enrich elites and impoverish governments.

The Fed’s policy change of February 18. Fed actions will drive the financial news, but watch for head fakes, disinformation, and hopefully insider revelations. The mystifying Fed will hypnotize the markets and cause trend reversals.

How much governments need to cut spending, and what happens when interest rates rise. Government spending cuts will be “surprise news.”

Sy Harding figures out that Wall Street is not going to be reformed. Likewise, the Federal Reserve is not going to allow itself to be audited, even if its stonewalling causes a constitutional crisis.

The alliance between socialist politicians and corrupt big bankers remains firmly in place. There has been no meaningful reform of big banks or of the global financial system. The socialist leaders and the big bankers are going to have a little tussle in the days ahead over policy toward Greece. Maneuvers and negotiations at the top of the pyramid will play out against a background of organized street violence and strikes, and declining GDP. How this struggle plays out will set the model and the trendline for the future of the European Union.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “The Era of Constant Crisis, Part 1”

  1. Your website looks really good. Being a blog writer myself, I really appreciate the time you took in writing this article.

  2. Good read! You need to get some social bookmarking buttons on your posts so that we can share stuff like this with the click of a button.

    Social websites are monitored by the FBI. We avoid them. The web is under police state control. We don’t want our stuff to appear on social websites. It’s later than you think. The web is not our future.

  3. I had a family member that worked as a senior member of the IMF. (International Monetary Fund). They only accept payment from member countries in GOLD. They do not accept payment in local currencies. They only exchange gold for local currencies in order to fend off a local banking crisis. You can google this. The big banking boys know what real wealth preservation is. They setup their own safeguards to include a gold reserve, not a paper reserve. China, India and the US are huge gold holders. They don’t liquidate Fort Knox to pay federal debt, they just whip up a new batch of paper.

    The United States Treasury transferred almost all of the gold reserves at Fort Knox to the IMF upon its founding, as a condition of membership. That’s why there has been no recent audit of the gold reserves at Fort Knox, and there won’t be.

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