The epidemic of fraud in science

The Times reports on a study of fraud in science and finds that about half of scientists surveyed had observed fraud and dishonest practices among their colleagues. However, only 2 percent of scientists admitted to engaging in such practices themselves. No one should be surprised that scientific fraud is so widespread. Science is an occupation without ethics that resists regulation.

The causes and supports for scientific corruption are rather obvious. Scientists who falsify data are not prosecuted, punished, and disgraced. Many scientific liars, particularly environmentalists, are rewarded with university positions and grants even after publishing false data and making false predictions. Socialist support for scientific research encourages research that supports socialism. Scientists who work for large corporations have financial incentives to suppress and distort findings that might endanger corporate profits. The national institutes of science remain “above criticism” even when they publish and support scientific frauds.

One of the overlooked aspects of New World Order studies is that the royal societies and national institutes were building blocks and anchor points for false “scientific” propaganda promoting the destruction of other sources of social authority such that scientists could be elevated to positions of supreme authority in the New World Order. The same elitism prevailed in the Soviet Union, with the same record of producing “scientific” results favored by the elite governing bodies.

Notice in the news media the number of reports quoting scientific studies, particularly statistical studies, as the single authoritative source for knowledge. In your own thinking you can avoid this error by recognizing that many such claims are false, or are misinterpreted, or are interpreted in a way that is favorable to some powerful interest group. The antidote is simple, substitute genuine human values as your main reference point and reject the anti-human claims of the scientific controllers.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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