The damage around the world

Let’s begin our tour with a nice, long statistical analysis of recent economic indicators by David Chapman at SafeHaven. Chapman notes the frequent occurrence of the word “Depression” in recent writing about the global economy. Chapman believes it is not a Global Depression but might become one. At the moment, whether the world enters a Depression seems to hinge on the possible collapse of the Chinese economy and the question of whether the U.S. and European nationalization of banks will succeed in preventing widespread bank collapse. Chapman implies that overbuilding in infrastructure (housing) cannot be solved by building more infrastructure, hence the Obama policies are destined to fail.

At Global Research, Brad Setzer reports on Taiwan and Korea using the word “Depression.” NWOU wonders why national leaders are pinning their hopes of global recovery on Communist China to keep up the export game instead of restructuring national economies in the interests of their people.

Isabelle Le Page reports at Global Research that the German economy is imploding, and economists do not expect spending on infrastructure to help the situation.

The Telegraph reports that the “monetary union” has left half of Europe in Depression. Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Ireland are close to defaulting on their government bonds. These countries may soon come under IMF control. IMF control will mean a forced devaluation of non-Euro currencies in Eastern Europe. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard blames this state of affairs on the EU. Nigel Farage of Britain calls the EU a “prison of nations.” Exactly. Trade agreements are designed to imprison and undermine nations. Globalist rhetoric explicitly devalues national sovereignty and describes the globalist takeover in terms of some elevated abstract value. But globalism actually delivers criminal exploitation and now, economic chaos. Anti-government riots have broken out in Greece, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Lithuania. Evans-Pritchard believes the smart money is fleeing from Ireland, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Portugal. As these governments get bailed out, the debt burden will be transferred to Germany.

The Guardian believes that street riots will develop this spring in Bulgaria, Romania, and the Baltic states as companies collapse into bankruptcy and unemployment rates skyrocket. The rioters would of course be workers who believed that EU membership would bring economic benefits but who now have turned against their EU-leaning government officials. The suddenly awake.

Reuters reports on riots in Iceland. Global Research reports on a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Turkey. The MailOnline reports that British banks are going bankrupt and Britain may come under IMF control. The IMF is not well enough funded to support these failing governments. Who are governments going to borrow from? China? Saudi Arabia? Most likely, governments with central banks are going to print money. As they do so, rising unemployment rates and rising bankruptcy rates will force wage labor rates lower. Correspondingly, tax revenues for governments at all levels should decline. The prospects for reinflation grow dimmer every day, though the TV pundits still expect some bounce from the bailouts, the government-sponsored tax reduction and rebate programs, and increased bank lending.

NWOU believes the globalist consensus is now splitting apart. The globalist takeover of right and left parties will be harder to hold together. Europe is already splitting into old left vs. right factions, with both factions becoming more extreme. In the U.S., the globalist socialist coalition is holding together under Obama’s rhetoric of hope and change, but for how long?

Finally, it seems France has something called an “equality chief, a Mr. Yazid Sabeg, the son of Algerian immigrants. Mr. Sabeg warned France via the MailOnline that the “social fabric” is pulling apart, and France is headed into apartheid. Mr. Sarkozy has endorsed the plans of the “equality chief” to put more minorities on TV and to set quotas for minorities in French schools. Political parties will be forced to sign “diversity charters” to receive government funds. Can the French design affirmative action programs to promote “social unity” under socialist control, or will the distrust of globalist governors splinter France into competing ethnic and cultural parties? Perhaps France will succeed, like America, in pacifying their Marxist mass pseudosociety with laws and quotas, bailouts, and global unity rhetoric. Or perhaps France, and Europe generally, will recognize the global and multicultural con game, and economic reality will suddenly awaken Europe to how its leaders sold out its citizens. Will Europeans abandon the mass pseudosociety model of global Communist takeover and begin to develop genuine societies based on ethnic and cultural identity? Stay tuned, the race away from globalism toward reality is on.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “The damage around the world”

  1. Glen says:

    great post, hope there is many more to come

  2. The only country in the world that seems to be affected in any serious manner this time around would be India. Alanna European

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