The Copenhagen takeover

What happened at Copenhagen? We want to get past the street theater, the Left’s endless factionalism, the propaganda drip, and the infantile posturing of the socialist crybabies. Here is a quick jump through the lowlights of the world’s biggest Green party.

First, debunking the climate change myths.

China let the world population reduction agenda out of the bag in its press releases. The population reduction agenda is out on TV now.

The Left is busy organizing voluntary suicide movements. The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.

“Dealing with climate change is not simply an issue of CO2 emission reduction but a comprehensive challenge involving political, economic, social, cultural and ecological issues, and the population concern fits right into the picture.”

Obama’s science czar John Holdren will lead population reduction in the United States.

Rambling introductory coverage at Centurean2. Why Copenhagen’s prostitutes felt compelled to offer their services for free to conference attendees. Nothing is ever as it seems when lefties congregate.

China and India walk out. But don’t worry, both countries are very committed to greenhouse gas reduction.

The G77 revolt and Africa’s rebellion against Obama.

Warming skeptics are now called “saboteurs.” What the real saboteurs were up to. Same old radical playbook.

Naomi Klein at Huffington Post on the radical protest disrupting the Copenhagen meetings. Klein’s position is that not enough money is being transferred to “Third World” countries, including China, one of the richest nations on the planet. The comments on this article are of interest if you have ever wondered why radicals are so dumb. Start with the big picture, that the radicals are aware of the shortcomings of monopoly global capitalism but blind to the historical fact that socialism has always been worse. Next, add their commitment to junk science. They haven’t even bothered to investigate the relationship between CO2 and warming, which is no relationship. Next, they are committed to the transfer of wealth without caring where the money ends up, in the most corrupt global institutions. Most wealth transfers to the Third World end up being spent on cocaine, hookers, and guns. Next, they reason as follows: If the United States can come up with trillions to bail out banks, they can come up with trillions to spend on combating climate change. Simply irresponsible. Don’t follow these lemmings over the cliff of economic destruction. They never stop spending other people’s money to put themselves in power, no matter how much harm it does.

These folks couldn’t reason their way out of a paper bag, and they seem completely clueless about what their leaders are doing behind closed doors. That is why we are having an annoying outbreak of crybaby Leftism right now. We are the ones who should be crying. They won.

The “climate justice” reasoning. The rich vs. poor story line.

Hugo Chavez arrives in Copenhagen and blames capitalism for pollution. Hmmm, the biggest polluter is Communist China. This post samples the radical flavor at Copenhagen. Liberal reporters forgot to mention that all these guys are progressive communists.

Hillary promises $100 billion but wants inspectors to monitor emissions. China balks at allowing inspections. Gridlock? Unfortunately, no.

Background on Obama’s ride to the rescue.

Obama delivers a grim speech. He was unusually grim because offended Chinese leaders refused to meet with him. Obama’s speech got rave reviews on U.S. TV, but others were disappointed.

Fidel Castro weighs in with criticism of Obama. His Big Lie: “the oligarchy of irresponsibly (sic) who are opposing change.” Actually, the rich oligarchs are pushing the climate hoax and will profit from the coming Green tide. Hugo Chavez funds Castro, and oil funds Chavez’ Communism. Figure it out.

China takes the blame for lack of a binding accord. Don’t worry about China. They can clean up their own pollution. They don’t need a “global agreement” to do it.

By now you should understand that all of the arguments for global Green wealth transfers are a waste of your time. The point of the exercise is new global machinery to make the insiders such as Al Gore and Maurice Strong richer while making you poorer.

Gordon Brown was disappointed in the outcome and proposed another layer of global federalism to control the world and make future Copenhagen public socialist spectacles unnecessary. Notice how much damage the Left can do even when poll numbers signal strong disapproval. So much for democracy and the will of the people.

“The fact is that we have got fast-start finance of $10 billion a year flowing as a result of this agreement.”

The final accord.

The “sinister global dictatorship” establishes a global financial tax. Sounds like a pretty successful takeover to us. After all the drama queens had finished their acting out, what did we get? New global bureaucracies, plus a tax to fund the transfer payments, plus many more meetings to establish goals for individual countries. The Big Takeover was a success, and the Green tide is coming your way.

We wish we had $10 billion in seed money to finance an anti-New World Order Movement.

The Telegraph characterizes Copenhagen as farce. Some gifted dramatist should study the Copenhagen meeting and write it up as comic opera. Some leftie probably will. It’s hard to say how much of this drama was orchestrated for liberal journalists so they wouldn’t look at what the leaders were doing.

Remedial reading

How climate modification plans are being justified. The U.S. government already has a lot of weather modification programs.

How they will cover up Climategate. More Climategate reaction against the climate-change cartel.

The lies they are using to sell cap and trade.

Why the acid rain analogy doesn’t hold for cap and trade to reduce carbon dioxide.

Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, and the cap and trade ripoff.

“After the early stages of development, countries register environmental improvements as they grow richer, which is why London’s air today is the cleanest since records began in 1585.”

Why high-tax environmentalism doesn’t help environments.

Janet Daley figures out that globalism is propaganda.

Climate change is natural.

How the alarmists exploit warming in West Antarctica to fool the gullible with images suggesting warming while East Antarctica cools. Remember, the dumbed-down Left thinks in terms of pictures they’ve seen on TV.

500 peer-reviewed scientific papers that do not support global warming.

Keep up with the controversies at Greenie Watch. Weather data from reporting stations around the world have been falsified. CRU takes phony data off of its website. Al Gore lies about ice-free Arctic, and is found out. His ocean acidification scare post is misleading. Also, reporting from Copenhagen. Nice site.

ICECAP It was minus 10 degrees in Copenhagen. Where on earth is it warming? Nowhere.

WattsUpWithThat has continuing climate coverage.

Julian Simon vs. Paul Ehrlich. For deceived liberals.

We confess to being utterly bored with this subject. We’ve discovered that we don’t have infinite compassion to keep explaining this hoax over and over again. The Copenhagen agreements will be the framework for plenty of future developments under global Green socialism. You can’t escape it. All of your personal habits will be monitored and controlled and taxed. They will close down any escape routes and will continue to come up with new “problems” justifying their control and their infinite need for your money. Good luck in coping with the Green hoax. We’re moving on.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “The Copenhagen takeover”

  1. ED Doctor says:

    Gerry, a very interesting post thanks for writing it!

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