The Convergence of Catastrophes

The Convergence of Catastrophes is the title of a book by French author Guillaume Corvus. A review by Michael O’Meara appears at The Widening Gyre. Corvus seems to believe that financial system irregularities are a result of “irresponsibility” rather than deliberate criminal behavior among connected elites, and he believes resource scarcity will exert a catastrophe on the global economic system. The Convergence of Catastrophes attempts to explain social and economic changes in terms of catastrophe theory.

Catastrophe theory is the resort of observers who can understand problems arising from integrated systems but who have not researched the history of the New World Order. Relying on evolutionary models rather than researching the history of planned conspiracy, they focus on what can go wrong with global systems rather than the nightmare of what can go right. Such writers fear systems breakdown rather than fearing the worse outcome, the successful worldwide systems integration under the New World Order. They believe that “stress” on systems occurs from natural rather than manmade causes. This is now the default theory of many thinkers who have learned to think globally but not historically. Most of these writers are subject to being fooled by false environmental catastrophism.

Readers of The Hidden Masters are in a superior position by understanding the background of the planned global conspiracy. It’s easy to debunk “catastrophism” as belonging to the fallacious set of evolutionary theories that dominate the social sciences. Catastrophic thinkers are unable to see the benefits of the breakdown of global integration. They assume that history is moving in some determined way toward “liberalism” building systems that are in danger of becoming overloaded. This weak analysis allows both the Left and Right to continue to point fingers at the other party as the irresponsible party while the work of building the global police state continues uninterrupted.

This review is of interest mainly because it introduces us to the European Right. The European Right is far more interesting and viable than the American Right. One reason is because Europe has a greater cultural heritage than America, and European Rightists understand that reviving this heritage can overcome the deficiencies of modern thinking. And, not all European Rightists are locked into an analysis of history using the language of physical determinism.

One of Corvus’ most important errors is failing to distinguish between the capitalist and Communist versions of the New World Order. Labeling all of modernism as liberalism leads to false conclusions in this line of analysis.

As a broad generalization, modernist analyses of modernism fail because they rely on modernist concepts. Also, modernists tend to be very naive about the actual working of international agreements. Focusing on “convergence” of humanity as a goal blinds such writers to the profound problem that universalism destroys particularism, and this is the great tragedy of the twentieth century that we must work to undo.

Next, O’Meara’s new book New Culture, New Right is praised as the “most far-reaching critique of liberalism made by an American.” But criticizing “liberalism” misses the point. There are two separate conspiratorial histories deserving of criticism, socialism and science, capitalism, democracy.

Nevertheless, O’Meara manages to aim at the right solution, the revival of traditional and local cultures as the antidote to globalism, whether globalism succeeds or fails. The key to this “New Right” revival that makes it neither Left nor Right is its focus on ethnicity and ethnic culture.

Rene Guenon’s The Reign of Quantity is not a traditionalist critique of modernism, but it is one stepping-off point for understanding the stages liberalism goes through as it becomes more powerful and degenerate. The Reign of Quantity is a criticism of modernity from the point of view of occultism.

The New Right is not yet powerful in Europe, but Europe is moving quickly to embrace New Right parties and policies as a result of the global financial crisis. Already we see anti-immigrant parties gaining in number, and European governments are being forced to respond to these growing pressures.

Dissent in Europe is far ahead of dissent in the United States, where the conservative movements are less ethnically and culturally based and have remained wedded to a classical liberal small government model. American conservatives cannot escape from America’s revolutionary heritage as a common baseline of values, and this weakness keeps conservatives from discovering genuine cultural conservatism. A large number of conservatives remain wedded to “American exceptionalism” and fear the challenges to the American Empire. American conservatives believe that ethnic differences are a problem to be solved by a melting pot rather than serving as the building blocks of unique societies and cultures. Both the Left and Right in America devalue the social and cultural while accepting its substitute, the mass society controlled by the mass institutions of law, government, media, and public education.

Another way of saying this is, conservatives are generally ignorant of the true hidden history of modernism in America, including the true agenda of the revolutionary plotters, the reasons for the split among the founding fathers, the role of Freemasonry, the role of psychology and the social sciences, the role of powerful families, the orientation of elites toward occultism and secret societies, and the role of conservative politicians in shaping globalist agreements.

The real dividing line between the liberal Republicans and the conservative Republicans in the United States should be globalism, the existence of free trade agreements leading to the creation of supergovernments that undermine democracy. Until this dividing line comes to the fore, Republicans will talk past each other in a relatively meaningless discussion of strategies. That is why we don’t write much about conservative politics today. You can find these discussions elsewhere if they entertain you. We are more concerned about providing the correct analysis and aiding those who have found it and are grappling with questions of survival at the individual and family level.

Too many liberal Republicans favor the New World Order for the Republican party to serve as an alternative to the present corrupt socialist Obama government. Many Republicans not only favor globalism and free trade, they also accept the terms of Communist political correctness and embrace feminism, environmentalism, and multiculturalism. Genuine conservatives are really annoyed by these people masquerading as “conservatives.” From this point, we’ll describe genuine conservatives as New Right and point them toward the progress that is being made in Europe. At the moment, the cutting edge issue is not the corruption of bankers but saving Europe from feminist depopulation and immigration.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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