The constructed self

Modern feminists agree with Pavlov, there is no fundamental human nature or essential inner self, there is only environmental influence on human mental processes. Pavlovian behavioral psychologists are experts in conditioning humans and animals to elicit the desired response from stimulus. Social psychologists hold belief in the constructed self as a building block of their “discipline.” It is a fundamental building block of Neomarxist postmodernism that identity is constructed rather than innate.

“Human nature places no limit on social engineering because human nature does not exist in the first place.”

These Neocommunists may appear to have leaped ahead of Stalin’s ideology into some advanced psychological discovery, but Stalin believed in the same dogma. Nothing new here. This ideal of the constructed or conditioned nature of the self was the basis for all of Stalin’s anti-human policies.

Gary Saul Morson reviews Inside the Stalin Archives by Jonathan Brent at New Criterion. Yale University is publishing the Soviet Communist Party archival materials in its Annals of Communism series. Already two dozen volumes have been published. Stalin’s personal papers will soon be published.

You can feel free to correct your “liberal” friends: Lenin was a savage, cruel monster; The American Communist Party was not native but was organized and controlled from Moscow; there was no such thing as rights, law, or even human decency under Communism; Stalin’s rule of terror was designed to create “everlasting distrust” of everyone. The quotas and the forced apologies were part of this purposely unpredictable all-encompassing terror.

Many otherwise unexplainable features of Soviet totalitarianism become open to our understanding once we grasp this fundamental principle of Marxism-Leninism. Punishment for thoughts rather than deeds, killing the families of the ideologically incorrect, Stalin’s plans for an anti-Jewish Holocaust, the delight in Sadism, the large number of perverts and sociopaths at the highest levels of the party bureaucracy, the sheer volume of the mass murder, all stem from the idea that man is merely a conditioned piece of meat.

Why will the Left tell any lie, infiltrate any organization, rob and steal, falsify history, corrupt the innocent, construct a spy society, and form nations of enslaved workers? Because sociopaths and perverts are attracted to this fundamental idea, that man has no human nature and can be molded into anything the controller chooses to make of him.

In America today both the Marxist psychologists and the feminists claim some sort of authority, some scientifically supported line of argument based on reason, and some right to be heard and to be taken seriously under free-speech protections. Many of these perverts control classrooms. Isn’t it interesting that the Behaviorist psychologists have offered no model of feminist psychology? The psychologists are silent on this subject because both feminism and behavioralist social engineering are Stalinist politics masquerading as social justice and mental health.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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