The cap and trade takeover

As you know by now, global average temperatures are cooling, not warming. The warmists have changed their language, abandoning global warming and adopting climate change as justification for their schemes.

Newsbusters reports on the cooling trend and the plan to sue Al Gore and other alarmists.

From June 26, Breitbart has the story the Democrats’ passage of the cap and trade bill out of committee. Let’s note that Obama and Pelosi are promising millions of new green jobs. We’ll see.

CBS reports that the bill will make energy retrofits mandatory before selling a house. Guess the states aren’t capable of deciding this for themselves. We wonder how many people will be locked into their houses because they can’t afford the retrofits?

Al Gore flew over to England to announce that the U.S. cap and trade legislation will bring about global governance. Thanks for the announcement Al, we don’t even have to work to expose you.

Global corporate leaders are on board with the cap and trade plan.

Ice Age Now tracks actual temperatures around the world and debunks global warming. Cllimate Depot has articles of interest rebutting claims of global warming.

Vaclav Klaus criticizes cap and trade legislation.

India rejects cap and trade. Both India and China will be excused from cap and trade requirements of the global treaty.

John Griffing explains the cap and trade con job.

The wind power fad is just hot air. Individual wind turbines produce very little power. There isn’t enough land to fit the number of wind turbines that would be needed to replace a power plant.

A recent study indicates that cap and trade will cost 2.4 million jobs. Fox News attempts to assess the economic impact of new climate agreements, but it is difficult to estimate how individual industries will be affected.

Fox News reports on the Environmental Protection Agency turning off water to California farms.

Climate Skeptic digs into the scientific claims.

Australia’s Senate voted down its cap and trade bill.

David Milliband of the UK is taking the lead on a proposal for a European Environmental Union. EurActive has the story. Milliband is blaming “climate change” for the global financial crisis and is reframing carbon control schemes in terms of “national security.” Milliband is simply lying when he blames the global financial crisis on high oil prices and high food prices. Oh well, if you lose one argument, try again. Maybe linking climate change with national security will work. Milliband is trying to gin up the anxiety level before the Copenhagen meeting in December. An agreement at Copenhagen may seal all our fates under global climate control socialism.

Climate change will be on the Pittsburgh G20 agenda, but Europe and the United States are split on policy.

Germany has proposed personal CO2 rationing, with a personal carbon card and fines for exceeding one’s personal carbon budget. Where would the fines end up? Probably in the pockets of Baron Rothschild or Al Gore. Paul Joseph Watson reports from PrisonPlanet. Germany is also talking tough about national carbon limits. Enforcement of carbon limits in developed nations means you can forget about economic recovery.

French President Sarkozy is on board with the German proposal.

Obama’s climate change policy is being driven by the Council on Foreign Relations.

The one-two punch of cap and trade and Obama health care will control our personal behavior and cost us more money. If these programs succeed, democracy will end and the future will belong to the global controllers. We are right on the verge of entering a world of total control that we have only seen in science fiction movies. Obama is America’s Lenin. There isn’t much time left.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “The cap and trade takeover”

  1. wind power is just as good if not better than solar power. wind power also generates more power per unit area compared to solar;:;

    If both wind and solar are heavily subsidized and built out, they will comprise no more than about 3 percent of our energy needs. Funny, isn’t it, how you got obsessed with something that doesn’t matter.

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