The assassination strategy

In 1914 the anarchist Gavrilo Princeps assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, thereby precipitating World War I. The newspapers called Princeps an anarchist, and that label has stuck to this day. Actually Princeps was a member of the Black Hand, an Iluminati terrorist group. By Illuminati we mean Communist.

Did the Illuminati cause World War I? There are other lines of evidence that they did, but the question of whether Illuminati cause wars by assassinations is not our subject today. Many forces have to line up for an assassination to cause a war. The question that interests us is, could assassination work as a strategy for defeating the New World Order?

Anarchist groups are active in the European street protests, but these protests are mainly organized by Communists. Ordinary socialist bureaucrats are also protesting wage cuts, and we assume various single-interest small radical groups are in the streets as well. What effect do these protests have? So far, zero. No politician is going to go back on high-level bailout agreements to satisfy the street protesters. Previously we have characterized this challenge as Communism versus socialism. The socialists are maintaining power in Europe. The Communists are waiting to pick up power if things get disorderly enough and the socialists abdicate or something.

It’s absurd for the Left to protest budget cuts in Greece and Ireland and elswhere in the debt-plagued nations of Europe. Overspending on socialism got them into this mess in the first place. The anarchists are focused on the problem of undercapitalized banks, and they probably favor letting these banks fail. So do we. But letting the banks fail won’t solve the problem of socialist overspending. Capital lost at banker bond defaults is capital lost. It doesn’t make the country richer or more able to finance the failing welfare state model.

Our phrase for this is, there is no more supply of socialism.

But nothing stops the Democrats from spending in the United States. They think they have an infinite supply of socialism. They have Neo-keynesian economists to support their criminal looting of the Treasury and their enslavement of future generations in debt peonage. You would think the young people would wise up to their game and try to stop them, but you would be wrong. The young people aren’t wise, they’re stupid liberals.

We have pointed out that the wrong people are in the streets. The Right should be massing in the streets demanding government budget cuts just to preserve the economy. But there are no Right protests in the United States. That’s why the tea party protests were such a big deal. Conservatives don’t protest. Ooops, they did. The Left had the Right under sedation, then a few people woke up.

The budget cuts are forced upon Europe’s leaders because debt to GDP ratios are too high. Well over 300 percent in Greece, for example. Governments tend to default on their debts when the ratio gets over 150 percent. There simply isn’t enough tax revenue to pay the bondholders. Defaulting on Greece’s debt would bring down its government and dry up future loans to Greece. Greece’s government is playing a desperate game right now, trying to stay afloat with bailout money while cutting costs.

But there is a law of economics in action that indicates that Greece will have a bad end. No matter how low the interest rate remains on Greek debt, there is no interest rate low enough to prevent debt default. This means, the debt must be restructured in the future. Restructuring means, negotiating with creditors for longer terms and lower interest rates. If generous restructuring terms are not granted to Greece, Greece will default on its bonds.

The question of interest is whether debt will be restructured for Ireland and Portugal as well. If the economy gets worse, Spain and Italy’s debt problems come into crisis focus. Europe doesn’t have enough money to bail out these two countries on top of Greece and Ireland if Europe goes into a serious recession.

Economic growth rates also factor in to the ability to pay debt. Ireland, for example, cannot grow its economy fast enough to pay down its debt. Growth rates would have to be over 5 percent for many years just to make a little paydown of the total Irish debt. Realistically, that’s not going to happen. That means, the high debt ratios of highly indebted nations are permanent, even if they manage to pay the interest.

This leaves Germany in the awkward position of financing the failing economies of the EU to the point of breaking the German economy. But the German people are not keen on this. Even if Merkel steps up to negotiate wealth transfer, the German people may revolt, forcing an election. There is no guarantee Germany will finance the EU debt bailout in the future. You could say things are hanging in the balance right now, with debt restructuring slated in the coming months for sure.

We like the idea that the European Union could break apart from its debt problems. No other force is on the horizon powerful enough to challenge the EU framework. In other words, the New World Order might potentially fall apart because the socialists were just too irresponsible and greedy.

Now, back to the anarchists. We are asking what they would like to do about the European Union. Since anarchists are really Communists, we assume they would like to govern it. We recognize that not all anarchists recognize that they are Communist tools, but overall the fact remains the same. Anarchists are only good for terrorism. The Communist parties are the real power that anarchists serve.

Is it possible that an “anarchist” could assassinate a European leader and cause a war, a world war or a local war? We think it is possible but not likely. Even if this happened, we doubt there would be a war over a change in government. Governments in Europe change all the time, and there are succession plans in case one leader goes down.

How about banker assassinations? Would that really change the set-up? We are asking these questions today because a Conservative member of Parliament has gotten a little bloodied, Prince Charles and Camilla were threatened by street violence, and a fellow just shot up a school board meeting in Florida. Obviously there are going to be more violent acts in the future. Could assassination of anybody really change anything?

We doubt it. All organizations have succession plans, so a new leader is always waiting in the wings to step in and take over. We really don’t think violence against politicians would amount to much at all.

So where does this leave the anarchists? What is the violence in the streets of Europe really about? The governments are ignoring them, the police are handling them, and they probably can’t really change conditions in a single country. Their purpose is, to get on TV. A constant barrage of socialist slogans becomes the environment within which policy negotiations take place. A big crowd of people in constant assembly becomes a problem that politicians need to address.

The socialist masses have been mobilized out of their apathy and stasis. That is a victory for their leaders, no matter what happens.

However, a massive attack of assassinations carried out all at once in many countries could throw Europe into crisis, a massive government-changing crisis. The Communists are prepared to step in and take control of many countries at once. To accomplish that, they would have to have some control over the police and the army. Everything would have to be lined up in advance, or at least their agents would have to be mobilized fast. That’s pretty difficult, but if anybody is planning for the transfer of power, it’s the Communists.

The Communists don’t control Europe’s armies, but they do have union thugs trained in violence and they can quickly mobilize students and socialist workers for violence. The key question is, what would Europe’s socialist armies do?

If the Communists tried to take power and it failed, Europe could split into warring factions in the streets. There is plenty of historical precedent for that. The biggest army usually wins. Foreign support would mean a great deal. The Left is better armed than the Right, which is entirely unorganized, so the war would be between the socialists and the Communists. We have a hard time choosing a favorite between the two parties as we loathe all of them.

If Greece or Ireland or Portugal withdraws from the European Union, there will probably be violence in the streets to capture the governments, no? Maybe the present governments are powerful enough to stay in power even in such a case. Who knows? But we think the international Left would go rushing into any newly independent countries to try to tip the balance of power in their favor. Sort of like the International Brigades of Communists who fought against Franco in Spain.

Some anarchists may think that they are different from Communists, but this is an illusion. Putin, for one, is openly talking about strengthening the police to deal with street protests. Restoring order is an excuse to crack down on all the people, expand police powers, declare emergencies. The anarchists play right into the hands of the socialists who want total control. In New World Order theory, this is called making order out of chaos. One arm creates the chaos, another arm restores order, a worse order, a cracking down. Anarchists and Communists have been playing this game for well over a century now.

By the way, we love Franco, a great man. He saved Spain from Communism. There is a lot to be said for Fascists, particularly if they are in the army.

In historical perspective, we now understand  that the Fascist governments were the last hope to prevent European socialism. General Franco was the great anti-Communist hero of World War II.

Unfortunately, there are no Fascists in any of the armies. You see, there really is no defense against the Left. They are too well funded, too well organized. Even if all that street violence is just a sort of street theater, it’s better than any street theater you’re putting on. They’ve purged all the Fascists from the armies. What we’re trying to say is, you’re on your own. You’re going to be their victim. Sorry, hard cheese. You didn’t get organized, so you lost.

If we’re going to look to the world wars for analogies with the present situation, they simply won’t hold. The reason is, there is no Fascist army in existence to resist Communism today. That is why a mass assassination of all of Europe’s socialist leaders and central bankers won’t work.

Your job is to build a Fascist army. Otherwise, you lose.

By the way, the best way to build a Fascist army is by joining and extending the security forces protecting an extreme Right-wing politician. Attention all warriors, this is your path to resistance.

You’ll notice that all the TV talkers on the Right, such as Beck, insist on nonviolence as a resistance strategy. They have to do that to stay on TV. Beck probably really believes it. This, from a person who talks constantly about the founding fathers as role models. Uh, Glenn, they formed an army, took territory, and killed their enemies.

One of the main reasons the Illuminati were able to progress to control over the world was, they didn’t hesitate to assassinate their opponents and start wars.

Nonviolent resistance won’t stop the New World Order. Only organized violence will do it. But we can’t count on any army to help us because all of the armies of the Western nations are infiltrated with gays and feminists. Any conservative generals are eased out.

If you’re committed to nonviolence, you might as well put on a dress and go join the liberal perverts. You’re of no use to us. Go away.

The recipe for success is this: Small violent actions will not succeed. They will be squashed. You have to build the movement to the point that the Conservative Army can prevail over the Socialist Army in at least one country, preferably in several countries. Then, one big war day where you completely take out the Socialist Army and take over the country completely.

So far, we don’t have one country or one army. We don’t even have terrorist organizations. It’s a big job just to get control of one country, and one Fascist Army couldn’t prevail against the Socialist Armies that would be sent in to take us out. You see how far we have to go.

If you look at the balance of power today, it’s easy to predict that Communist China and radical Islam will control the world in the near future because they have the best-organized armies and terror groups. The weak whites are slated for elimination.

The main problem for whites is feminization. The white men are now all weak sissies who defer to the Commie feminists, give them their jobs, become victims of marriages and relationships with white traitor women. Raise other people’s children because they get involved with white sluts. Consume pop culture. Porn, drugs, occult cults, predatory capitalism consume white men’s energies. There is no other term for this besides “degeneration.”

First you have to get over all the degeneration. It’s a white men’s movement, and it’s military warrior consciousness. Get started now or be eliminated.

Of interest:

How the Assassination Occurred

Of minor interest:

Jeffrey Folks thinks about street demonstrations at American Thinker and concludes they are unorganized and over-entitled teenagers. We don’t think so. We think all street demonstrations are well organized by radical groups, and the teenagers are mostly along for an emotional moment to top off their conditioning. Now you see the edge New World Order history gives you. That public school propaganda history is going to leave you inadequate and vulnerable.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “The assassination strategy”

  1. Irmingard says:

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