Tea party convention

The Guardian covers Sarah Palin’s Tea Party speech.

The convention website. Out of date now.

Big Government coverage.

Moronic commentary at something called RedState. We hope these guys don’t represent tea party conservatives. Sarah Palin is not bright, and charging admission to a convention is fine. Stopping the Left costs big money. These sums are trivial. Conventions are a good idea as the movement grows in sophistication beyond people holding signs on streetcorners. The tea party movement needs to learn organizing and communication skills. The workshops are the main point. Sarah Palin’s speech isn’t the main point, it’s just a ploy to get publicity.

The tea party movement may go off in a million wrong directions, may find or or fail to find leadership, or may get hi-jacked by special interests. Over time the tea parties will get more organized, have crises, alienate some followers, get attacked, get infiltrated, get manipulated, make mistakes, split into factions, debate and fight. It may form a third party or fall apart. The movement will go through its dynamics regardless of anyone’s desire to control what happens. What matters at the moment is keeping Obama’s lies and crimes in the forefront long enough to throw the criminals out of office at the next election. To accomplish this, the tea partiers need to get better organized.

At the moment there are zillions of displaced, well-intentioned people looking for some sort of political home. The tea party is it. Everyone is going to project their particular dream on the tea party movement and hope that strangers will accomplish it for them. Many will be disappointed and disillusioned. That’s the way it goes. The same as with every other political movement.

Palin is as good a representative as anybody else at the moment. She gives a populist speech with enough cleverness and charm to rally the folks to the cause. But Sarah Palin isn’t going to help with the main objective, to get better organized. We were a little disappointed that Sarah Palin gave a conventional stump speech at the convention, but no real harm was done.

Sarah Palin isn’t bright enough to be president. Her speeches are full of conservative cliches betraying ignorance of what is really going on in the country and in the world. For a tea party speech, it’s enough for her to say, let the free markets work. In practice, it would be dangerous to elect her to the presidency as she lacks knowledge of how the Wall Street criminal syndicates have worked their predatory scams around the world. The old conservative cliche, “socialism bad, capitalism good” doesn’t do any harm as long as she doesn’t become a tea party candidate for president and get elected to office. If she keeps focus on what started the tea parties, the TARP bailout, the budget, and the stimulus package, she will have done a service. But Sarah Palin doesn’t know enough about economics or about the New World Order threat to be an effective problem-solver. What she has is enough charm and wit to be a national celebrity.

She is also clueless about the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq. She supports the American empire model, believing that more wars can solve the problem of radical Islamic terrorism, America needs a “strong defense,” and the military is defending “freedom.”

Actually the military is on the front lines of the transhumanist agenda and is busy building a police state at home as well as abroad, multinational corporations support Marxist socialism and are not patriotic, and the financial system is so full of frauds and scams that simply understanding the extent of the theft is a very large intellectual exercise. So far Sarah Palin has shown utter cluelessness about the extent of the problems America faces.

Her most important weakness is lack of education. A second weakness is her resignation as Alaska governor without offering a good reason. Her strength is that she is a real person with a real life, in stark contrast to all the Democratic politicians, whose pseudo-lives are based only on corruption and a will to power.

Even so, a commitment to honesty would distinguish her so clearly from the present corrupt officeholders that she would be a welcome change. Her genuineness might be enough to get her elected president, but the crucial question then would become, who would advise her on economic issues and military issues? Most likely she would choose old-school Republican advisers whose policies would do nothing to actually solve our most pressing problems. America currently lacks a well-informed and sophisticated critic of the New World Order (apart from Ron Paul).

And don’t underestimate the Democrats. They have power, and more tricks up their sleeve. Obama could change the political landscape in a single stroke by bringing troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. The resulting goodwill could be enough to reelect his party. Also, “stimulus” spending ramps up over the summer, and we could see a rise in employment. Democratic propaganda fools untold millions of Americans and can continue to do so. Counting electoral victories months before an election, based on current polls, can be a fool’s game.

It may never be necessary for a well-informed leader to focus the tea party movement on the true history of Wall Street’s crimes and the socialist program of national theft. Most people have never read The global economic war and never will. They are clueless about the schemes and plots of Wall Street and central bankers. They will never understand the many actors in the long history of the New World Order takeover. They probably will continue to support “free trade” and their vision of an America that “spreads freedom and democracy” around the world at the point of a gun. Sorry folks, there is no freedom under free trade agreements, and the Democrats have completely corrupted democracy with their “women representing women, blacks representing blacks, gays representing gays, Hispanics representing Hispanics” formula designed to destroy local communities. We think Sarah Palin, and most conservatives, are ignorant of the true Communist agenda of human rights rhetoric. Lots of conservatives are devoted to racial integration and a civil rights model that discriminates against whites. Who is going to speak to these issues? Sarah Palin? We don’t think so. She’s not smart enough, and she’s too timid. Did we hear Sarah Palin promise to fight to undo socialism, affirmative action, feminism, the anti-white and anti-family agenda? No we didn’t. Why would we want to vote for her?

But now isn’t the moment for broad political speeches. All that is really necessary at this present moment of multiple crises is that people remember the TARP and the Democrats’ stimulus and budget crimes, and vote them out.

Nice commentary at Glenn Reynolds. Really, it’s not about Sarah Palin or any keynote speaker. It’s about overspending into national bankruptcy and how to organize to win elections.

WorldNetDaily coverage. Palin’s speech didn’t really make any news or say anything new. You don’t have to attend a tea party convention to understand the anger at the looting of America. Palin’s remarks about a “strong national defense” and Obama’s foreign policy errors are beside the point. Palin’s speech ranged too broadly and wasn’t focused on the corruption and the overspending. She relies on dumb cliches and witty sound bites.

One hour at New World Order University would do her a world of good. Imagine if she read The Hidden Masters and learned about the history of the New World Order controllers. She would be unbeatable.

But you could say the same about anyone.

Regardless of its intellectual shortcomings, there is an honesty in the tea party movement that makes it the best hope for America at the moment. The point is to keep it spreading. Next up: Washington, D.C. The people need to get into the streets or the Democrats will continue to carry out their program of enslaving us under corrupt socialism. The Left never sleeps, the Left never quits, the Left never stops spending us into unpayable debt peonage, and the Left never stops lying. The Right needs to build organizations and get right up in their faces, constantly and with righteous determination. Whoever does that most effectively will be the real leaders.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Tea party convention”

  1. One must think outside the box with this president. Is his stimulus program geared to manage economic growth or is it geared to manage his control of the economy? I say it is the latter. This president has no intention of doing anything other than to change this country into a European socialist/marxists type economy. The stimulus package was geared to be spent in the latter part of 2010 – in time for the elections and then a straight run to 2012. If this hypothesis is correct, it is a fantastic success.

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