Tax day protests

Since the passage of the healthcare takeover bill, we have entered a phase of high political escalation involving more insults and threats, the war of the windows, more public confrontations, infiltration of the tea parties. Lots of mischief and deceit is coming from the Left, as usual. Can we help promote the best tactics? We can talk about it, even though no one listens to us. The framework we want to provide for understanding tactics is, the deception and dirty tricks on the Left, which may appear to be local and individual, really fronts for the orchestrated agenda coming from the top of the Obama administration, which is to enlist the national security forces and the police into control over dissent defined as domestic terrorism.

First, let’s address the story of racial epithets offered to members of the Black Caucus on the day the healthcare bill was passed. Turns out the media reporting was not accurate. To get the true story, visit the Doug Ross timeline, American Thinker March 30, American Thinker April 1, Andrew Breitbart, and Pajamas Media.

OK, now you know that the capitol steps incident was a manufactured hoax.

“Democrats in Congress wanted to provoke a racial incident.”

The Democrats think their strong propaganda point is to paint teaparty protesters as racists.

Black Republican covers the Democrats’ slurs against minorities who oppose socialism.

“Those in the movement who are Hispanic or black are given the Clarence Thomas treatment: mocked, ridiculed and marginalized. The Democratic party cannot afford for minority groups to break from the pack, so they show that apostasy is met with high-grade ridicule. Those willing to withstand vile and hateful un-American taunts are some of America’s greatest patriots…”

Sure, there is racism on the Left. It is offered to individuals of all races who oppose the socialist takeover.

Several related posts of interest at Villainous Company and at Political Correctness Watch.

Teaparty theorizing at Occidental Dissent.

HotAirPundit has a little coverage of the smear campaign.

Let’s jump over to Britain to get a quick look at violent street confrontations. UAF vs. EDL at Political Correctness Watch. If you will visit British bloggers we have mentioned in previous posts, you will get many more local stories of street protests that turn into violent confrontations. The next step in the war will involve violent street clashes.

Is there any value for the Right in confronting the Left in the streets? Yes, because the Left is always testing the quality of the resistance. If everybody stays home and shuts up, they feel free to accelerate their takeover agenda. Resistance of any kind slows them down. The ideal situation is a fierce resistance that won’t back down from any provocation. When the Left knows that, if they take to the streets they will encounter superior force, they are less inclined to engage in intimidation and terror.

The Tea Party is committed to the Constitution and the secular society. They are preparing for the next election and want to keep their image neat and tidy. We don’t blame them. God bless ’em. But we don’t agree with them because we are very concerned about the disappearance of the white race and the present Black Power takeover agenda of planned social destruction. Remaining in an integrated society under socialism is a recipe for the disappearance of the white race.

All genuine societies are destroyed when they are merged in the civil society. The Left wants to eliminate the family and religion and put all individuals into civil institutions under their control. This is the end of every human value. It is a planned racial takeover agenda.

The teaparty people who are concerned about being called racist have fallen into this trap. They are concerned with taking political power to block further socialist initiatives, and that is a worthwhile goal, but they are not concerned with undoing anti-white racism, forced integration, affirmative action, feminism, and the supreme rule of law over religions. They think they are supporting the civil mass society, but it is merely a Marxist pseudo-society.

A circle of resistance spreads outward from the Tea Party toward militias and related fringe groups. We are not well informed about militias, but we assume that most are not devoted to the overthrow of the U.S. government, they are mainly interested in self-defense. God bless them, too.

Why the Hutaree Case is probably a put-up job by the FBI. Understand Obama’s bigger agenda, to characterize the Tea Party, and everything to the right of it, as dangerous terrorism, leading to gun confiscation and limitations of free speech through hate speech laws. The Democrats have already sponsored phony racial incidents and false complaints to set up their rationale for suppression.

Are there more radical militia groups that advocate initiating violence? We don’t think so. Maybe. But they are severely outnumbered by the police force of the various governments, and we doubt any of them are prepared to engaged in terrorist violence because they would get taken down pretty fast.

The best models for resistance are arising in England and Europe, white nationalist parties supported by organized local resisters who are not afraid to take to the streets to resist Moslem and Black Power street gangs.

Of interest:

American Thinker tries to focus the tea party agenda. We don’t think anyone has the ability to dictate terms. Instead we will have competing factions putting forth manifestoes. Fine, take your choice. We like the big tent.

“Straight Pride” t-shirts appear at tea party rally. We like the idea of a broad teaparty coalition, but every new issue that is introduced also introduces the possibility of splitting unity. Also, recognize the difficulty of actually restoring laws against sodomy or eliminating homosexuals from the socialist control bureaucracies. Belonging to the civil society has many drawbacks and difficulties. The Left’s response? “Homophobia and racism should not be tolerated.” The Left believes supporting homosexuals is a winning propaganda formula.

The tax day protests. Why not make them permanent? Camp out in Washington, D.C., and don’t allow anyone to enter Congress or the White House. If they had done this before the healthcare bill passed, we wouldn’t be facing higher taxes and elimination under their “complete lives system.”

American Thinker takes a look at the “coffee party” response. The Democrats are very worried about the tea parties. They have to discredit them before the November elections or face the possible loss of a majority in the House. As the conflict sharpens, look for some big “false flag” event designed to paint the teaparty activists as terrorists. The Left wants street conflict with arrests so that all their politicians can form a uniform chorus of denunciation.

The Left wants to use the Timothy McVeigh model of militia terrorism and apply it to the tea parties. See the story on the Southern Poverty Law Center at WorldNetDaily. If you are not aware of the Oklahoma conspiracy find coverage at:



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About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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