How big banksters caused the financial crisis

| April 23, 2014

Hang the Bankers has an important article on the recent banking crisis. It explains in a few words how the top banks in the United States plotted to sell derivatives to foreign banks by pushing for deregulation of banks around the world. Now that so many global organizations are in place working for global integration, […]

Obama’s criminal inner circle

| April 9, 2009

Let’s start with a report from McClatchy news service quoting congressional oversight panel chief Elizabeth Warren that “it is not possible to exercise meaningful oversight over Treasury’s actions” with regard to the TARP bailout funds. Iowa Senator Charles Grassley also weighed in, “You can’t measure effectiveness when you don’t know what the goals and objectives […]

Monsters vs. Aliens at the G20 meeting

| March 31, 2009

The U.S.-Communist China alliance broke apart in September of 2008 when China announced that its banks would no longer make loans to the United States. Reuters had a brief story on this announcement. Unfortunately the U.S.-China diplomacy from this point is shrouded in mystery, but we can infer a couple of points from subsequent actions.

Why Timothy Geithner at Treasury?

| January 27, 2009

Timothy Geithner was confirmed as U.S. Treasury Secretary yesterday. The vote was 60-34 in the Senate. Some Senators expressed disapproval that Geithner failed to pay self-employment taxes for two years while working at the International Monetary Fund. See the story at, and read a few of the comments below the story. This is what […]