Keeping up with Satanism

| October 22, 2009

The disciples of Aleister Crowley formed the counterculture of the 1960s. The most famous disciple was probably Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin, who purchased Crowley’s house at Loch Ness, named Boleskin. The group of rockers around Led Zepplin practiced Thelemic Magick. The “British Invasion” of ’60s rock bands was a satanic invasion. These ’60s rockers […]

Liberal death culture moves to internet, TV

| February 2, 2009

The liberal death culture has generally operated behind environmental and feminist front groups promoting birth control, abortion, sterilization, sex education, and family planning. In Europe a euthenasia movement has been promoting the “right to die” by assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is now legal in Europe.