The anti-resistance takes form

| April 13, 2010

Does the Left want to discredit the tea party movement? Sure. Do they want to infiltrate it? Sure. Are the infiltrators really angry lefties? Not necessarily. They could be federal agents.

Can Iceland be saved?

| November 9, 2009

News story: McDonald’s has ceased doing business in Iceland. The Guardian considers this a “blow” to Iceland. Actually, it’s just three locations, and they will be reopening minus the McDonald’s name.

IMF global power grab

| June 29, 2009

Now that the IMF has emerged as the center of global lending and financial regulation, it’s time to take a global tour and assess recent changes. Let’s begin our tour of the global economy with a reminder of the corruption involved in the TARP bailouts. Andy Kroll at The Nation summarizes what the bailouts accomplished, […]

The cost of the Central American trade agreement

| July 28, 2008

Congressman Ron Paul describes the corruption involved in passing CAFTA: