How big banksters caused the financial crisis

| April 23, 2014

Hang the Bankers has an important article on the recent banking crisis. It explains in a few words how the top banks in the United States plotted to sell derivatives to foreign banks by pushing for deregulation of banks around the world. Now that so many global organizations are in place working for global integration, […]

Putin vs. Obama

| March 28, 2009

We live in interesting times. NWOU believes that the Era of Cooperation ended with the global economic crash, hence we are on the verge of a new era of the New World Order.

Keeping an eye on Robert Rubin

| January 22, 2009

Marygwen Dungan is on to Robert Rubin and summarizes the last month’s developments at SafeHaven. If Rubin’s story ever comes out, it will blow the whole lid off the criminal enterprise known as Wall Street and the government insiders who profited from Rubin’s schemes.

The global economic war, Part 1

| December 16, 2008

Background The era of global cooperation between Communism and monopoly capitalism begin with Khrushchev¹s announcement in 1959 that the Soviet Union would no longer play the leading role in the Communist world takeover but would allow each Communist country to develop in the way it wanted. In the late 1970s, following the Great Leap Forward […]