Pelosi admits population reduction is goal of socialism

| January 26, 2009

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted to interviewer George Stephanopolous on Sunday that the massive increase in government spending for birth control in the economic stimulus package is geared to reducing population because states are facing budget shortfalls. See the story at Drudge. Pelosi claimed the policy was the result of a “downturn in the economy,” […]

Relaxing at the movies

| January 12, 2009

To escape from the constant pressure of researching the history of the New World Order, NWOU likes to watch a good movie. For more in the series, visit the YouTube page.

The green agenda

| January 5, 2009

DailyTech reports that sea ice has been expanding rapidly at the end of 2008 and is now at 1979 levels. Global Resarch reports that scientists are now jumping off the global warming bandwagon and are criticizing phony global warming junk science. 650 scientists have banded together to criticize the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]

Social biology is the new name for eugenics

| December 18, 2008

Nice article by Daniel Taylor on how eugenics got renamed social biology, with recent statements about depopulation policies by globalist leaders. NWOU gently introduces the naive to the role of the Rockefellers in financing and implementing eugenics policies around the world. China admits to linking its depopulation policies with a fight against “global warming.”