Intel wants chip implants by 2020

| December 3, 2009

There are too many new police state technologies being developed for us to keep up with the growth in the field, but here are some stories that caught our attention. A brief summary article on progress toward the police state around the world.

UN attacks parents

| November 18, 2009

The United Families International Blog is a good place to keep up with the coordinated Communist global attack on parent’s rights. This post describes the threat of home visitation from government bureaucrats authorized in the “health care” bill. Tune in to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to understand the globalist attack […]

Population reduction is the master plan

| September 17, 2009

EconomicPolicyJournal offers a profile on Obama’s Dr. Death, Ezekial Emanuel, Obama’s point man on the healthcare takeover. The socialist vision of Ezekiel Emanuel is to do away with the Hippocratic oath and ration healthcare according to life-expectancy formulas. The name for this elaborate formula is “the complete lives system.” This post doesn’t mention this point: […]

Obama appoints evil population controller as science czar

| July 13, 2009

Obama’s new science czar, John Holdren, is a radical global population controller, a climate alarmist, and a front for the liberal death culture. Holdren has been a promoter of a global tyranny controlling all human reproduction. See the deep background on Holdren’s beliefs at zombietime.

Bilderbergers outline our future

| May 27, 2009

Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and Jim Tucker have been on the front lines of decoding Bilderberg meetings for decades. See their reporting at PrisonPlanet for the latest plans for our global future from the Bilderberg meeting in Greece. Watson reports that the Bilderbergs want to strengthen the World Health Organization and the International Monetary […]

The Queen of Death speaks

| March 1, 2009

UN Population Fund director Thoraya Obaid outlined her proposals for further population reduction in a speech at UN headquarters in September 2008. Obaid treasures the insights of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb, which predicted massive worldwide famine before the end of the twentieth century. Despite controlling a death budget of over $400 million, Obaid called […]

Liberal death culture moves to internet, TV

| February 2, 2009

The liberal death culture has generally operated behind environmental and feminist front groups promoting birth control, abortion, sterilization, sex education, and family planning. In Europe a euthenasia movement has been promoting the “right to die” by assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is now legal in Europe.