Is Obama the worst president ever?

| January 15, 2011

It’s not exactly keeping track of all of Obama’s lies, but a nice summary of his campaign lies. List of tax hikes in Obamacare. How much money could we save if Obamacare were repealed? AlinskyDefeater keeps track of Obama’s lies. How he does it:

Obama’s incompetence

| July 6, 2010

We are tired of watching Obama lie to us on TV. We don’t follow his lies closely. We change the channel whenever he comes on. There is a dark spirit of deception coming off of Obama that makes us extremely uneasy. But we wondered, is there at least one good website devoted to keeping track […]

Obama crosses the Rubicon

| September 16, 2009

We caught some of Obama’s speech to Congress on his medical takeover plans last week, and we winced. How can the president get away with such outrageous lies? Well, he didn’t exactly get away with it. Gateway Pundit has a little analysis. Even the Associated Press couldn’t take Obama’s consistent lying.