UN now favors drug decriminalization

| June 26, 2009

The United Nations has lined up with the Obama administration (or is it the other way around?) in favoring decriminalization of drugs. See the story at the Huffington Post. Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that Britain is the cocaine capital of Europe, with 1 million estimated users.

Obama administration signals legalization of drugs

| June 23, 2009

On May 14 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration is ending the “War on Drugs.” Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske explained that the war rhetoric was being abandoned because people perceive the war on drugs as a war against people. Using liberal logic like this would, of course, justify abandonment of all U.S. […]

U.S. Plan Mexico aids drug traffickers

| December 24, 2008

Bill Conroy posts a long article at Narcosphere on the relationship between Mexican drug gangs, the Mexican Calderon government, and the U.S. government military aid program called Plan Mexico. Plan Mexico is supposed to help the Mexican government fight drug gangs, but there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of the Mexican government opposing these […]